Bb krasnodon kolyska_patriotyzmuЕлена ЛюблянскаяV Форум молодых библиотекарей Луганщины. Областной конкурс "Библиотечный бренд". Первое место в номинации "Память в наследство" - Краснодонская центральная городская библиотека
Всеукраїнський місячник шкільних бібліотек «Шкільна бібліотека – за здорови...Ilya LipchakВсеукраїнський місячник шкільних бібліотек
«Шкільна бібліотека – за
здоровий спосіб життя»
у Боярській ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів №1
Районний семінар практикум учителів англійської мовиБогдан ЛісовенкоРайонний семінар практикум учителів англійської мови «Моделювання сучасного уроку: педагогічні знахідки»
Методичний тиждень учителів суспільно гуманітарних дисциплінБогдан ЛісовенкоМетодичний тиждень учителів суспільно гуманітарних дисциплін у Кагарлицькому НВК
Construction of digipaksophie robinsonThis document describes the construction of a six panel digipak featuring a selection of images and lyrics. Text and graphics were added to each panel to create consistency across the packaging and highlight key information like the lyrics and producer's logo, while maintaining the conventions of a digipak. One image was replaced to make it more powerful and in control compared to the other posed images.
How to use cache scope componentprathyusha vadlaThe document discusses how to use the Cache Scope component in Mule applications. The Cache Scope processes messages, delivers the output to the parent flow, and caches responses. On subsequent messages of the same type, the Cache Scope can return a cached response without re-invoking the process. An example Mule flow is provided that uses a Cache Scope to cache the response of a SOAP request to Sabre for 10 minutes, returning the cached response for subsequent identical requests.
Bb krasnodon kolyska_patriotyzmuЕлена ЛюблянскаяV Форум молодых библиотекарей Луганщины. Областной конкурс "Библиотечный бренд". Первое место в номинации "Память в наследство" - Краснодонская центральная городская библиотека
Всеукраїнський місячник шкільних бібліотек «Шкільна бібліотека – за здорови...Ilya LipchakВсеукраїнський місячник шкільних бібліотек
«Шкільна бібліотека – за
здоровий спосіб життя»
у Боярській ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів №1
Районний семінар практикум учителів англійської мовиБогдан ЛісовенкоРайонний семінар практикум учителів англійської мови «Моделювання сучасного уроку: педагогічні знахідки»
Методичний тиждень учителів суспільно гуманітарних дисциплінБогдан ЛісовенкоМетодичний тиждень учителів суспільно гуманітарних дисциплін у Кагарлицькому НВК
Construction of digipaksophie robinsonThis document describes the construction of a six panel digipak featuring a selection of images and lyrics. Text and graphics were added to each panel to create consistency across the packaging and highlight key information like the lyrics and producer's logo, while maintaining the conventions of a digipak. One image was replaced to make it more powerful and in control compared to the other posed images.
How to use cache scope componentprathyusha vadlaThe document discusses how to use the Cache Scope component in Mule applications. The Cache Scope processes messages, delivers the output to the parent flow, and caches responses. On subsequent messages of the same type, the Cache Scope can return a cached response without re-invoking the process. An example Mule flow is provided that uses a Cache Scope to cache the response of a SOAP request to Sabre for 10 minutes, returning the cached response for subsequent identical requests.
Man and van bournemouthA Man and Van 247We have a range of vehicles ready for any sized job, and we are open seven days a week, Mon – Fri from 7am and Sat – Sun from 8am. We can also move you at short notice.
The production schedulesophie robinsonThe document contains a production schedule for a film project from November 26, 2015 to March 19, 2016. It lists the dates that various production activities will take place such as storyboarding, principle photography filming at different locations, post-production editing, and ancillary tasks. The schedule notes equipment needed such as cameras, tripods, and video editing software. It also indicates times for the activities like lesson periods, weekends, and study leaves.
Question 2Amber BarnettThe document discusses representation in media and how the creator chose to represent their magazine cover model. Specifically:
- The model is represented as a 16-year-old white heterosexual female, which the creator felt would be most relatable to their target audience.
- The model wears a tight dress and has her hair down, posing with her hand on her hip in what is described as a "sassy" pose, meant to portray confidence and a rebellious attitude relatable to teenagers.
- Efforts were made to portray the model as "innocent" yet elegant, through her facial expression and minimized makeup.
- The layout and design aim to keep the focus on the model,
Effectssophie robinsonThe document discusses using effects inspired by Andy Warhol's pop art style to enhance footage shot with a white background in a photography studio for an urban-themed video. Specifically, it describes experimenting with a tile effect using alternating red and blue colors, as well as applying effects only to the studio footage to make it fit better with the video's overall visual style. The effects were successful in elevating otherwise dull studio footage for the patriotic, urban-feeling video.
Foodies April16 v3Sahiri LoingThe document is an issue of a food and culinary magazine called Kartinis in the Kitchen from April 2016. It includes articles on various restaurants, chefs, food festivals, and culinary events happening that month in Indonesia and around Asia. The cover story profiles several female chefs and cooks in Indonesia, sharing their backgrounds and perspectives on cooking.
Proceedings of-the-waste-safe-2015 (1)Mushfiqur RahmanThis paper is about the feasibility of the biogas plant from kitchen waste generated in KUET campus. There are 7 halls & 3 canteens in the campus. Every day approximately 1508.22 lbs. [field survey] kitchen wastes and 40000 gallons of water are produced in the campus. In this region (southern part) of the country there is no gas line due to excessive rivers. Wood is used as fuel in the dining hall & consequences are the greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation & global warming. Natural gas & firewood greatly cause greenhouse gas emissions. Besides these nonrenewable sources of energy are not sustainable means anymore. Biogas plant may an alternative source of energy on which people can depend on future. It will also reduce the waste in the campus. It can help fulfill the goal of zero waste in the campus, save the energy & reduce the global warming.
Question 5Amber BarnettThe document discusses how the creator of a magazine aimed at teenagers addressed their target audience. They used bright, vibrant colors like electric blue and orange in their design to attract attention. They featured a teenage model to help the audience relate to the magazine. The language in the magazine appealed to teenagers by discussing topics of interest like social media and relationships, using words teenagers would recognize, without inappropriate language that could undermine the tone. Celebrities popular with teenagers were also featured.
How to use database component using stored procedure callprathyusha vadla1. The document discusses how to use the Mule Database component to call stored procedures with input and output parameters to retrieve data from a database.
2. An example Mule flow is provided that calls a stored procedure using the Database component, passing an input parameter and returning the output parameter value in the payload.
3. The flow listens for HTTP requests, calls the stored procedure to look up a state name based on a geo code parameter, and logs the state name returned in the payload.
How to Make a Lavamanos-RoundBASELynn RobertsThe document provides instructions for building an 8-faucet ferro-cement hand washing station with an integrated 2000L water tank. It details the materials and steps needed to construct the reinforced concrete base, walls and tank. These include laying rebar frames, adding drainage pipes, cementing layers and finishing touches like a lid, faucets and float valve to regulate water levels. The station aims to provide a durable and useful water source for hand washing near homes and facilities.
Ed103format3 complete summary.docx[1]mark manebThis document provides an overview of multiple choice tests, including their structure, advantages, disadvantages, and guidelines for writing multiple choice questions. It discusses the key components of a multiple choice question - the stem, response options, and distractors. Some advantages listed are versatility in measuring objectives, objective scoring, and reduced guessing effects. Disadvantages include time to construct and potential ambiguity. Guidelines are provided for writing effective stems, response options, and distractors that are plausible yet distinguish the correct answer. Different types and levels of multiple choice questions are also outlined.
Team Pique UHC Case Comp ݺߣ DeckAnukriti KurriaThe document outlines Merck's revenue growth plan through 2026. It analyzes strategic options like developing markets, new products, digitization, mergers and acquisitions, and consolidation. The plan involves acquiring companies in Brazil and China to expand into generic emerging markets. It also includes selling Merck's animal health unit and using the funds to establish itself in personalized medicine through an investment like Inovio. The goal is to implement a two-pronged strategy of mergers and acquisitions in emerging markets combined with domestic consolidation and realignment of resources toward more profitable business segments and new areas like personalized medicine.
Ancillary Development sophie robinsonThe background of a design was changed to a union jack flag to better capture the red, white, and blue theme. The opacity of the background was lowered to 45% so the main image is the focus. Three logos were moved left to align with the center of the masthead. The main image was placed behind a ripped effect to look like the picture is inside the background. Text was added and adjusted to make certain elements stand out more against the design.
Question 5Amber BarnettThe document discusses how the creator of a magazine aimed at teenagers addressed their target audience. They used bright, vibrant colors like electric blue and orange in their design to attract attention. They featured a teenage model to help the audience relate to the magazine. The language in the magazine appealed to teenagers by discussing topics of interest like social media and relationships, using words teenagers would recognize, without inappropriate language that could undermine the tone. Celebrities popular with teenagers were also featured.
Question 5Amber BarnettThe document discusses the color scheme used in a magazine to attract its target audience of younger readers. A vibrant color scheme including different shades of blue and orange was chosen to catch the eye as the colors contrast each other on the color wheel. The colors look professionally planned and tailored to attract maximum attention by being visually appealing. Images of teenage girls were also used as the target readers could then relate to the magazine.
Materiales en la informaticaMarioVaz VazquezInformacion util de materiales en la informatica , esta informacion podra a ti ayudarte y conocer un poco sobre la informatica y como estos materiales son cruciales en ella desde lo renovable hasta lo no renovable
Всеукраїнська акція "Українська молодь читає"Олена ДудченкоПідсумки Всеукраїнської акції "Українська молодь читає" за 2015 рік по публічних бібліотеках Дніпропетровської області
Лауреати міжнародної літературно-мистецької премії ім. Ольги Кобилянської 200...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейПремія заснована 2006 року редакцією газети «Буковинське віче» та Готельним комплексом «Буковина» (м. Чернівці). Присуджується щороку за найкращий літературний, художній або публіцистичний твір, наукову розвідку про життєдіяльність сучасної жінки в Україні, становище її в суспільстві.
Всеукраїнський тиждень дитячого читання – 2017Богдан ЛісовенкоВсеукраїнський тиждень дитячого читання – 2017
Підготувала Гончаренко Л. П. - Бібліотекар Кагарлицького НВК
«Шевченкова весна під сонцем шани і любові»Бібліографи ОДБ ім. Т. Г. Шевченкавебмандрівка до 100-річчя заснування Шевченківського національного заповідника у Каневі
458549.pptx fhffujikgibhikfloflodlesdelsdekidjssuserfed972Презентація для супроводу уроку у 6 класі НУШ на тему «Як організми співіснують у середовищі. Як складати ланцюги живлення.» містить посилання на інтерактиву вправу для перевірки знань. Матеріал буде корисний для онлайн уроку та як доповнення до розповіді вчителя на уроці, зацікавить учнів при вивченні розділу «Пізнаємо взаємозв’язки у природі» озв’язки між живими організмами»).
16. Заходи з вшанування пам’яті
професора В.А. Чабаненка
Екскурсія по НВК для гостей
Учнівська навчально-
практична конференція
17. Учнівська конференція
«Наш земляк - Віктор Антонович Чабаненко»
У гостях у НВК донька
професора Мирослава
Чабаненко, поет-сатирик
Микола Білокопитов, методист
районного відділу освіти Ольга
Жук, працівники селищної
18. Заходи з вшанування пам’яті
професора В.А. Чабаненка
19. Створюємо учнівський фільм
про В.А. Чабаненка
Інтерв’ю з кандидатом
філологічних наук
І.Г. Ліпкевичем.
На фото: І.Г. Ліпкевич,
учениці 10 класу
Вероніка Коса і Софія
2015 рік