Детский досуговой центрАхмет МубаракРодители смогут оставлять детей в любое время суток, дети будут обеспечены едой, сном, различными играми и развлечениями по желанию родителей, + образовательные услуги.
Nigel Downes CV September 2016Nigel DownesNigel Downes has over 30 years of experience in retail and wholesale roles across various sectors. He has held buying and management positions with responsibility for categories such as confectionery, grocery, alcohol, and fresh produce. His skills include account management, budgeting, business development, and relationship building. Currently unemployed, he is seeking a new opportunity that utilizes his extensive experience in purchasing, sales, and operations management.
21CP Case Support FINAL12.26Mike BrazierThe document outlines a five-year initiative called "Robins 2020" to protect and strengthen Robins Air Force Base in Georgia. The initiative has two main goals: 1) advocate for Robins and the surrounding community through increased engagement with officials, and 2) strengthen Robins and the community by retaining current missions, sourcing new ones, evaluating partnerships, and promoting economic diversification. Robins has a significant economic impact on the region as the largest single industrial site in Georgia, providing over 55,000 total jobs and $2.7 billion in annual impact. The initiative aims to maintain this impact amid declining defense budgets.
Presentation 'Online Fashion Collections and Community'@Rijksmuseum Fashion C...Lisa WhittleHeld at the two-day conference in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. The presentation focused on explaining how Sebastian Chan's inverted pyramid (Tedx Sydney 2010) applied to the project Modemuze.nl, and how we propose to extend the understanding of this inversion online.
Alteraciones psicologicas-y-sensoriales-...Cami Vanegas FlorezEste documento describe los cuidados de enfermería para pacientes hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos que experimentan alteraciones sensoriales y psicológicas. Explica las alteraciones sensoriales como sobrecarga y privación de estímulos que pueden causar delirio, síndrome de cuidados intensivos, depresión y ansiedad. También describe el plan de atención de enfermería para identificar las necesidades del paciente y adaptar los cuidados a su condición actual de salud.
Nigel Downes CV September 2016Nigel DownesNigel Downes has over 30 years of experience in retail and wholesale roles across various sectors. He has held buying and management positions with responsibility for categories such as confectionery, grocery, alcohol, and fresh produce. His skills include account management, budgeting, business development, and relationship building. Currently unemployed, he is seeking a new opportunity that utilizes his extensive experience in purchasing, sales, and operations management.
21CP Case Support FINAL12.26Mike BrazierThe document outlines a five-year initiative called "Robins 2020" to protect and strengthen Robins Air Force Base in Georgia. The initiative has two main goals: 1) advocate for Robins and the surrounding community through increased engagement with officials, and 2) strengthen Robins and the community by retaining current missions, sourcing new ones, evaluating partnerships, and promoting economic diversification. Robins has a significant economic impact on the region as the largest single industrial site in Georgia, providing over 55,000 total jobs and $2.7 billion in annual impact. The initiative aims to maintain this impact amid declining defense budgets.
Presentation 'Online Fashion Collections and Community'@Rijksmuseum Fashion C...Lisa WhittleHeld at the two-day conference in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. The presentation focused on explaining how Sebastian Chan's inverted pyramid (Tedx Sydney 2010) applied to the project Modemuze.nl, and how we propose to extend the understanding of this inversion online.
Alteraciones psicologicas-y-sensoriales-...Cami Vanegas FlorezEste documento describe los cuidados de enfermería para pacientes hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos que experimentan alteraciones sensoriales y psicológicas. Explica las alteraciones sensoriales como sobrecarga y privación de estímulos que pueden causar delirio, síndrome de cuidados intensivos, depresión y ansiedad. También describe el plan de atención de enfermería para identificar las necesidades del paciente y adaptar los cuidados a su condición actual de salud.
1. Планета чудес
• Я хочу предложить народу услуги в области детских
• Услуги/ продукты будут востребованы среди детей
дошкольного и школьного (до 5 класса)
• Так как решит проблему занятости детей и
свободного времени у их родителей
• Потребители получат мои товары/ услуги, оставляя
детей в данном заведении в занятое для себя время
• Бесплатно
Темирлан Сыздыков МС-302, ФММиТ temirlan4475701@mail.ru Syzdykov Temirlan