Description of the project thesis at Fraunhofer ITWMAditya Mahesh
The document describes a project at Fraunhofer ITWM that calculates speed profiles for trucks given a route, vehicle characteristics, and driver behavior parameters. The project is funded by several major truck manufacturers. The speed profile calculation approach takes into account constraints along the route from data like speed limits and traffic signs. It also models the driver behavior and vehicle dynamics to determine appropriate accelerations and decelerations. Traffic density data is used as well to influence the generated speed profiles.
Description of the project thesis at Fraunhofer ITWMAditya Mahesh
The document describes a project at Fraunhofer ITWM that calculates speed profiles for trucks given a route, vehicle characteristics, and driver behavior parameters. The project is funded by several major truck manufacturers. The speed profile calculation approach takes into account constraints along the route from data like speed limits and traffic signs. It also models the driver behavior and vehicle dynamics to determine appropriate accelerations and decelerations. Traffic density data is used as well to influence the generated speed profiles.
El documento describe los procesos de env赤o de correo electr車nico, incluyendo escribir un mensaje con un destinatario y asunto. Explica que el correo electr車nico es un medio electr車nico e instant芍neo de comunicaci車n, digital que permite compartir datos, gr芍ficos y programas, e inform芍tico que proporciona funcionalidades multifuncionales ilimitadas.
PORTARIA 401/Oferta de curso de educa??o profissional t谷cnica de n赤vel m谷dio...SOL MARKETING EDUCACIONAL
I. Esta portaria estabelece normas para que institui??es privadas de ensino superior ofertem cursos t谷cnicos de n赤vel m谷dio.
II. As institui??es precisam atender requisitos como nota m赤nima em avalia??es e correla??o entre os cursos ofertados.
III. Os cursos t谷cnicos devem estar de acordo com a legisla??o e ter infraestrutura e n迆mero de vagas limitado pelo curso superior correlato.
This summary provides an overview of the applicant's education, experience, and skills from the document. The applicant is a recent graduate from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown with a BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology and a minor in Mathematics. He is looking for an entry-level engineering position and has relevant coursework in HVAC, Energy, and other mechanical engineering topics. His work experience includes internships with Penn-Dot and Waste Management where he assisted with construction and maintenance projects. He also has over 15 years of experience in mechanical maintenance and is proficient in engineering software and 3D modeling programs.