Lec5 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed YaserThis document summarizes a lecture on forces and moments transmitted by slender members. It defines slender members as long, skinny structural elements like skis, golf clubs, and I-beams. It discusses axial forces that act along the member's axis, shear forces that act in the plane of the member's face, and bending moments. Sign conventions for these internal loads are also defined. An example is then shown of calculating the internal forces and moments in a beam with a point load applied.
CIS 2303 LO2 Part 3Ahmad AmmariThis document discusses requirements modeling during the analysis phase of the systems development life cycle. It covers the importance of requirements, identifying requirements through various fact-finding techniques like interviews and questionnaires, and categorizing requirements into functional and technical categories like inputs, outputs, processes, performance, and controls. Key points covered include understanding user needs, determining requirements through open-ended questions in interviews, and using sampling approaches to ensure representations of the overall population.
Lec07Mohamed YaserThis document discusses relative motion analysis using translating reference frames. It provides two examples of using relative motion: [1] describing the motion of a glider in a crosswind relative to the moving air mass and ground, and [2] finding the velocity and acceleration of a glider being towed by an airplane. The document explains that relative motion involves describing motion from the perspective of observers undergoing constant velocity translation, like an aircraft or particle, and combining relative and absolute motions using vector addition and subtraction.
Theory Of Wing SectionsMohamed YaserThis document discusses the development of a new type of battery that could revolutionize energy storage. It describes how the battery uses a solid electrolyte material that conducts ions quickly without using liquid electrolytes. This leads to a battery that charges faster, lasts longer and poses less risk of leaks or fires. The solid-state battery is expected to be commercially available within the next five years and could replace lithium-ion batteries in many applications.
Detection of swine hev modifiedkpillerThis document summarizes the detection of swine hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pig livers in Jeju Island, South Korea. Liver samples from pigs showed mild to moderate multifocal hepatitis and portal inflammation. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing detected swine HEV infection in the liver tissue. The conclusions are that swine HEV infection can occur in very young pigs and PCR methods are more sensitive for diagnosing infectious diseases compared to other tests.
Itec410 lec2Ahmad AmmariThe document discusses five categories of e-business models: B2C, B2B, B2G, C2C, and C2B. It also discusses factors that affect e-business success, including the network effect, innovative marketing ideas, scalability, ease of entry into electronic markets, and the ability to quickly adapt to marketplace changes. Examples are provided for each category and factor.
Detection of swine hepatitis e virus in thekpillerThis document summarizes the detection of swine hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pig livers in Jeju Island, South Korea. Samples from pig livers showed mild to moderate hepatitis and yellowish discoloration. RT-PCR testing detected swine HEV infection in the liver tissue. The findings suggest that swine can be a reservoir for zoonotic HEV infection, posing a risk to those with occupations exposed to pigs.
Lec8 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed YaserThis document summarizes key concepts from a lecture on mechanics and materials, including:
1. Equations relating force, deformation, and compatibility for a bar under uniaxial loading. Small angle approximations are introduced.
2. Stress is defined as force per unit area, and strain is defined as the change in length per original length. Materials have a linear elastic region defined by Young's modulus E.
3. Typical values of Young's modulus E are provided for common materials like steel, aluminum, and composites. Material selection involves optimizing stiffness k for a given application based on E and density.
Overview on nanotechnologyMohamed YaserMolecular manufacturing (MM) aims to precisely construct complex products atom-by-atom using mechanical chemistry and robotic assembly. Theoretical studies have shown it is possible to build molecular structures like diamond lattices in this way. A small robotic device called a fabricator could use supplied chemicals to manufacture nanoscale shapes and machines. Multiple fabricators could then be combined to create a personal nanofactory (PN) capable of building human-scale products within months. Once developed, nanofactories would allow for highly efficient, low-cost production of strong, functional products across many industries using simple, parallel manufacturing processes.
Rainbow Grocery: Interactive ElementsNisha MenezesRainbow Grocery is a cooperative grocery store founded in San Francisco in 1975 as a "hippy collective" that has grown to become the largest cooperative-owned grocery store in the country. It is committed to only selling 100% organic and local produce while protecting the environment and promoting social responsibility. The document discusses Rainbow Grocery's use of various online platforms like Tumblr, WordPress, YouTube, and a Facebook game to engage customers, educate about food issues, and tell their story through different types of multimedia content.
Medicine 2.0'10 presentationSurgical Neurology InternationalPresentation by Pieter Kubben on the Medicine 2.0 conference in Maastricht, The Netherlands (November 2010).
1Mohamed YaserThis document provides a tutorial on basic MATLAB commands for creating, manipulating, and operating on vectors and matrices. It describes how to create vectors and matrices, change their entries, perform matrix multiplication and inversion, extract submatrices, and create special matrices like identity and diagonal matrices. Examples are provided to illustrate various commands like eye, inv, backslash, and how to input vectors, matrices, and create M-files for functions and scripts.
Porting a Clinical Mobile Device Application from iPhone to Android using Onl...Surgical Neurology InternationalThis document describes porting the clinical mobile application NeuroMind from iPhone to Android using online collaboration. NeuroMind was originally developed for iPhone and provides medical information. The authors collaborated online to develop an Android version. They faced challenges with different development platforms and maintaining collaboration remotely. Future work includes improving the user interface for multiple platforms and integrating user-generated content and ratings.
Michael J Baugh Linked In ResumeMJBaughThis document is a resume for Michael J. Baugh that outlines his professional experience and accomplishments in customer service roles over 20+ years. It highlights his experience leading customer service teams at various technology companies, developing strategic account management programs, and leveraging customer service to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. Key accomplishments include implementing successful partner programs, expanding field technical support resources, and consistently exceeding customer satisfaction goals.
Russian Neurosurgical Journal; Volume 4, Number 1Surgical Neurology InternationalRussian Neurosurgical Journal; Volume 4, Number 1
Contrato usnavy eds cortaAlejandro HechtEl documento describe el contrato más grande de tecnología de la información jamás firmado por el gobierno de Estados Unidos. El contrato involucra la construcción y mantenimiento de una intranet para el Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU. en 300 bases, a un costo de $50 mil millones durante cinco años. Este contrato representa un cambio importante hacia las mejores prácticas comerciales y el comercio electrónico para ahorrar costos y mejorar la capacidad defensiva.
VCDR of 1961jha netThe Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 is a set of procedures and practices diplomats and ambassadors from all over the world must abide by and observe.
Tutorial 2Mohamed YaserThis document provides a summary of basic MATLAB commands organized into sections:
1) Basic scalar, vector, and matrix operations including declaring variables, performing arithmetic, accessing elements, and clearing memory.
2) Using character strings to print output and combine text.
3) Common mathematical operations like exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, rounding, and converting between numeric and string formats.
The document demonstrates how to perform essential tasks in MATLAB through examples and explanations of core commands. It serves as an introductory tutorial for newcomers to learn MATLAB's basic functionality.
Calendario 2012 Land of ImmortalsNingyou TsukaiIl calendario 2012 di Land of Immortals con le foto dei nostri utenti^^
Il calendario è a colori e in formato A4.
Ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti e auguri di buon anno a chiunque voglia passare il 2012 con noi e le nostre dolls =D
TutorialMohamed YaserThis document provides an introduction to using MATLAB for numerical methods in chemical engineering. It discusses how computers solve problems by breaking them down into linear algebraic systems that can be represented as matrix equations. While compiled languages like FORTRAN are efficient, MATLAB is better suited for education and small-to-medium projects because it is an interpreted language, allowing interactive use without needing to compile code. MATLAB handles tasks like input/output, variable naming, and graphics internally through pre-compiled routines.
Law Enforcement — Dec. 2010 Board MeetingUtah Division of Wildlife ResourcesThe Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Law Enforcement Section has seen a surge in deer poaching cases involving significant overlimits. Several recent cases are described where groups of individuals have been poaching deer, often mature bucks, for their antlers over many years on wildlife habitats. Law enforcement strategies to address poaching include increasing patrols of targeted winter ranges, public outreach campaigns, and pursuing the most egregious violators with felony charges. The section works to support wildlife management goals through enforcement of regulations and protection of wildlife and their habitats.
F 20Mohamed YaserThe Northrop F-20 Tigershark was a privately developed fighter aircraft meant to be sold to foreign militaries as an alternative to the F-16. It shared a resemblance to the F-5 Freedom Fighter but had better performance with a single engine. Three prototypes were built in the 1980s but no sales materialized as potential buyers preferred the F-16 which was becoming more available for export. The project was ultimately cancelled after six years without any major orders.
Itecn453 social mediaAhmad AmmariSocial media allows for communication and sharing between businesses and customers. It comes in many forms like forums, blogs, social networks, multimedia sharing, bookmarking, and microblogging. Companies use social media to market and promote their brand, get customer feedback, and build customer loyalty. Examples of successful businesses that use social media include large companies like Coca-Cola and small businesses alike.
Lec8 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed YaserThis document summarizes key concepts from a lecture on mechanics and materials, including:
1. Equations relating force, deformation, and compatibility for a bar under uniaxial loading. Small angle approximations are introduced.
2. Stress is defined as force per unit area, and strain is defined as the change in length per original length. Materials have a linear elastic region defined by Young's modulus E.
3. Typical values of Young's modulus E are provided for common materials like steel, aluminum, and composites. Material selection involves optimizing stiffness k for a given application based on E and density.
Overview on nanotechnologyMohamed YaserMolecular manufacturing (MM) aims to precisely construct complex products atom-by-atom using mechanical chemistry and robotic assembly. Theoretical studies have shown it is possible to build molecular structures like diamond lattices in this way. A small robotic device called a fabricator could use supplied chemicals to manufacture nanoscale shapes and machines. Multiple fabricators could then be combined to create a personal nanofactory (PN) capable of building human-scale products within months. Once developed, nanofactories would allow for highly efficient, low-cost production of strong, functional products across many industries using simple, parallel manufacturing processes.
Rainbow Grocery: Interactive ElementsNisha MenezesRainbow Grocery is a cooperative grocery store founded in San Francisco in 1975 as a "hippy collective" that has grown to become the largest cooperative-owned grocery store in the country. It is committed to only selling 100% organic and local produce while protecting the environment and promoting social responsibility. The document discusses Rainbow Grocery's use of various online platforms like Tumblr, WordPress, YouTube, and a Facebook game to engage customers, educate about food issues, and tell their story through different types of multimedia content.
Medicine 2.0'10 presentationSurgical Neurology InternationalPresentation by Pieter Kubben on the Medicine 2.0 conference in Maastricht, The Netherlands (November 2010).
1Mohamed YaserThis document provides a tutorial on basic MATLAB commands for creating, manipulating, and operating on vectors and matrices. It describes how to create vectors and matrices, change their entries, perform matrix multiplication and inversion, extract submatrices, and create special matrices like identity and diagonal matrices. Examples are provided to illustrate various commands like eye, inv, backslash, and how to input vectors, matrices, and create M-files for functions and scripts.
Porting a Clinical Mobile Device Application from iPhone to Android using Onl...Surgical Neurology InternationalThis document describes porting the clinical mobile application NeuroMind from iPhone to Android using online collaboration. NeuroMind was originally developed for iPhone and provides medical information. The authors collaborated online to develop an Android version. They faced challenges with different development platforms and maintaining collaboration remotely. Future work includes improving the user interface for multiple platforms and integrating user-generated content and ratings.
Michael J Baugh Linked In ResumeMJBaughThis document is a resume for Michael J. Baugh that outlines his professional experience and accomplishments in customer service roles over 20+ years. It highlights his experience leading customer service teams at various technology companies, developing strategic account management programs, and leveraging customer service to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. Key accomplishments include implementing successful partner programs, expanding field technical support resources, and consistently exceeding customer satisfaction goals.
Russian Neurosurgical Journal; Volume 4, Number 1Surgical Neurology InternationalRussian Neurosurgical Journal; Volume 4, Number 1
Contrato usnavy eds cortaAlejandro HechtEl documento describe el contrato más grande de tecnología de la información jamás firmado por el gobierno de Estados Unidos. El contrato involucra la construcción y mantenimiento de una intranet para el Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU. en 300 bases, a un costo de $50 mil millones durante cinco años. Este contrato representa un cambio importante hacia las mejores prácticas comerciales y el comercio electrónico para ahorrar costos y mejorar la capacidad defensiva.
VCDR of 1961jha netThe Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 is a set of procedures and practices diplomats and ambassadors from all over the world must abide by and observe.
Tutorial 2Mohamed YaserThis document provides a summary of basic MATLAB commands organized into sections:
1) Basic scalar, vector, and matrix operations including declaring variables, performing arithmetic, accessing elements, and clearing memory.
2) Using character strings to print output and combine text.
3) Common mathematical operations like exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, rounding, and converting between numeric and string formats.
The document demonstrates how to perform essential tasks in MATLAB through examples and explanations of core commands. It serves as an introductory tutorial for newcomers to learn MATLAB's basic functionality.
Calendario 2012 Land of ImmortalsNingyou TsukaiIl calendario 2012 di Land of Immortals con le foto dei nostri utenti^^
Il calendario è a colori e in formato A4.
Ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti e auguri di buon anno a chiunque voglia passare il 2012 con noi e le nostre dolls =D
TutorialMohamed YaserThis document provides an introduction to using MATLAB for numerical methods in chemical engineering. It discusses how computers solve problems by breaking them down into linear algebraic systems that can be represented as matrix equations. While compiled languages like FORTRAN are efficient, MATLAB is better suited for education and small-to-medium projects because it is an interpreted language, allowing interactive use without needing to compile code. MATLAB handles tasks like input/output, variable naming, and graphics internally through pre-compiled routines.
Law Enforcement — Dec. 2010 Board MeetingUtah Division of Wildlife ResourcesThe Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Law Enforcement Section has seen a surge in deer poaching cases involving significant overlimits. Several recent cases are described where groups of individuals have been poaching deer, often mature bucks, for their antlers over many years on wildlife habitats. Law enforcement strategies to address poaching include increasing patrols of targeted winter ranges, public outreach campaigns, and pursuing the most egregious violators with felony charges. The section works to support wildlife management goals through enforcement of regulations and protection of wildlife and their habitats.
F 20Mohamed YaserThe Northrop F-20 Tigershark was a privately developed fighter aircraft meant to be sold to foreign militaries as an alternative to the F-16. It shared a resemblance to the F-5 Freedom Fighter but had better performance with a single engine. Three prototypes were built in the 1980s but no sales materialized as potential buyers preferred the F-16 which was becoming more available for export. The project was ultimately cancelled after six years without any major orders.
Itecn453 social mediaAhmad AmmariSocial media allows for communication and sharing between businesses and customers. It comes in many forms like forums, blogs, social networks, multimedia sharing, bookmarking, and microblogging. Companies use social media to market and promote their brand, get customer feedback, and build customer loyalty. Examples of successful businesses that use social media include large companies like Coca-Cola and small businesses alike.
Презентація до 18 уроку в 8 класі "Захоплення аудіо та відео, створення аудіо...Юлія АртюхЗахоплення аудіо та відео, створення аудіо-, відео фрагментів. Побудова аудіо- та відеоряду.
Jenkins CI (ukr)Anatoliy Okhotnikov● Що таке Continuous Integration?
● Jenkins (Oracle Hudson)
● Установка Jenkins (Ubuntu Server)
● Створення завдання на прикладі Java
● Інструменти статичного аналізу
● Sonar. Установка. Аналітика.
Ази відеожурналістики. Olga SimanovichНові медіа. Основи відеознімання та монтажу. Підготовка відео для інтернету. Онлайн та оффлайн інструменти для обробки відео.
1. Як створити відеоролик?
Практичні питання для бібліотекаря
Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція
Української бібліотечної асоціації
Центр інформаційних ресурсів
Посольства США в Україні
Американська бібліотека НБ НаУКМА
Київ, 18 листопада 2010 р.
2. Що для цього потрібно?
• Ідея і сценарій відеоролика
• Обладнання
• Програмне забезпечення для монтажу
• Веб-сервіси, де можна розмістити відео
3. Ідея і сценарій відеоролика
Основні питання:
1. Про що ваша історія? Що є вашою головною
темою? Хто ваш головний герой?
2. Чого головний герой прагне?
3. Хто/що дозволяє/не дозволяє йому досягти
4. Чим закінчується ваша історія? Як герой досягає
5. Що ви намагаєтеся сказати, закінчуючи історію
таким чином?
6. Як ви хочете розказати вашу історію?
(хто повинен її розказувати, якщо хтось повинен, і які
відповідні прийоми вам необхідно застосувати)?
4. Обладнання
• Відеокамера або фотоапарат із функцією “Відео”
• Штатив
• Аксесуари до відеокамери або фотоапарата
(miniDVкасета, карта пам’яті, заряджений
• Firewire, USB або інший кабель, щоб завантажити
відео з відео /фотокамери в комп’ютер
• Команда (мінімум Режисер і Оператор)
8. Програмне забезпечення для монтажу
Безкоштовне (відкрита ліцензія) для новачків
• Windows Movie Maker
(для тих, хто працює з Windows)
• VirtualDub (можна безкоштовно скачати)
За плату (професійні)
• Sony Vegas
• Adobe Premiere Pro
• Pinnacle Studio
10. Програмне забезпечення для монтажу
Основні функції:
• Обрізка та склеювання відеофрагментів
• Накладення звукової доріжки
• Створення титрів
• Створення переходів між різними
• Збереження відеопроекту в підходящому форматі
з регулюванням рівня якості
13. Довідка
•Розмір файлів не більше 2 Гб
•Тривалість відеоролику не більше 10 хвилин
•Формат файлів .AVI, .MOV, .WMV, .MPG, .FLV, .MP4, .3GP
Дізнатися більше:
Якщо відео не відповідає зазначеним вимогам,
потрібно повторно відредагувати файл у комп'ютері,
а тоді завантажити його на сайт.
14. Бажаю Вам створення цікавих відео!
Дякую за увагу!
Олеся Трачук
Центр інформаційних ресурсів
Посольства США в Україні