В рамках занятия по дисциплине Социология молодежи студентам 2-го курса бакалавриата было дано задание представить одну из молодежных субкультур России.
Receiving of surgical specimensSantoshKumar3358The document discusses the process for receiving surgical specimens in the histopathology laboratory. Specimens must be received systematically to ensure all samples are accounted for and processed appropriately. Upon receiving a specimen, an accession number is assigned, the sample and requisition form are labeled, and details are recorded in a register including patient information and sample type. The gross room must be prepared with proper equipment and fixatives for examining and preserving specimens before microscopic analysis. Maintaining accurate records and following standardized procedures are important for smooth operation of the laboratory.
Blood physiologyRaniagaye Mansibang Erythropoietin (EPO) secreted by kidney
Inhibitor: High concentration of O2 in kidney
Life span of RBC: 120 days
RBC metabolism: anaerobic glycolysis [reason for
Heinz body and G6PD deficiency anemia]
RBC destruction: spleen and macrophage in liver,
bone marrow [reason for spherocytosis and
RBC regeneration: bone marrow
RBC reserve: about 25% of total RBC
RBC production: 2.4×1011/day
Blood physiologyBaye DagnewThis document provides an overview of blood physiology for midwifery students. It discusses the major functions of blood including distribution of oxygen, nutrients, waste removal, and temperature regulation. The key components of blood - plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets - are described along with their production and roles in clotting and immunity. Hematopoiesis, the production of blood cells in the bone marrow, is regulated by various hormones and growth factors.
histology slides of GIT systemAli FarisThis document summarizes several tissues and organs examined in histology labs, including the tongue, salivary glands, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Key features are highlighted such as the papillae and taste buds on the tongue, the serous and mucous acini in salivary glands, the stratified squamous epithelium and esophageal glands in the esophagus, the liver lobule structure around the central vein and portal areas, the simple columnar epithelium of the gallbladder, and the islets of Langerhans surrounded by pancreatic acini. Diagrams are included illustrating histological structures.
HaemoglobinSaiduzzaman SayidThis document discusses haemoglobin, including its composition, function, levels in adults and children, types, and synthesis. Some key points:
- Haemoglobin is a conjugated protein made of heme (4%) and globin (96%) that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in red blood cells.
- It functions to transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues, carbon dioxide to the lungs, and helps maintain acid-base balance.
- Normal haemoglobin levels vary based on age and sex, from 13.5-19.5 g/dL in cord blood to 8-10 g/dL in infants and 10-13 g/dL in children.
- There are different types of haemoglobin
Hematopoiesis: Origin and development of blood cellsVarun SinghThe document discusses the origin and development of blood cells through the process of hematopoiesis. It describes how hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow differentiate into the various blood cell lineages through regulated stages of proliferation and maturation. Key points covered include the major sites of hematopoiesis, growth factors involved in lineage commitment and differentiation, and the morphological changes that occur as progenitors mature into red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets or megakaryocytes. The process of hematopoiesis is tightly controlled to maintain blood cell homeostasis.
blood coagulation.pptxSushmitha ShankarBlood coagulation is a complex process involving multiple coagulation factors that work together in a cascade to ultimately convert fibrinogen into fibrin to form a blood clot. There are two pathways (intrinsic and extrinsic) that lead to the formation of thrombin, which then converts fibrinogen into fibrin. Some bleeding disorders result from deficiencies in specific coagulation factors, such as Hemophilia A and B due to Factor VIII and IX deficiencies. Von Willebrand disease is caused by a defect in von Willebrand factor which is involved in platelet function. Coagulation tests evaluate different parts of the coagulation cascade to identify deficiencies.
Lymphopoiesis-.pptDr.Abdulrazzak AlagbariLymphopoiesis it is the maturation steps of all lymphocytes production steps
this presentation descripe how? types? and regulation of lymphopoiesis
Automation and continuous flow analyzerSurendraMarasini1This is a powerpoint of automation in clinical chemistry. This comprises the definition of automation, steps of the analytical process, and detail about the continuous flow analyzer.Thus, this will be helpful for the students of medical laboratory, biochemistry students and teachers.
Red Blood Cells Production- Erythropoiesis.pptDr.Abdulrazzak Alagbarithe RBC production and maturation completed in the bone marrow normally, all the maturation stages of erythropoiesis are descriped here and how regulated ..etc
Automation in histopathology or advance technology in histopathology labSamim Bashirnow a day all work is done by machines .there is alot of new machines which work autmatically in hisopathology.they reduce human effort .they also increase the speed of work flow
Histology of gall bladderpatelsohanThe gallbladder has three layers:
1) A mucosa layer with a simple columnar epithelial lining and brush border to facilitate water absorption. It contains folds when empty.
2) A muscularis layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle fibers and elastic tissue to aid contraction.
3) An outer serosa/adventitia layer covered by peritoneum except where attached.
Blood #1, Plasma - PhysiologyCU Dentistry 2019Plasma is composed of 90% water and 10% dissolved solutes including proteins, electrolytes, nutrients, waste products, and gases. The major plasma proteins are albumin, globulins, fibrinogen, and prothrombin. Albumin is synthesized in the liver and maintains plasma colloidal pressure, while globulins are synthesized in the liver and lymphoid tissues and are involved in defense functions. Plasma proteins regulate osmotic pressure, act as a buffer, aid in blood clotting and viscosity, regulate capillary permeability, transport important substances, and provide amino acids to tissues. The ratio of albumin to globulins indicates liver function and inflammatory states.
transport across cell membranesJenBashFacilitated diffusion is the passive transport of molecules across a cell membrane using carrier proteins. There are two main types of carrier proteins: carrier proteins that bind to specific molecules and undergo a conformational change to transport them across the membrane, and ion channels that have pores lined with charged groups to transport ions. Facilitated diffusion is saturated at high concentration differences because there are a limited number of carrier proteins.
Composition og BloodRaghu VeerBlood functions to transport nutrients, gases, hormones, and waste throughout the body. It also helps regulate pH and temperature. Blood is composed of plasma and formed elements, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Plasma is 55% of blood volume and contains water, proteins, electrolytes, nutrients, and waste products. The major proteins are albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen, which help regulate pressure, viscosity, coagulation, immunity, and transport of substances.
HematologyBangaluruPhysicians working in the field of hematology are called hematologists. Initially, hematologists complete a four-year medical degree and this is followed by three or four years in an internship or residency program. Thereafter, they spend two or three more years learning how to diagnose and treat blood disorders.
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF)International Medicine School - Management and Science UniversityThe document discusses the formation, functions, and biochemical composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It explains that CSF is produced by the choroid plexus in the ventricles of the brain and circulates around the brain and spinal cord. CSF has several important functions, including protecting the central nervous system, maintaining homeostasis, and clearing waste. A lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, is used to collect CSF for analysis. The levels of various components in CSF, such as glucose, protein, and white blood cells, can provide diagnostic information about conditions affecting the brain or spinal cord.
Hematopoiesis (Power Point Presentation) PRANJAL SHARMAQuick notes on Hematopoiesis and brief into about the types of cells are forming during the process.
For UG and PG students.
Different colors, themes and video is used to make it more interesting and easy to go through the contents.
Automation.pptxHarpreetBurmi1This document discusses automation in biochemistry laboratory testing. It defines automation as using instruments to perform tests with minimal human involvement. There are different phases and types of analyzers used in automation. Continuous flow analyzers and discrete autoanalyzers are described in detail. The document also discusses specific automated machines used in the author's laboratory, including their main components and functions. Benefits of automation include higher throughput, reduced errors and variability, lower sample/reagent use, and labor savings, though automation has high initial costs.
Glands histology Mehul TandelThe document discusses various types and classifications of glands. It begins by defining glands as organs composed of specialized secretory cells derived from epithelial tissue. Glands are classified based on their site of secretion (exocrine, endocrine, paracrine), cell number (unicellular, multicellular), duct structure (simple, compound), secretory end piece shape (tubular, alveolar, etc.), secretion type (serous, mucous, mixed), secretion mode (merocrine, apocrine, holocrine, cytocrine), and developmental origin (ectodermal, mesodermal, endodermal). Key exocrine gland features and the development of both exocrine and endocrine glands are also
HaematopoesisSnehil Agrawal1. Hemopoietic bone marrow is initially found in many locations but becomes restricted to the axial skeleton after puberty.
2. Bone marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells that differentiate into the erythroid, thrombocytic, granulocyte-monocyte, and lymphoid lineages.
3. Bone marrow is located in the medullary canals of long bones and cancellous bone cavities, and contains reticular connective tissue, hematopoietic cords, and sinusoidal capillaries that allow new blood cells to enter circulation.
Smear preparation techniquesGovardhan JoshiThis document describes various smear preparation techniques used in cytology, including direct smears, blood smear technique, squash technique, large volume centrifugation, small volume centrifugation, membrane filtration, cell blocks, density gradient centrifugation, and gravity sedimentation. Direct smears involve spreading the specimen directly onto a slide. Blood smear technique produces a thin, uniform smear for staining. Squash technique results in a thin, uniform preparation. Large volume centrifugation concentrates fluid specimens by separating the buffy coat layer. Small volume centrifugation uses a cyto-centrifuge to deposit cells directly onto a slide. Membrane filtration uses a filter to collect cells on a slide. Cell blocks allow processing samples as histopath
Blood SoneeshahBlood is a connective tissue composed of plasma and blood cells that circulates through the body delivering oxygen, nutrients, hormones and other substances to tissues. It transports waste products away from tissues. The main cellular components of blood are red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. White blood cells help defend the body against infection and disease. Platelets assist in blood clotting. Disorders can occur if there are too few or too many blood cells or if the cells are abnormal.
BLOOD AND ITS COMPOSITION CN CM 1.1 KIU.pptxAgabaMorisBogoyaBlood is composed of plasma and cells. Plasma is 92% water and contains proteins, nutrients, gases, and waste products. Cells include red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. White blood cells help fight infection through phagocytosis. Platelets help form clots to stop bleeding. Blood functions include transport, protection, regulation of pH and temperature, and hemostasis. The ABO blood group system categorizes blood into four main groups based on antigen and antibody presence.
«Парафьяново – Нью-Йорк, или 60 минут о джазе» Центральная научная библиотека имени Якуба Коласа Национальной академии наук БеларусиМузыкальное путешествие с Дмитрием Груммо
О том, почему джаз - это не только музыка, о гениях, которые двигали эту музыку, о том, почему без Могилева не было бы американского патриотического гимна God Bless America, кого из заслуженных артистов БССР Луи Армстронг назвал «белым Армстронгом» и многом другом.
Automation and continuous flow analyzerSurendraMarasini1This is a powerpoint of automation in clinical chemistry. This comprises the definition of automation, steps of the analytical process, and detail about the continuous flow analyzer.Thus, this will be helpful for the students of medical laboratory, biochemistry students and teachers.
Red Blood Cells Production- Erythropoiesis.pptDr.Abdulrazzak Alagbarithe RBC production and maturation completed in the bone marrow normally, all the maturation stages of erythropoiesis are descriped here and how regulated ..etc
Automation in histopathology or advance technology in histopathology labSamim Bashirnow a day all work is done by machines .there is alot of new machines which work autmatically in hisopathology.they reduce human effort .they also increase the speed of work flow
Histology of gall bladderpatelsohanThe gallbladder has three layers:
1) A mucosa layer with a simple columnar epithelial lining and brush border to facilitate water absorption. It contains folds when empty.
2) A muscularis layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle fibers and elastic tissue to aid contraction.
3) An outer serosa/adventitia layer covered by peritoneum except where attached.
Blood #1, Plasma - PhysiologyCU Dentistry 2019Plasma is composed of 90% water and 10% dissolved solutes including proteins, electrolytes, nutrients, waste products, and gases. The major plasma proteins are albumin, globulins, fibrinogen, and prothrombin. Albumin is synthesized in the liver and maintains plasma colloidal pressure, while globulins are synthesized in the liver and lymphoid tissues and are involved in defense functions. Plasma proteins regulate osmotic pressure, act as a buffer, aid in blood clotting and viscosity, regulate capillary permeability, transport important substances, and provide amino acids to tissues. The ratio of albumin to globulins indicates liver function and inflammatory states.
transport across cell membranesJenBashFacilitated diffusion is the passive transport of molecules across a cell membrane using carrier proteins. There are two main types of carrier proteins: carrier proteins that bind to specific molecules and undergo a conformational change to transport them across the membrane, and ion channels that have pores lined with charged groups to transport ions. Facilitated diffusion is saturated at high concentration differences because there are a limited number of carrier proteins.
Composition og BloodRaghu VeerBlood functions to transport nutrients, gases, hormones, and waste throughout the body. It also helps regulate pH and temperature. Blood is composed of plasma and formed elements, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Plasma is 55% of blood volume and contains water, proteins, electrolytes, nutrients, and waste products. The major proteins are albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen, which help regulate pressure, viscosity, coagulation, immunity, and transport of substances.
HematologyBangaluruPhysicians working in the field of hematology are called hematologists. Initially, hematologists complete a four-year medical degree and this is followed by three or four years in an internship or residency program. Thereafter, they spend two or three more years learning how to diagnose and treat blood disorders.
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF)International Medicine School - Management and Science UniversityThe document discusses the formation, functions, and biochemical composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It explains that CSF is produced by the choroid plexus in the ventricles of the brain and circulates around the brain and spinal cord. CSF has several important functions, including protecting the central nervous system, maintaining homeostasis, and clearing waste. A lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, is used to collect CSF for analysis. The levels of various components in CSF, such as glucose, protein, and white blood cells, can provide diagnostic information about conditions affecting the brain or spinal cord.
Hematopoiesis (Power Point Presentation) PRANJAL SHARMAQuick notes on Hematopoiesis and brief into about the types of cells are forming during the process.
For UG and PG students.
Different colors, themes and video is used to make it more interesting and easy to go through the contents.
Automation.pptxHarpreetBurmi1This document discusses automation in biochemistry laboratory testing. It defines automation as using instruments to perform tests with minimal human involvement. There are different phases and types of analyzers used in automation. Continuous flow analyzers and discrete autoanalyzers are described in detail. The document also discusses specific automated machines used in the author's laboratory, including their main components and functions. Benefits of automation include higher throughput, reduced errors and variability, lower sample/reagent use, and labor savings, though automation has high initial costs.
Glands histology Mehul TandelThe document discusses various types and classifications of glands. It begins by defining glands as organs composed of specialized secretory cells derived from epithelial tissue. Glands are classified based on their site of secretion (exocrine, endocrine, paracrine), cell number (unicellular, multicellular), duct structure (simple, compound), secretory end piece shape (tubular, alveolar, etc.), secretion type (serous, mucous, mixed), secretion mode (merocrine, apocrine, holocrine, cytocrine), and developmental origin (ectodermal, mesodermal, endodermal). Key exocrine gland features and the development of both exocrine and endocrine glands are also
HaematopoesisSnehil Agrawal1. Hemopoietic bone marrow is initially found in many locations but becomes restricted to the axial skeleton after puberty.
2. Bone marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells that differentiate into the erythroid, thrombocytic, granulocyte-monocyte, and lymphoid lineages.
3. Bone marrow is located in the medullary canals of long bones and cancellous bone cavities, and contains reticular connective tissue, hematopoietic cords, and sinusoidal capillaries that allow new blood cells to enter circulation.
Smear preparation techniquesGovardhan JoshiThis document describes various smear preparation techniques used in cytology, including direct smears, blood smear technique, squash technique, large volume centrifugation, small volume centrifugation, membrane filtration, cell blocks, density gradient centrifugation, and gravity sedimentation. Direct smears involve spreading the specimen directly onto a slide. Blood smear technique produces a thin, uniform smear for staining. Squash technique results in a thin, uniform preparation. Large volume centrifugation concentrates fluid specimens by separating the buffy coat layer. Small volume centrifugation uses a cyto-centrifuge to deposit cells directly onto a slide. Membrane filtration uses a filter to collect cells on a slide. Cell blocks allow processing samples as histopath
Blood SoneeshahBlood is a connective tissue composed of plasma and blood cells that circulates through the body delivering oxygen, nutrients, hormones and other substances to tissues. It transports waste products away from tissues. The main cellular components of blood are red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. White blood cells help defend the body against infection and disease. Platelets assist in blood clotting. Disorders can occur if there are too few or too many blood cells or if the cells are abnormal.
BLOOD AND ITS COMPOSITION CN CM 1.1 KIU.pptxAgabaMorisBogoyaBlood is composed of plasma and cells. Plasma is 92% water and contains proteins, nutrients, gases, and waste products. Cells include red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. White blood cells help fight infection through phagocytosis. Platelets help form clots to stop bleeding. Blood functions include transport, protection, regulation of pH and temperature, and hemostasis. The ABO blood group system categorizes blood into four main groups based on antigen and antibody presence.
«Парафьяново – Нью-Йорк, или 60 минут о джазе» Центральная научная библиотека имени Якуба Коласа Национальной академии наук БеларусиМузыкальное путешествие с Дмитрием Груммо
О том, почему джаз - это не только музыка, о гениях, которые двигали эту музыку, о том, почему без Могилева не было бы американского патриотического гимна God Bless America, кого из заслуженных артистов БССР Луи Армстронг назвал «белым Армстронгом» и многом другом.
2. • Рокеры появились как субкультура в 50-х –
начале 60-х годов в эпоху рок-н-ролла,
представителями музыки и стиля которой
стали Чак Бэрри, Элвис Пресли, Джин
Винсент и другие
• Первых рокеров объединял только один
принцип – манера езды на мотоцикле, сам
стиль появился позднее
• Рокеры – самая возрастная субкультура, в
ее рядах практически не было подростков
• В среде рокеров подчеркивается
мужественность, которая тогда
ассоциировалась с громким голосом,
нецензурной речью и грубой манерой
4. • Рокеры были очень энергичной
и спортивно-направленной
субкультурой. Они регулярно
устраивали заезды на скорость,
при этом тюнингуя свои
мотоциклы таким образом, что
они спокойно достигали
скорости в 160 км/ч.
• Магистрали вокруг британских
городов подходили для гонок,
поскольку были кольцевыми и
имели неплохое покрытие. А
обилие придорожных
круглосуточных кафешек
определяло места не только
тусовок, но и старта и финиша.
• Крутейшими считались те, у кого
подороже мотоцикл и у кого
больше стаж вождения.
5. Многие из них
убеждены, что «риск -
благородное дело».
Риск, граничащий порой
с безумием, является
символом и
красоты, силы. Именно
"риск ради риска" - без
всякой видимой
причины. Рокер -
любитель риска,
который для него
превращается из
мотива в самоцель.
6. Обладая единым увлечением – ездой на
мотоцикле – рокеры нередко создавали
небольшие музыкальные группы.
Рокерской культуре свойственна
пропаганда отхода от несовершенного
мира. Она выстроена на философском
мировосприятии, что можно явно
увидеть в текстах песен. Их
идеологическая окраска может
колебаться от довольно безобидной до
призывающей к конкретным действиям
– протестам, призывам и даже бунтам.
В идеале, рокер – это начитанный
человек, который разбирается в
общественной ситуации, умеет
самостоятельно мыслить и делать
выводы, которые и излагает в
соответствующих текстах, положенных
на музыку
7. Рокеры не слишком опрятно выглядели, к тому же имели склонность к насилию,
поэтому вскоре их перестали пускать во многие пабы, клубы и танцплощадки, и
они тусили в придорожных кафе
Наиболее известные “тусовочные” кафе рокеров – это The Ace Cafe, Chelsea Bridge
tea stall, Ace of Spades, Busy Bee и Johnsons
8. Рокеры весьма предвзято относились к тем субкультурам, которые не принимали их
образ жизни. В 1960-х в Великобритании происходили многочисленные стычки
с Модами. Эти стычки получили название “Война Рокеров и Модов”
Потихоньку субкультура угасла, но потом возрождалась множество раз по всему миру.
9. В СССР субкультура рокеров пришла в 80-е и базировалась, как и сейчас, на
музыкальных предпочтениях, так как с мотоциклами, а тем более рокерской
атрибутикой, был страшный дефицит.
11. Одежда
- В стиле преобладают черты
брутальности (использование
денима и кожи)
- Практичная и удобная одежда
- Классическими цветами рокеров
считаются черный и красный.
Иногда присутствуют элементы
белого, серого или бежевого цвета,
но они редко становятся
основными цветами
- Заклепки, шипы, булавки, цепи и
12. - Кожаная мотоциклетная
куртка «косуха» –
обязательный атрибут
костюм рокера – не только
стильно выглядит, но и
защищает от ветра при
быстрой езде и
повреждений при
небольших авариях
- Шелковый шарф служит
не только украшением, но
и защитой лица от
встречного холодного
13. Часто рокеры носят футболки с рок группами, которые особенно любят,
заявляя таким образом всем миру о своих музыкальных предпочтениях
14. В гардеробе каждого уважающего себя рокера встречаются
кожаные брюки или джинсы. Многие из них носят
фирменные Levi's.
Мнение, что все рокеры носят кожаные косухи – это
устойчивый стереотип. На самом деле вы можете увидеть
рокера в джинсовой куртке, на которой присутствуют
элементы типичного для рокеров стиля с цепями или
15. Обувью для представителей этой субкультуры служат так называемые
«казаки» - сапоги и ботинки с поднятыми кверху носами, тяжелые ботинки
«гриндерс», кеды и кроссовки
16. Рокеры украшают тело аксессуарами, чаще всего из металлов белого цвета и кожи – перстнями, цепями,
браслетами, напульсниками, ремнями с различной кельтской символикой и изображениями животных.
Рокеры часто используют в своей символике череп и перекрещенные кости, поскольку глубокий тюнинг
мотоциклов делает их крайне опасными для езды.
17. Появился и прижился так называемый знак рокеров – «коза» - жест, в виде
выставленных вверх указательного пальца и мизинца и при прижатых к ладони
остальных. Так на рок-концертах люди выражали солидарность, единение с
выступающими на сцене
18. Прическа
• У приверженцев рока изначально
были прически под Элвиса Пресли.
Вообще, они могут быть любыми,
но обязательно отражать
индивидуальность. При СССР, к
примеру, рокеры носили длинные
волосы, собранные в хвост, так они
не мешают при быстрой езде.
• Распущенные волосы у рокера
могут означать, что он не
собирается садиться на своего
железного «коня» или
свидетельствовать о том, что
принимает эту компанию, т.е.
открыт всем, кто в ней. Окружение
для него комфортно и не
представляет опасности.
21. Музыка
Рок, как направление, имеет свои
подвиды, а также типы и
разносторонние жанры. Если говорить
простым языком, то наш рок – это
тяжелая музыка, а за словами текстов
скрывается глубокий, не всегда
понятный нам смысл. Вот лишь
некоторые известные виды: это и
русский рок, и довольно
экзальтированный фолк-рок, и кричащий
металлом индастриал-рок, не менее
громкий и ярко выраженный панк-рок.
В нашей стране развился так
называемый русский рок, к
представителям которого причисляют
группы «Алиса», «ДДТ», «Кино»,
«Наутилус Помпилиус», «Машина
Времени» и др.