Azure-TheCloudComputingV1Shahzad SThis document provides a very brief overview of Azure for developers and architects. It introduces cloud computing as internet-based shared computing resources and data accessed on demand. It also mentions the models of Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) but does not provide details about them. The document appears to be a work in progress that intends to discuss architecture views and Azure services. It includes links to related blogs for additional information.
کازمتیک - درماتیت سبورئیکMohammad Baghaeiدرماتیت سبورئیک Seborrheic dermatitis بیماری ای عفونی نیست اما می تواند باعفونت همراه باشد. درماتیت سبورئیک بیشتر یک وضعیت پوستی است اما در صورتی که درماتیت بر روی پوست سر یا دیگر نواحی پوست با موی قرار گرفته باشد ، می تواند با ریزش موی موقتی هم همراه باشد . مشخصه درماتیت ، پوست پوسته پوسته گاهی اوقات چرب و ملتهب است که در صورت لمس دچار سوزش یا حتی درد می شود.
OIL_OUTLINEChris TrantThe document outlines a process to analyze soybean oil content data from Q4 2013 to identify high-yielding geographic regions and vendors. It involves using Tableau to extract data on zip codes, vendors, bushels, and oil content. This data is exported to Excel where pivot tables aggregate the information to show total bushels and average oil content by zip code and vendor. The pivot table is then manipulated to highlight the top 30 zip codes based on oil content to help target higher oil yielding beans more cost effectively.
Azure-TheCloudComputingV1Shahzad SThis document provides a very brief overview of Azure for developers and architects. It introduces cloud computing as internet-based shared computing resources and data accessed on demand. It also mentions the models of Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) but does not provide details about them. The document appears to be a work in progress that intends to discuss architecture views and Azure services. It includes links to related blogs for additional information.
کازمتیک - درماتیت سبورئیکMohammad Baghaeiدرماتیت سبورئیک Seborrheic dermatitis بیماری ای عفونی نیست اما می تواند باعفونت همراه باشد. درماتیت سبورئیک بیشتر یک وضعیت پوستی است اما در صورتی که درماتیت بر روی پوست سر یا دیگر نواحی پوست با موی قرار گرفته باشد ، می تواند با ریزش موی موقتی هم همراه باشد . مشخصه درماتیت ، پوست پوسته پوسته گاهی اوقات چرب و ملتهب است که در صورت لمس دچار سوزش یا حتی درد می شود.
OIL_OUTLINEChris TrantThe document outlines a process to analyze soybean oil content data from Q4 2013 to identify high-yielding geographic regions and vendors. It involves using Tableau to extract data on zip codes, vendors, bushels, and oil content. This data is exported to Excel where pivot tables aggregate the information to show total bushels and average oil content by zip code and vendor. The pivot table is then manipulated to highlight the top 30 zip codes based on oil content to help target higher oil yielding beans more cost effectively.
Materializing dataprivacy in SAP - How?Nico J.W. Kuijper ECMm BPMs ERMpThe European Parliament approved the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR") On Thursday, 14 April 2016. The GDPR will become effective for all companies processing personal data of EU citizens on May the 28th 2016.
Failure to comply with the GDPR may result in enforcement actions under the GDPR, including possible fines up to the greater of € 20 million or 4% of annual global turnover.
How is this related to SAP data?
Most SAP using organizations are storing privacy relevant SAP data in their SAP systems (think of personal data related to customers, vendors, business partners, employees, applicants, patients, etc. etc.)
Many data privacy officers are aware of the new EU GDPR and are looking for instruments and know how to translate and apply data privacy measures to SAP data.
The attached presentation gives you some basic insight on how to handle personal and sensitive data in SAP systems.
Convex hulls & Chan's algorithmAlberto ParraviciniThis document summarizes Chan's optimal output sensitive algorithms for computing convex hulls in 2D and 3D. It begins with basic notions of convex hulls, then describes Jarvis's march and Graham's scan algorithms for 2D convex hulls. It introduces Chan's 2D algorithm, which combines Jarvis's march and Graham's scan to achieve optimal O(n log h) time complexity, where h is the size of the hull. The document then explains how Chan extended this approach to 3D convex hulls by replacing the components with their 3D analogues, resulting in an optimal output sensitive 3D convex hull algorithm.
La novacionemelymorenoLa novación ocurre cuando una obligación anterior se extingue y es reemplazada por una nueva obligación, ya sea por un cambio en el objeto, sujetos u otros elementos de la obligación. Requiere la intención expresa de las partes de extinguir la obligación original. Existen dos tipos de novación: objetiva, cuando cambia el objeto; y subjetiva, cuando cambia uno de los sujetos como el deudor o acreedor. Los efectos son extinguir la obligación anterior y generar una nueva, además de otros efectos particulares como la no transfer
Drug allergy overview by Dr Mohammad BaghaeiMohammad BaghaeiDrug allergy is the term for a group of symptoms caused by an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction occurs when your immune system mistakes the drug for a harmful substance and mounts an inflammatory response that actually harms rather than protects you. Any medication — over-the-counter, prescription or herbal — is capable of inducing a drug allergy. However, a drug allergy is more likely with certain medications
Sway-PresentYourIdeaV1Shahzad SSway is a presentation program developed by Microsoft that allows users to combine text, images, videos and other media to create interactive presentations and websites. Users can import content from their device or online sources like OneDrive, Bing, Facebook and YouTube. Sway was released in 2015 and is available as part of Microsoft 365 or for free through a Microsoft account. It can be used to create presentations, reports, personal stories, newsletters and more.
DAMA Ireland - GDPRDAMA IrelandThe General Data Protection Regulation and the DAMA DMBOK – Tools you can use for Compliance
Abstract: The General Data Protection Regulation will be the law governing data privacy in Europe in 2018. Surveys show that less than 50% of organisations are aware of the changes within the legislation, and even fewer have any plan for achieving compliance. In this session, Daragh O Brien takes us on a high level overview of the GDPR and how the disciplines of the DMBOK can help compliance.
Notes: DMBOK is an abbreviation for the "Data Management Book of Knowledge" which is published by DAMA International (The Data Management Association)
Just Veda Protein shaktidirect solutiomOver 80% of diets in India are protein deficient as the body cannot store protein like fats and carbohydrates. Protein Shakti contains a protein blend of whey protein isolate and micellar casein, as well as lecithin and steviol glycosides. Whey and casein proteins provide different benefits - whey is a complete protein that enhances human function while casein provides sustained slow release of amino acids. Lecithin and steviol glycosides also have health benefits. Protein Shakti increases lean body mass, builds and repairs muscles, provides energy, promotes hair growth, protects vital organs, and helps digestion.
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