Finde diapositivaMiriammgonzalezEl sábado, la persona se despertó a las 10 AM, desayunó y vió TV. Más tarde fue a comer con su novio a un restaurante chino y luego fue de compras. En la noche, fue a casa de una amiga y salieron juntas a Marítimo. El domingo, se despertó a la 1 PM, fue al cine a las 4 PM y pasó el resto del día en casa.
Finde diapositivaMiriammgonzalezEl sábado, la persona se despertó a las 10 AM, desayunó y vió TV. Más tarde fue a comer con su novio a un restaurante chino y luego fue de compras. En la noche, fue a casa de una amiga y salieron juntas a Marítimo. El domingo, se despertó a la 1 PM, fue al cine a las 4 PM y pasó el resto del día en casa.
Vodoun Creation MythologyangelaLOVEGOD1. Damballa is the father serpent in Vodoun mythology who created the oceans, earth, stars, and first humans.
2. Damballa fell in love with and married the first rainbow, Aida-Wedo.
3. Damballa and Aida-Wedo created the first city of Ifé, which was the source of all power, creation, and spirituality.
Popayán 2016duvan oliverosPopayán es una ciudad colombiana conocida por sus sitios turísticos como el Puente del Humilladero, el Pueblito Patojo y El Morro, así como Las tres Cruces.
project LAMMmuhammad Saad khanThis document is a project report on print media submitted for a Master's degree. It discusses various topics related to print media advertising including definitions of advertising, the features and importance of advertising, active participants in advertising, and an overview of print media formats like newspapers, magazines, and journals. The report analyzes how different types of products are suited for different print media advertising based on their intended audiences.
Cemitérios/Impactos necrochorumeAnita RochaO documento discute os impactos ambientais e de saúde pública causados pelo necrochorume de cemitérios. Ao longo da história, enterros em igrejas e zonas urbanas contaminaram fontes de água, levando à proibição dessas práticas no Brasil no século XVIII. Atualmente, resoluções do CONAMA regulamentam a construção de cemitérios devido ao necrochorume, líquido rico em patógenos que pode contaminar solo e água subterrânea. É necessário escolher cuidadosamente a localização e mé
Intégration des Systèmes d'information et Contrôle de Gestionpelorsonݺߣshow describing the main topics of a paper I wrote after my intership at IBM
Digital_Marketing_research_Insurance_IndustryYommi AlakeThis document provides an overview of opportunities for insurance companies in Nigeria to increase penetration through digital channels. It notes that insurance penetration is very low in Nigeria due to lack of awareness. The growth of digital technologies like mobile internet, social media, and e-commerce provide opportunities to educate customers and increase access to insurance. The document recommends that insurance companies build mobile-friendly websites, engage customers on social media, run online awareness campaigns, and embrace digital analytics to better understand customer needs. Partnering with digital companies could help insurance firms capture new customer segments and boost the industry's contribution to Nigeria's economy.
Insurance Through the Eyes of the Customer The Digital InsurerThe document discusses a webinar on improving customer experience in insurance through new technologies. It includes presentations from three panelists:
1) James Harding discussed using self-service claims technologies to improve the customer experience and reduce costs. Claims are settled faster with high customer satisfaction rates.
2) Dr. Onn Keet Peng argued that understanding customers based on data insights allows insurers to provide the right products to customers at the right time through the right channels.
3) Hugh Terry explained that customers use multiple channels throughout their journey and expect a seamless experience. Insurers must meet customers on all channels to remain relevant.
1. ЗОЖ
• Я хочу построить овощные теплицы и продавать
• Услуги будут востребованы у людей
занимающимся спортом и у тех кто ведет
здоровый образ жизни
• Так как решит проблему с высокими ценами на
• Потребители получат мои услуги в магазине
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