La educaci┏n ambiental es una estrategia educativa que busca formar personas conscientes de su entorno natural, social y cultural a trav└s de conceptos que les permitan analizar cr┴ticamente problemas ambientales y proponer soluciones. La autora describe su experiencia implementando una modalidad t└cnica de administraci┏n de recursos naturales que ha logrado cambios positivos en la actitud de los estudiantes hacia el medio ambiente.
Reflexionar sobre la Bolivia actual ser┴a imposible sin hacer referencia a las notables transformaciones suscitadas de manera acelerada en el presente siglo. Las mismas tienen dos caracter┴sticas particulares, in└ditas en el devenir hist┏rico del pa┴s, que hacen de esta coyuntura un momento excepcional en el desarrollo nacional. La primera, de car│cter tangible y objetivo es la consolidaci┏n de espacios urbanos como centros protag┏nicos de los cambios y mejoras econ┏micas, sociales y pol┴ticas, cuya expresi┏n m│xima es la consolidaci┏n de regiones metropolitanas, que se constituyen en los ejes dinamizadores del progreso, pero tambi└n son fuente de nuevos retos derivados de la concentraci┏n poblacional, la persistencia de inequidades territoriales y las condiciones de convivencia social. La segunda, de car│cter subjetivo y probablemente no anticipado, es la aparici┏n de nuevas aspiraciones, necesidades y demandas aparejadas a los nuevos perfiles del ciudadano boliviano, caracterizado por mayores niveles educativos, poder adquisitivo y acceso a las tecnolog┴as de la informaci┏n. Atender estas nuevas aspiraciones, impone un notable reto en materia de pol┴ticas p┣blicas tradicionalmente enfoca hallazgos das en disminuir carencias b│sicas.
El documento presenta preguntas sobre las caracter┴sticas de un electrocardiograma, incluyendo la presencia de un complejo QRS y onda P normales, el intervalo PR y la frecuencia. Luego describe diferentes tipos de bloqueo auriculoventricular, como el bloqueo AV de primer grado, bloqueo AV de segundo grado tipo Mobitz I y II, y bloqueo AV completo.
O documento discute a teoria de de Broglie e o efeito Compton. A teoria de de Broglie estabelece que part┴culas possuem propriedades ondulat┏rias com comprimento de onda dado por λ = h/p. O efeito Compton mostrou que f┏tons interagindo com el└trons confirmam a dualidade onda-part┴cula, com mudan?a no comprimento de onda dos f┏tons de acordo com a conserva??o de energia e momento.
1. The document discusses the future of social work in light of emerging technological changes and a transforming culture.
2. It argues that the nature of "social" and "work" will change as artificial intelligence transforms service delivery and patterns of human development. This will fundamentally change social institutions and the welfare state.
3. The future of social work is uncertain but social workers must prepare for change and the field may evolve to become more effective, less visible, and involve both public and private enterprises instead of government intervention. Personal relationships and community help will be restructured.
El documento presenta res┣menes de tres temas diferentes: el tangram, un simulador virtual para ensamblar computadoras, y la herramienta Wiggio. El tangram es un juego chino que usa 7 piezas geom└tricas para formar figuras. El simulador de Cisco permite ensamblar y desensamblar una PC virtualmente para aprender sobre hardware. Wiggio es una herramienta de colaboraci┏n que permite discusiones grupales, asignar tareas, compartir archivos y calendarios.
1) The document discusses the development of data analytics skills in Japan. It notes that Japan lags in producing data analytical talents, with numbers declining by 5.3%.
2) The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) started a project to develop talents for big data. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics and University of Tokyo received $130k per year for 3 years to form a network for scalable development of talents.
3) A study found that "datascientists" in Japan have diverse backgrounds and skills spanning business, mathematics, and computer science. While individuals may have data analytics capabilities, it is really an organizational capability. The maturity of organizations acquiring these services is
El documento describe los diferentes componentes y consideraciones para el dise?o de fundaciones, estructuras de madera y techos para viviendas unifamiliares de dos niveles. Explica los tipos comunes de fundaciones superficiales como la continua y aislada, y analiza posibles fallas. Tambi└n cubre el dise?o de columnas, vigas, entrepisos, cerchas y techos. El objetivo es proporcionar una soluci┏n estructural adecuada y duradera para viviendas con esta configuraci┏n.
Apache Zookeeper Explained: Tutorial, Use Cases and Zookeeper Java API ExamplesBinu George
This document provides an overview of Apache Zookeeper, a distributed coordination service. It discusses Zookeeper's data model, use of ZAB protocol for consensus, and common use cases such as naming, configuration management, and leader election. It also provides a brief Java client API example.
Ismael Megahed is seeking a dynamic position in engineering with a reputable company to gain experience. He has a Bachelor's degree in Communication and Electronics Engineering from the Egyptian Aviation Academy, where his graduation project involved an automatic sorting machine using PLC and image processing technology. He has experience as a site engineer for Orascom Construction and working on modernization projects for Afro Egypt and Ericsson Vodafone. His skills include PLC, AutoCAD, electrical design, mobile communications, and he is proficient in English, Microsoft Office, and has a basic knowledge of Linux.
Growing up hybrid: Accelerating digital transformation Cynthya Peranandam
Hybrid cloud is the de facto state of IT. Two-thirds of organizations that blend traditional and cloud infrastructures are already gaining advantage from their hybrid environments.
However, leaders among them use hybrid cloud to power their digital transformation, going beyond cost reduction and productivity gains. What¨s more, these leaders are using
hybrid cloud to springboard to next-generation initiatives such as Internet of Things and cognitive computing, aiming to disrupt and capture new markets.
Este documento trata sobre las ciencias sociales. Explica que las ciencias sociales estudian el comportamiento humano individual y colectivo en sociedad, y que se diferencian de las ciencias naturales y formales. Tambi└n define algunas caracter┴sticas clave de las ciencias sociales, como que utilizan m└todos inductivos y deductivos para establecer leyes sociales, y que su objeto de estudio es la sociedad humana y sus instituciones. Finalmente, discute la distinci┏n entre ciencias sociales y estudios sociales, as┴ como la relaci┏n entre las ciencias sociales
1. The document discusses the future of social work in light of emerging technological changes and a transforming culture.
2. It argues that the nature of "social" and "work" will change as artificial intelligence transforms service delivery and patterns of human development. This will fundamentally change social institutions and the welfare state.
3. The future of social work is uncertain but social workers must prepare for change and the field may evolve to become more effective, less visible, and involve both public and private enterprises instead of government intervention. Personal relationships and community help will be restructured.
El documento presenta res┣menes de tres temas diferentes: el tangram, un simulador virtual para ensamblar computadoras, y la herramienta Wiggio. El tangram es un juego chino que usa 7 piezas geom└tricas para formar figuras. El simulador de Cisco permite ensamblar y desensamblar una PC virtualmente para aprender sobre hardware. Wiggio es una herramienta de colaboraci┏n que permite discusiones grupales, asignar tareas, compartir archivos y calendarios.
1) The document discusses the development of data analytics skills in Japan. It notes that Japan lags in producing data analytical talents, with numbers declining by 5.3%.
2) The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) started a project to develop talents for big data. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics and University of Tokyo received $130k per year for 3 years to form a network for scalable development of talents.
3) A study found that "datascientists" in Japan have diverse backgrounds and skills spanning business, mathematics, and computer science. While individuals may have data analytics capabilities, it is really an organizational capability. The maturity of organizations acquiring these services is
El documento describe los diferentes componentes y consideraciones para el dise?o de fundaciones, estructuras de madera y techos para viviendas unifamiliares de dos niveles. Explica los tipos comunes de fundaciones superficiales como la continua y aislada, y analiza posibles fallas. Tambi└n cubre el dise?o de columnas, vigas, entrepisos, cerchas y techos. El objetivo es proporcionar una soluci┏n estructural adecuada y duradera para viviendas con esta configuraci┏n.
Apache Zookeeper Explained: Tutorial, Use Cases and Zookeeper Java API ExamplesBinu George
This document provides an overview of Apache Zookeeper, a distributed coordination service. It discusses Zookeeper's data model, use of ZAB protocol for consensus, and common use cases such as naming, configuration management, and leader election. It also provides a brief Java client API example.
Ismael Megahed is seeking a dynamic position in engineering with a reputable company to gain experience. He has a Bachelor's degree in Communication and Electronics Engineering from the Egyptian Aviation Academy, where his graduation project involved an automatic sorting machine using PLC and image processing technology. He has experience as a site engineer for Orascom Construction and working on modernization projects for Afro Egypt and Ericsson Vodafone. His skills include PLC, AutoCAD, electrical design, mobile communications, and he is proficient in English, Microsoft Office, and has a basic knowledge of Linux.
Growing up hybrid: Accelerating digital transformation Cynthya Peranandam
Hybrid cloud is the de facto state of IT. Two-thirds of organizations that blend traditional and cloud infrastructures are already gaining advantage from their hybrid environments.
However, leaders among them use hybrid cloud to power their digital transformation, going beyond cost reduction and productivity gains. What¨s more, these leaders are using
hybrid cloud to springboard to next-generation initiatives such as Internet of Things and cognitive computing, aiming to disrupt and capture new markets.
Este documento trata sobre las ciencias sociales. Explica que las ciencias sociales estudian el comportamiento humano individual y colectivo en sociedad, y que se diferencian de las ciencias naturales y formales. Tambi└n define algunas caracter┴sticas clave de las ciencias sociales, como que utilizan m└todos inductivos y deductivos para establecer leyes sociales, y que su objeto de estudio es la sociedad humana y sus instituciones. Finalmente, discute la distinci┏n entre ciencias sociales y estudios sociales, as┴ como la relaci┏n entre las ciencias sociales