Salvem O PlanetaedinalvameloO documento discute a degradação ambiental e a necessidade de preservação da natureza. A autora descreve como a poluição está matando peixes nos rios e levando espécies animais à extinção, enquanto as plantações também estão morrendo. Ela pede socorro para a Terra e enfatiza a importância de preservar a vida e a natureza para estar em harmonia com Deus.
Olympic word find takahe2The document contains a jumbled list of words related to sports and competitions. It includes references to locations like London, medals in different metals, trophies awarded to winners, relay races, team sports, and annual sporting events.
Impacto tic en los roles docentes universitarios.luisavila1984El documento describe el impacto de la tecnología de la información y la comunicación en la docencia universitaria. Señala que los profesores universitarios deben adoptar roles como orientador, investigador y motivador al utilizar recursos como software, hardware y estrategias tecnológicas para mejorar la enseñanza.
Encuentro 2.0Isidro VidalEste documento describe el uso de blogs y aplicaciones web 2.0 como Google Docs en el aula para estudiantes de 1o y 2o de ESO. Los estudiantes crean blogs colectivos donde publican tareas como fichas musicales, informes, y videos. El profesor publica apuntes de clase y recursos en el blog y enseña a los estudiantes a usar herramientas como WordPress y Google Docs para colaborar y compartir documentos. El objetivo es que los estudiantes aprendan a utilizar estas herramientas para mejorar su aprendiz
Development of genomics pipelines and its integration with breedingCIATThis document discusses the development of genomics pipelines for cassava and their integration with breeding. It outlines relevant technical advances in sequencing technologies that have enabled the sequencing of important plant genomes like cassava. It describes cassava genomics tools that have been developed, including mapping populations, BAC libraries, EST collections, microarray platforms, and full-length cDNA collections. It discusses using these tools to identify genes related to traits like drought tolerance, disease resistance, and starch biosynthesis. The document emphasizes exploiting untapped genetic diversity and developing targeted breeding populations.
Metódos de Pesquisa em CrodolfoeyalanaEste documento discute duas técnicas de pesquisa em listas ordenadas:
1) Pesquisa sequencial: compara o valor procurado com cada elemento da lista até encontrar uma correspondência. Seu desempenho varia de O(1) a O(n).
2) Pesquisa binária: divide a lista ao meio em cada etapa até isolar o valor, se presente. Seu desempenho é O(log n), mais eficiente que a pesquisa sequencial para listas grandes.
Finding The Right People: Tools for Screencing, Hiring, and Retaining StaffMABSIV1) 1st Valley Bank has grown from 1 branch and 3 employees in 1956 to 21 branches, 8 loan centers, and 375 employees as of April 2009.
2) The bank's human resource management covers recruitment, training, performance management, compensation and benefits. New employees undergo classroom and on-the-job training.
3) The bank aims to retain employees through competitive benefits, opportunities for professional growth like further education, and incentives based on performance.
Lo Que Un Inversor Debe Conocer De Un EmprendedorAndrés RomeroPresentación utilizada en la charla "Financiación de Proyectos Empresariales: Los Business Angels" en CEEIM - Murcia BAN Enero de 2010.
[C++ Korea 2nd Seminar] C++17 Key Features SummaryChris OhkC++은 10년 만에 C++11/14를 발표하면서 '모던 C++'이라는 이름으로 발전했습니다. 그만큼 새로운 기능들이 많이 추가되었습니다. 그리고 2017년, C++은 C++17이라는 이름으로 또 한 번의 발전을 준비하고 있습니다. 3년 주기로 빠르게 변화하는 모던 C++에 대비하기 위해, C++17에 추가될 주요 기능들을 살펴보고자 합니다.
Teaser memorandum(ball ready)startupkoreaBallReady is a South Korean company established in 2013 that develops smart pet care devices using IoT technology. It debuted its first product, an automatic ball shooter and feeder for dogs, in 2015. The company aims to build a pet care platform that integrates its existing hardware with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity to track exercise and feeding data in the cloud. This will allow users to monitor their dog's activity and health patterns through mobile and web apps. While currently small, BallReady projects significant revenue growth in 2016 and 2017 as it expands into the global market and launches a new product model. The report provides an overview of the company's history and products, key investment attractions around its IoT-enabled platform, industry trends, and
Development of genomics pipelines and its integration with breedingCIATThis document discusses the development of genomics pipelines for cassava and their integration with breeding. It outlines relevant technical advances in sequencing technologies that have enabled the sequencing of important plant genomes like cassava. It describes cassava genomics tools that have been developed, including mapping populations, BAC libraries, EST collections, microarray platforms, and full-length cDNA collections. It discusses using these tools to identify genes related to traits like drought tolerance, disease resistance, and starch biosynthesis. The document emphasizes exploiting untapped genetic diversity and developing targeted breeding populations.
Metódos de Pesquisa em CrodolfoeyalanaEste documento discute duas técnicas de pesquisa em listas ordenadas:
1) Pesquisa sequencial: compara o valor procurado com cada elemento da lista até encontrar uma correspondência. Seu desempenho varia de O(1) a O(n).
2) Pesquisa binária: divide a lista ao meio em cada etapa até isolar o valor, se presente. Seu desempenho é O(log n), mais eficiente que a pesquisa sequencial para listas grandes.
Finding The Right People: Tools for Screencing, Hiring, and Retaining StaffMABSIV1) 1st Valley Bank has grown from 1 branch and 3 employees in 1956 to 21 branches, 8 loan centers, and 375 employees as of April 2009.
2) The bank's human resource management covers recruitment, training, performance management, compensation and benefits. New employees undergo classroom and on-the-job training.
3) The bank aims to retain employees through competitive benefits, opportunities for professional growth like further education, and incentives based on performance.
Lo Que Un Inversor Debe Conocer De Un EmprendedorAndrés RomeroPresentación utilizada en la charla "Financiación de Proyectos Empresariales: Los Business Angels" en CEEIM - Murcia BAN Enero de 2010.
[C++ Korea 2nd Seminar] C++17 Key Features SummaryChris OhkC++은 10년 만에 C++11/14를 발표하면서 '모던 C++'이라는 이름으로 발전했습니다. 그만큼 새로운 기능들이 많이 추가되었습니다. 그리고 2017년, C++은 C++17이라는 이름으로 또 한 번의 발전을 준비하고 있습니다. 3년 주기로 빠르게 변화하는 모던 C++에 대비하기 위해, C++17에 추가될 주요 기능들을 살펴보고자 합니다.
Teaser memorandum(ball ready)startupkoreaBallReady is a South Korean company established in 2013 that develops smart pet care devices using IoT technology. It debuted its first product, an automatic ball shooter and feeder for dogs, in 2015. The company aims to build a pet care platform that integrates its existing hardware with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity to track exercise and feeding data in the cloud. This will allow users to monitor their dog's activity and health patterns through mobile and web apps. While currently small, BallReady projects significant revenue growth in 2016 and 2017 as it expands into the global market and launches a new product model. The report provides an overview of the company's history and products, key investment attractions around its IoT-enabled platform, industry trends, and
20160115 business model pitch deck ver2.0startupkoreaThe Zephyrus technology uses image recognition to provide valuable hidden information through devices like phones and tablets. Their Zephyrus Camera app allows users to scan real objects to get timely information like faces, weather, locations of restaurants and goods without needing multiple isolated apps. They aim to acquire 10 million in sales in 2016 by releasing the Zephyrus Camera beta in February and marketing it as a way to access real and virtual information simultaneously.
Wim factory introductionstartupkorea1. WimFactory is an IoT smart factory platform for small and medium sized manufacturers that uses smart sensors called WICON to monitor production facilities in real-time.
2. The platform collects sensor data, analyzes it using big data and machine learning, and provides notifications to managers about potential issues or malfunctions.
3. Setting up WimFactory takes only 15-25 days and requires no employee training - it allows remote real-time monitoring of facilities from smartphones.
01.12 cm echosssmartstamp_introduction_v1.3_engstartupkorea1. The document introduces echoss, a smartphone stamp service that replaces traditional paper stamps. It uses smartphone recognition technology to allow stamps to be applied and verified digitally.
2. The echoss stamp service consists of check-in, membership, certification, and utility services. It has a roadmap to expand its lineup of services in these areas using smartphone recognition of locations, users, information, and processes.
3. Echoss has fully commercialized its stamp technology, which is patented and used in various business partnerships and services in Korea. It expects to create convergence with other smart device industries and services.