галымжан сармурзин+агнство по продаже недвижимости+предпринимателиБургынбой Мургынбойгалымжан сармурзин+агнство по продаже недвижимости+предприниматели
Quick start guide - performance by standards reports taskstreamThis document provides instructions for creating a Performance by Standards report in Taskstream. The report allows users to generate assessment performance reports based on selected standards and rubric criteria. It provides steps for selecting standards, templates, rubric criteria, users/filters, and programs. The report then displays performance results for each criterion and standard, and allows drilling down into standard group and author details.
галымжан сармурзин+агнство по продаже недвижимости+предпринимателиБургынбой Мургынбойгалымжан сармурзин+агнство по продаже недвижимости+предприниматели
Quick start guide - performance by standards reports taskstreamThis document provides instructions for creating a Performance by Standards report in Taskstream. The report allows users to generate assessment performance reports based on selected standards and rubric criteria. It provides steps for selecting standards, templates, rubric criteria, users/filters, and programs. The report then displays performance results for each criterion and standard, and allows drilling down into standard group and author details.
Performance by DRF category report taskstreamThis document provides instructions for running and saving a Performance by DRF Category Report in Taskstream. The report shows performance for each requirement and category in a DRF and can be generated for individual participants, all participants, or subgroups. The report results include a main summary, individual category/requirement details, and author performance details. Saved reports can be given a name and description and shared with other coordinators.
Customer service prof dev 2015taskstreamThe document discusses the importance of customer service and provides tips for effectively handling difficult customers. It emphasizes being responsive, reliable, and respectful. When dealing with rude customers, the key is to remain calm, not take things personally, actively listen and sympathize, apologize gracefully, and find a solution. The document also discusses different customer personality types and avoiding common errors like making assumptions without considering context. Good customer service requires understanding situations from the customer's perspective.
Running an evaluation form responses reporttaskstreamThe Evaluation Form Responses Report allows administrators to generate reports on evaluations completed using custom forms. It provides aggregated results for entire groups of respondents and individual respondents, comparing submission responses. The report can only aggregate data from forms used for evaluations, not author submissions. To run the report, an administrator selects a form, respondents, and evaluation date range. The report displays summary statistics and details, including all individual responses.
Prueba de subir diapositivas a slideshare2blogdelcolegiotaniaEste documento explica cómo subir diapositivas a slideshare.net y advierte que al hacerlo se perderán las animaciones que fueron agregadas originalmente a la presentación. Consiste en 3 diapositivas breves que muestran el proceso de subir diapositivas al sitio slideshare.net y la advertencia de que se eliminarán las animaciones.
Mitos de la sociedad de la informaciónticpracticasmiercolesEste documento describe varios mitos comunes sobre las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en educación. Entre estos mitos se incluyen la idea de que las TIC son culturalmente deshumanizantes, que tienen un valor intrínseco, y que son neutrales y asépticas cuando en realidad transmiten valores culturales. También discute mitos como la amplitud ilimitada de información, la libertad de expresión igualitaria, la existencia de una "supertecnología", y que las TIC pueden reemplazar a los profesores.
Seminario 3.aletorolanzasThe document summarizes seminar 3 and provides instructions for searching PubMed and adding sources to Mendeley. It lists 4 sources found in a PubMed search related to mental health, caregiving, and the elderly. Instructions are given to add the articles to a folder in PubMed and export them to Mendeley. The document also provides 2 sources found in a CINAHL search on similar topics and issues with care for those with mental illness.
Seminario 3aletorolanzasThe document summarizes seminar 3 and provides 4 sources from PubMed and 2 sources from CINAHL on topics related to mental health and care for those with mental illness. Key points include:
- The seminar discusses searching PubMed and adding selected articles to a Mendeley folder for bibliographic referencing.
- The 4 PubMed sources focus on metabolic syndrome in elderly Brazilian communities, care for those with mental illness by family and public health nurses, suicide in VA nursing homes, and family caregiver burden for those with schizophrenia.
- The 2 CINAHL sources examine deficiencies in nursing home care for those with serious mental illness and the role of hospital-based home care for those with severe mental
From Them to Us- The Localization of Music in Anime from Japan to AmericaColin Andrew GrantThis document discusses the localization of music in anime from Japan to America. It explains that when early anime was brought to America, the music was heavily edited to sound more American by changing themes, replacing soundtracks, and removing cultural elements. Over time, as anime grew in popularity, music editing became less extreme but was still common practice to make the music more familiar to American audiences. The document interviews several people involved in music localization who explain the business process, which usually involved freelance music editors selecting from pre-existing music libraries to replace the original soundtracks due to costs and desires to Americanize the content.
Colin Grant Senior Thesis FinalColin Andrew GrantThis document discusses the evolution of animated television shows for children in America and how they have increasingly portrayed diverse political ideologies that push back against American hegemony. It provides historical context on how cartoons were initially used as propaganda during World War 2 and the Cold War to promote American exceptionalism. In the 1980s, deregulation led shows like G.I. Joe to promote militarism and capitalism. By the 1990s, cable television and creator-driven shows allowed for more experimental genres that occasionally challenged authority figures and institutions. Recent shows like The Legend of Korra have further depicted alternative political systems, demonstrating how youth animation can legitimately examine ideology.
Отель для детейRaushan BabykovaОтель в формате детского сада предназначенный для развития и роста ребенка с множеством развлечений и в целом отдыха для родителей.
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