Informaticaumanistica 2016-5-161206 - 2 Stefano LaricciaLesson 12 of 2016
Aprendizaje autonomo y aprendizaje significativo 33160615Les comparto mi presentacion
Bases de datosglendimarquinteroEste documento describe las bases de datos, incluyendo su definición, componentes, propósito en las empresas y ventajas. Explica que una base de datos es un sistema para almacenar y recuperar información de manera organizada y eficiente. Detalla los principales sistemas de gestión de bases de datos como MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server y PostgreSQL y cómo se usan en banca, aerolíneas, universidades y más. Resalta que las bases de datos permiten compactar, acceder rápido y mantener actualizada la información de una organización.
La visita del papa francisco a MéxicoEduardo Vázquez ElizondoEl documento resume la reciente visita del Papa Francisco a México en febrero de 2020. Aborda la biografía breve del Papa, la orden religiosa de los jesuitas a la que pertenece, y los eventos recientes en México que generaron controversia. Describe la visita papal, incluyendo las ciudades que visitó y los temas que abordó, como la pederastia. Si bien generó opiniones divididas en México, el Papa buscó dar un mensaje de esperanza.
20162109 x api rev. slarStefano LaricciaXAPI (Experience API) is a standard for collecting data about learning experiences that can be shared across different systems. It involves storing statements about learning activities and experiences in a Learning Record Store (LRS) database. The Commons platform could integrate an LRS to collect and share data about user activities both within and outside of Commons in a way that is interoperable with other systems. This would allow functions like improved learning analytics, mentoring support, and community management by providing information about a user's full learning experience. While integrating an LRS presents technical challenges, it is an opportunity to position Commons for the future of educational services.
Cookening - share your culinary loveKobi MagneziCookening is a French startup that connects people through home cooked meals either by attending or hosting. It aims to amplify the moment of sharing a meal with others, especially between foreigners. With a focus on simple and authentic experiences to combat social isolation, Cookening's concept allows non-locals to book meals hosted by locals through their online platform. Revenue is generated through a 20% fee of the payment for bookings, with the startup currently in a beta phase in France and several other countries. Challenges include a niche market limiting revenue potential and ensuring safety as strangers interact through the platform.
Citybranding en el gobierno urbanoRa ArcEl documento presenta información sobre city branding y su aplicación en el gobierno de las ciudades. Explica conceptos clave como ciudad, gobierno y branding. También analiza los retos de las ciudades modernas como la globalización y la necesidad de ser competitivas. Finalmente, explora la evolución del enfoque económico de las ciudades y el cambio hacia valores sociales.
COGIC Young Men Of Valor Training Manual Statement Pastor Harvey BurnettThis is the official statement and General Order from COGIC on the Young Men Of Valor Training Manual.
BEST NC Shaftesbury Society - August 2015 - FINAL DECKEducationNCThis document summarizes a presentation given by Brenda Berg on transforming education in North Carolina. Berg argues that North Carolina faces a growing skills gap that will make it difficult for companies to fill positions. Student academic performance in the state is mediocre compared to other systems that are improving. There is no clear talent plan for educators in the state from pre-K to postgraduate. Berg outlines a vision for prioritizing student success in school, work and life by supporting students, elevating educators, and raising expectations. This involves convening stakeholders around a shared vision and advocating for policies and programs to move the needle on student outcomes.
BASAL IMPLANTS TYPES AND ADVANTAGESBest Laser Dental ClinicBasal implants are getting support from basal bone....which is cortical...smooth surface and smaller neck... no risk for infection...reintegration possible....replacement with wider or lengthier bcs possible...
Common s project what's next up2u and mcgraw hillStefano LaricciaThe document discusses ways to improve dissemination of the Commons Project and ensure its sustainability. It proposes:
1) Submitting another funding proposal (CommonS2) to extend support for the Commons Project and define goals/sustainability.
2) Cooperating with other European networks and a publishing house to enhance dissemination of project platforms, communities, and learning content.
3) Better defining the business model by cooperating with the xAPI community, skills/competencies standards, and an educational orientation project (Up2U) to bridge between funding periods.
10 infection controlVasundhara naikThis document discusses infection control in dentistry. It covers personal protection like gloves, masks and protective eyewear. It also discusses sterilization, disinfection and aseptic techniques. Universal precautions should be followed, treating all body fluids as potentially infectious. OSHA guidelines require hepatitis B vaccination, engineering controls to reduce aerosols, and safe handling of sharps. Proper sterilization of instruments is important to prevent transmission of diseases between patients and dental staff.
MongoDB World 2016: Scaling MongoDB with Docker and cGroupsMongoDB- The document discusses scaling MongoDB deployments using Docker and cgroups for resource management. It describes common pain points in deploying MongoDB at scale and how Docker can help address them through orchestration, resource control, and deployment patterns.
- Key aspects covered include deploying MongoDB replica sets and sharded clusters on Docker Swarm for redundancy and high availability, using constraints and affinity filters for container distribution, and setting memory and CPU limits on containers with cgroups to control resources and avoid contention issues.
- The talk demonstrates deploying a MongoDB sharded cluster on an AWS Swarm cluster using Docker Compose and discusses advantages of the approach like speed, control, agility and flexibility.
Informaticaumanistica 2016-5-161206 - 2 Stefano LaricciaLesson 12 of 2016
Aprendizaje autonomo y aprendizaje significativo 33160615Les comparto mi presentacion
Bases de datosglendimarquinteroEste documento describe las bases de datos, incluyendo su definición, componentes, propósito en las empresas y ventajas. Explica que una base de datos es un sistema para almacenar y recuperar información de manera organizada y eficiente. Detalla los principales sistemas de gestión de bases de datos como MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server y PostgreSQL y cómo se usan en banca, aerolíneas, universidades y más. Resalta que las bases de datos permiten compactar, acceder rápido y mantener actualizada la información de una organización.
La visita del papa francisco a MéxicoEduardo Vázquez ElizondoEl documento resume la reciente visita del Papa Francisco a México en febrero de 2020. Aborda la biografía breve del Papa, la orden religiosa de los jesuitas a la que pertenece, y los eventos recientes en México que generaron controversia. Describe la visita papal, incluyendo las ciudades que visitó y los temas que abordó, como la pederastia. Si bien generó opiniones divididas en México, el Papa buscó dar un mensaje de esperanza.
20162109 x api rev. slarStefano LaricciaXAPI (Experience API) is a standard for collecting data about learning experiences that can be shared across different systems. It involves storing statements about learning activities and experiences in a Learning Record Store (LRS) database. The Commons platform could integrate an LRS to collect and share data about user activities both within and outside of Commons in a way that is interoperable with other systems. This would allow functions like improved learning analytics, mentoring support, and community management by providing information about a user's full learning experience. While integrating an LRS presents technical challenges, it is an opportunity to position Commons for the future of educational services.
Cookening - share your culinary loveKobi MagneziCookening is a French startup that connects people through home cooked meals either by attending or hosting. It aims to amplify the moment of sharing a meal with others, especially between foreigners. With a focus on simple and authentic experiences to combat social isolation, Cookening's concept allows non-locals to book meals hosted by locals through their online platform. Revenue is generated through a 20% fee of the payment for bookings, with the startup currently in a beta phase in France and several other countries. Challenges include a niche market limiting revenue potential and ensuring safety as strangers interact through the platform.
Citybranding en el gobierno urbanoRa ArcEl documento presenta información sobre city branding y su aplicación en el gobierno de las ciudades. Explica conceptos clave como ciudad, gobierno y branding. También analiza los retos de las ciudades modernas como la globalización y la necesidad de ser competitivas. Finalmente, explora la evolución del enfoque económico de las ciudades y el cambio hacia valores sociales.
COGIC Young Men Of Valor Training Manual Statement Pastor Harvey BurnettThis is the official statement and General Order from COGIC on the Young Men Of Valor Training Manual.
BEST NC Shaftesbury Society - August 2015 - FINAL DECKEducationNCThis document summarizes a presentation given by Brenda Berg on transforming education in North Carolina. Berg argues that North Carolina faces a growing skills gap that will make it difficult for companies to fill positions. Student academic performance in the state is mediocre compared to other systems that are improving. There is no clear talent plan for educators in the state from pre-K to postgraduate. Berg outlines a vision for prioritizing student success in school, work and life by supporting students, elevating educators, and raising expectations. This involves convening stakeholders around a shared vision and advocating for policies and programs to move the needle on student outcomes.
BASAL IMPLANTS TYPES AND ADVANTAGESBest Laser Dental ClinicBasal implants are getting support from basal bone....which is cortical...smooth surface and smaller neck... no risk for infection...reintegration possible....replacement with wider or lengthier bcs possible...
Common s project what's next up2u and mcgraw hillStefano LaricciaThe document discusses ways to improve dissemination of the Commons Project and ensure its sustainability. It proposes:
1) Submitting another funding proposal (CommonS2) to extend support for the Commons Project and define goals/sustainability.
2) Cooperating with other European networks and a publishing house to enhance dissemination of project platforms, communities, and learning content.
3) Better defining the business model by cooperating with the xAPI community, skills/competencies standards, and an educational orientation project (Up2U) to bridge between funding periods.
10 infection controlVasundhara naikThis document discusses infection control in dentistry. It covers personal protection like gloves, masks and protective eyewear. It also discusses sterilization, disinfection and aseptic techniques. Universal precautions should be followed, treating all body fluids as potentially infectious. OSHA guidelines require hepatitis B vaccination, engineering controls to reduce aerosols, and safe handling of sharps. Proper sterilization of instruments is important to prevent transmission of diseases between patients and dental staff.
MongoDB World 2016: Scaling MongoDB with Docker and cGroupsMongoDB- The document discusses scaling MongoDB deployments using Docker and cgroups for resource management. It describes common pain points in deploying MongoDB at scale and how Docker can help address them through orchestration, resource control, and deployment patterns.
- Key aspects covered include deploying MongoDB replica sets and sharded clusters on Docker Swarm for redundancy and high availability, using constraints and affinity filters for container distribution, and setting memory and CPU limits on containers with cgroups to control resources and avoid contention issues.
- The talk demonstrates deploying a MongoDB sharded cluster on an AWS Swarm cluster using Docker Compose and discusses advantages of the approach like speed, control, agility and flexibility.
4. карта конкурентов: цена/ качество
покажите позицию вашего продукта/ сервиса
относительно конкурентов
Firehouse Fitness
Sky Wellness
Sportplaza Mercator
Наш проект
EcoPower Fitness
Luxury Welness
5. карта конкурентов: угроза/ размер
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здесь надо
воровать идеи и
инвесторыFirehouse Fitness
Kallos Cosmetics
Sportplaza Mercator
Sky Wellness
Luxury Welness
EcoPower Fitness