Diapositivas en lineajuan esteban marin garciaEste documento define los delitos informáticos o ciberdelitos como acciones antijurídicas que dañan ordenadores, medios electrónicos y redes de Internet. Explica que los delitos informáticos incluyen fraudes, robo, chantaje y falsificación cometido a través de ordenadores o redes. También reconoce que a pesar de las medidas de seguridad, no existe protección infalible contra estos delitos que se vuelven más frecuentes y sofisticados con el desarrollo de la tecnología.
Trabajo santisantiagotores200508Lucí aceptó un favor de su amigo Richard para entregar un maletín. Cuando preguntó por el Sr. Chan, fue golpeada y le inyectaron drogas en el estómago. Más tarde, a ella y a otros les dieron pasaportes para que se fueran, pero Lucí logró escapar e ir a un hospital. Luego buscó venganza contra el Sr. Chan y los que le inyectaron las drogas. Al final, Lucí creó un dispositivo para almacenar grandes cantidades de información.
Singapore Risk management seminar presentation packCarlos VillasmilThis document discusses developing a risk architecture framework that fits into an organization's risk management strategy. It provides steps for 1) determining a project's risk appetite by analyzing risk exposure, 2) keeping risk exposure at an acceptable level within the project's risk appetite, and 3) designing contingency plans to treat project risks. It emphasizes that risk is dynamic and requires constant monitoring and communication among project teams.
Digital storytelling aau copenhagen_sep_2016Nikoline LohmannDigital storytelling is an effective method for inspiring social change and empowerment through creating human connections. It involves combining a short first-person script of 350-400 words with images, music, and voiceover of 2-3 minutes to tell a personal story. The document outlines the value of digital storytelling, including introducing new topics and engaging people. It then discusses the Copenhagen Center for Digital Storytelling, which has run workshops internationally since 2007 on topics like education, health, advocacy, and community building. Research projects involving digital storytelling are also mentioned.
Are Chatbots the new AppsPrashanth NagaanandWith the sudden surge in investments going into chatbots, is it possible that they might become the new apps? Will chatbots replace apps? is it the next big thing since the App Store?
Assignment 6Steven VogelBotswana and Canada both apply the classical theory advocated by Adam Smith by focusing on developing their natural resources. Botswana relies heavily on diamond mining, which makes up 40% of its GDP, while Canada exports oil and natural gas. Both countries have high literacy rates and stable governments. However, Botswana has a lower standard of living and life expectancy than Canada, with a GNI per capita of $3202 compared to Canada's $20,790. While Botswana utilizes its diamond resources, it needs to further develop its agricultural sector and increase education to develop new export industries.
Resume1Saravanan JothivengadamThis document contains the resume of Saravanan Jothivengadam, who has over 11 years of experience in pre-sale and post-sale support of networking products. He currently works as a senior technical support engineer for Ixia Technologies, providing expert-level support to customers. Prior to this, he held roles testing and integrating networking equipment. He has skills in protocols like TCP/IP, testing tools from Ixia and Spirent, and networking products from Cisco, HP, Dell and others.
Semillero y autobiografía yudy_ramirezpresentamos un breve resumen de un tema en especifico de lo que trato el semillero, incluyendo en él una corta autobiografía
Digital storytelling aau copenhagen_sep_2016Nikoline LohmannDigital storytelling is an effective method for inspiring social change and empowerment through creating human connections. It involves combining a short first-person script of 350-400 words with images, music, and voiceover of 2-3 minutes to tell a personal story. The document outlines the value of digital storytelling, including introducing new topics and engaging people. It then discusses the Copenhagen Center for Digital Storytelling, which has run workshops internationally since 2007 on topics like education, health, advocacy, and community building. Research projects involving digital storytelling are also mentioned.
Are Chatbots the new AppsPrashanth NagaanandWith the sudden surge in investments going into chatbots, is it possible that they might become the new apps? Will chatbots replace apps? is it the next big thing since the App Store?
Assignment 6Steven VogelBotswana and Canada both apply the classical theory advocated by Adam Smith by focusing on developing their natural resources. Botswana relies heavily on diamond mining, which makes up 40% of its GDP, while Canada exports oil and natural gas. Both countries have high literacy rates and stable governments. However, Botswana has a lower standard of living and life expectancy than Canada, with a GNI per capita of $3202 compared to Canada's $20,790. While Botswana utilizes its diamond resources, it needs to further develop its agricultural sector and increase education to develop new export industries.
Resume1Saravanan JothivengadamThis document contains the resume of Saravanan Jothivengadam, who has over 11 years of experience in pre-sale and post-sale support of networking products. He currently works as a senior technical support engineer for Ixia Technologies, providing expert-level support to customers. Prior to this, he held roles testing and integrating networking equipment. He has skills in protocols like TCP/IP, testing tools from Ixia and Spirent, and networking products from Cisco, HP, Dell and others.
Semillero y autobiografía yudy_ramirezpresentamos un breve resumen de un tema en especifico de lo que trato el semillero, incluyendo en él una corta autobiografía
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