Debi banks digital footprintDebi BanksThis document discusses digital footprints and how to manage one's online presence. It defines a digital footprint as the trail of information someone leaves online through their own posts and actions, as well as things others post about them. It notes that one leaves a footprint through websites, social media like Facebook and YouTube, and services like Google. The document provides tips for curating a positive online presence such as using one's real name, posting positive content, and networking with others of similar interests. It stresses the importance of regularly monitoring one's online reputation and removing any negative information.
Bba diversity conference report 6.5.12SuffolkLALSAThe document summarizes key points from a conference on diversity and inclusion in Boston law firms. It discusses national trends showing a decline in minority attorneys and partners from 2009 to 2011. For Boston firms, the number of minority partners decreased slightly from 2009 to 2011, while the percentage of minority associates remained similar. The document also provides diversity numbers for Boston firms from 2009 to 2010 NALP reports, showing the number of minority partners, associates, men and women in those groups.
Return vs outputDavid LadowitzOutput displays information to users while return provides a value back to the calling code. The document discusses the difference between output and return, with one view being that output is for people to see while return is for computers to use in code. It also shows someone unsure of the difference between the two concepts.
El bullying!Abel0700Trata sobre el acoso escolar que se subre en los colegios!
5 Ways Your SMB Can Make More Money Using Social MediaDave KerpenThe document outlines 5 ways to make money using social media: 1) generate referrals, 2) generate positive reviews and respond to negative ones, 3) use Facebook ads and offers to test and scale strategies, 4) create and promote your own information products, and 5) use tools and systems to automate processes and make them easier. The document was presented by Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local, and John Rampton, CEO of during a webinar on making money using social media.
Business innovation rick huijbregts 16oct2013Rick HuijbregtsFueling Innovation with the Internet of Everything. Smart + Connected Communities for Regional Transformation.
Vimbai s Curriculum Vitae-1Vimbai VsingiziThe document is a curriculum vitae for Vimabi S Mudiwa. It summarizes her professional experience working in office administration, account management, and customer service roles for Nelia Milling Company, Eagle Eye Pvt (Ltd), and Bliss Gardens and Hiring. It also lists her educational qualifications, including an ACCA accounting qualification, and personal details.
1 cv en wilson coutoWilson de Almeida Couto, Jr.This document is a resume for Wilson de Almeida Couto Junior, an engineer seeking new opportunities in the petroleum, gas, and energy industries. It outlines his educational background which includes degrees in work safety engineering, petroleum and gas engineering, and certifications in automotive mechanics and business administration. His professional experience includes roles as a petroleum and gas engineer regulating natural gas distribution and power generation for a state agency and as an engineer trainee for a natural gas company. He also lists relevant courses and certifications, languages, and additional information.
Presentación sobre el Informe de Desarrollo Sostenible de EuskadiPEGIP2020Este informe evalúa el progreso de la implementación de la Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible de Euskadi 2020. Resalta que la crisis económica ha tenido un impacto mayor del previsto y ha empeorado los indicadores sociales y económicos. Aunque se han completado muchos de los planes sectoriales, la crisis ha alterado el contexto y la medición de los indicadores. El informe concluye que se necesita continuar construyendo sistemas sostenibles a pesar de las dificultades planteadas por la recesión.
Birgit Plietzsch “RDM within research computing support” SALCTG June 2013SALCTGAn overview of Research Data Management: the research process from developing ideas to preservation of data; funder perspectives, the impact on the wider service, Data Asset Frameworks, preservation and access, and cost implications.
Responsive design in sp seminar buildingi 20130918Bill EnglandThe document discusses responsive design for a SharePoint 2013 intranet for MacDonald Miller, an HVAC contractor. It provides an overview of responsive design and why it is important given increasing mobile usage. It then discusses two approaches to responsive design - graceful degradation and progressive enhancement. It highlights lessons learned, including understanding user needs, testing across devices and browsers, optimizing for touch, leveraging SharePoint functionality, and ensuring good content. Resources for responsive design are also provided.
5 Tips on Twitter: #Live Storytelling w/ Patrick Stewart at #CannesLions #Ogi...Ogilvy Sir Patrick Stewart discussed his experience with live storytelling on Twitter. He found that Twitter allowed him to share his more silly and playful side, unlike some of his serious TV and movie roles. This helped change people's perceptions of him and led to new comedic acting opportunities. Stewart also values Twitter as a way to engage in an ongoing dialogue with his large audience. Overall, the discussion emphasized how Twitter can help make storytelling more live, social and participatory.
Ibm colloquium 070915_nybergdiannepatriciaEric Nyberg's Presentation "From Jeopardy! To Cognitive Agents: Effective Learning in the Wild" on Cognitive Systems Institute Group Speaker Series July 9, 2015
Return vs outputDavid LadowitzOutput displays information to users while return provides a value back to the calling code. The document discusses the difference between output and return, with one view being that output is for people to see while return is for computers to use in code. It also shows someone unsure of the difference between the two concepts.
El bullying!Abel0700Trata sobre el acoso escolar que se subre en los colegios!
5 Ways Your SMB Can Make More Money Using Social MediaDave KerpenThe document outlines 5 ways to make money using social media: 1) generate referrals, 2) generate positive reviews and respond to negative ones, 3) use Facebook ads and offers to test and scale strategies, 4) create and promote your own information products, and 5) use tools and systems to automate processes and make them easier. The document was presented by Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local, and John Rampton, CEO of during a webinar on making money using social media.
Business innovation rick huijbregts 16oct2013Rick HuijbregtsFueling Innovation with the Internet of Everything. Smart + Connected Communities for Regional Transformation.
Vimbai s Curriculum Vitae-1Vimbai VsingiziThe document is a curriculum vitae for Vimabi S Mudiwa. It summarizes her professional experience working in office administration, account management, and customer service roles for Nelia Milling Company, Eagle Eye Pvt (Ltd), and Bliss Gardens and Hiring. It also lists her educational qualifications, including an ACCA accounting qualification, and personal details.
1 cv en wilson coutoWilson de Almeida Couto, Jr.This document is a resume for Wilson de Almeida Couto Junior, an engineer seeking new opportunities in the petroleum, gas, and energy industries. It outlines his educational background which includes degrees in work safety engineering, petroleum and gas engineering, and certifications in automotive mechanics and business administration. His professional experience includes roles as a petroleum and gas engineer regulating natural gas distribution and power generation for a state agency and as an engineer trainee for a natural gas company. He also lists relevant courses and certifications, languages, and additional information.
Presentación sobre el Informe de Desarrollo Sostenible de EuskadiPEGIP2020Este informe evalúa el progreso de la implementación de la Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible de Euskadi 2020. Resalta que la crisis económica ha tenido un impacto mayor del previsto y ha empeorado los indicadores sociales y económicos. Aunque se han completado muchos de los planes sectoriales, la crisis ha alterado el contexto y la medición de los indicadores. El informe concluye que se necesita continuar construyendo sistemas sostenibles a pesar de las dificultades planteadas por la recesión.
Birgit Plietzsch “RDM within research computing support” SALCTG June 2013SALCTGAn overview of Research Data Management: the research process from developing ideas to preservation of data; funder perspectives, the impact on the wider service, Data Asset Frameworks, preservation and access, and cost implications.
Responsive design in sp seminar buildingi 20130918Bill EnglandThe document discusses responsive design for a SharePoint 2013 intranet for MacDonald Miller, an HVAC contractor. It provides an overview of responsive design and why it is important given increasing mobile usage. It then discusses two approaches to responsive design - graceful degradation and progressive enhancement. It highlights lessons learned, including understanding user needs, testing across devices and browsers, optimizing for touch, leveraging SharePoint functionality, and ensuring good content. Resources for responsive design are also provided.
5 Tips on Twitter: #Live Storytelling w/ Patrick Stewart at #CannesLions #Ogi...Ogilvy Sir Patrick Stewart discussed his experience with live storytelling on Twitter. He found that Twitter allowed him to share his more silly and playful side, unlike some of his serious TV and movie roles. This helped change people's perceptions of him and led to new comedic acting opportunities. Stewart also values Twitter as a way to engage in an ongoing dialogue with his large audience. Overall, the discussion emphasized how Twitter can help make storytelling more live, social and participatory.
Ibm colloquium 070915_nybergdiannepatriciaEric Nyberg's Presentation "From Jeopardy! To Cognitive Agents: Effective Learning in the Wild" on Cognitive Systems Institute Group Speaker Series July 9, 2015
5. Сливен 8800, ул. “Роза” № 1, 044/625 714, 625 721, 625 713 ,625 712, e-mail: TS_SLIVEN@ABV.BG
С ливе нск а п ро ф е си он алн а гим на зи я
по стр ои телство и геодезия
“А рх . Гео р ги Коза ро в”
11. Панорама на професионалното образованиеПанорама на професионалното образование
““Най-добър млад строител”Най-добър млад строител”
13. Панорама на професионалното образованиеПанорама на професионалното образование
““Най-добър млад строител”Най-добър млад строител”
второ мястовторо място
18. В хода на УП по геодезия, всички ученици изпълнихаВ хода на УП по геодезия, всички ученици изпълниха
в пълен обем поставените задачи.в пълен обем поставените задачи.
20. При провеждане на пПри провеждане на практиката презрактиката през учебнатаучебната
година учениците показаха висока мотивация загодина учениците показаха висока мотивация за
реализиране на поставените цели.реализиране на поставените цели.
27. Сливен 8800, ул. “Роза” № 1, 044/625 714, 625 721, 625 713 ,625 712, e-mail: TS_SLIVEN@ABV.BG
С ливе нск а п ро ф е си он алн а гим на зи я
по стр ои телство и геодез ия
“А рх . Гео р ги Коза ро в”
28. Сливен 8800, ул. “Роза” № 1, 044/625 714, 625 721, 625 713 ,625 712, e-mail: TS_SLIVEN@ABV.BG
С ливе нск а п ро ф е си он алн а гим на зи я
по стр ои телство и геодезия
“А рх . Гео р ги Коза ро в”
41. Сливен 8800, ул. “Роза” № 1, 044/625 714, 625 721, 625 713 ,625 712, e-mail: TS_SLIVEN@ABV.BG
С ливенск а п роф есионална гим назия
по строителство и геодезия
“Арх. Георги Козаров”