Matt's Resumes_rMatthew MaruschokMatthew Maruschok has over 23 years of experience in metallurgical analysis and mechanical testing. He has worked as a Senior Metallurgical Technician and Senior Mechanical Testing Technician for Concurrent Technologies Corporation, where he performed material characterization and stress/strain testing. He also has certifications in ultrasonic inspection, metallographic interpretation, and non-destructive testing. Prior to his career, he served in the Navy working on propulsion and boiler systems.
Quindara and Brownn Undergrad Research.docxCheyenne QuindaraThis study investigated the availability of evidence-based treatments for PTSD in civilian settings in Asheville, NC. The researchers surveyed 199 private practice therapists listed on and interviewed clinical directors at 10 local institutions/agencies. They found that while 75% of private practitioners claimed to use evidence-based treatments, the validity of these claims is uncertain given that 47% listed 8 or more treatment orientations. Only 2 of the 6 institutions that provided information clearly offered evidence-based treatments for PTSD. Overall, the results suggest there is a lack of access to high-quality, evidence-based care for PTSD in this region.
Matt's Resumes_rMatthew MaruschokMatthew Maruschok has over 23 years of experience in metallurgical analysis and mechanical testing. He has worked as a Senior Metallurgical Technician and Senior Mechanical Testing Technician for Concurrent Technologies Corporation, where he performed material characterization and stress/strain testing. He also has certifications in ultrasonic inspection, metallographic interpretation, and non-destructive testing. Prior to his career, he served in the Navy working on propulsion and boiler systems.
Quindara and Brownn Undergrad Research.docxCheyenne QuindaraThis study investigated the availability of evidence-based treatments for PTSD in civilian settings in Asheville, NC. The researchers surveyed 199 private practice therapists listed on and interviewed clinical directors at 10 local institutions/agencies. They found that while 75% of private practitioners claimed to use evidence-based treatments, the validity of these claims is uncertain given that 47% listed 8 or more treatment orientations. Only 2 of the 6 institutions that provided information clearly offered evidence-based treatments for PTSD. Overall, the results suggest there is a lack of access to high-quality, evidence-based care for PTSD in this region.
Reseña ContableAlexander Perez1) La contabilidad logró un notable progreso durante la Edad Media a pesar de la caída del Imperio Romano. 2) Carlomagno exigía registros anuales de las pertenencias del imperio y transacciones económicas en Italia y otras partes de Europa. 3) En los siglos siguientes, las ciudades comerciales de Italia como Venecia y Florencia fueron pioneras en el desarrollo de la contabilidad por partida doble.
Otherworld Collages Serie IMax van Eck1) The document is a collection of short passages that describe scenes from a surreal world called the Otherworld.
2) It references various strange characters and events, including tree people fleeing from forest fires, whales rescuing the tree people, and a snake that consumed the gardeners of Eden.
3) The passages seem to be excerpts from a larger work that will be published in parts, with the first part containing 10 collages from this surreal Otherworld.
DevOpsemilyhallmicroThis document provides an overview of the key terminology, features and functionality of an automated DevOps tool, including sections on milestones, sprints, a knowledgebase, roadmap, issues tracking, a dashboard, Gantt charts, agile boards, a calendar, documents, forums, files, a repository, Jenkins integration, and settings. The tool allows users to create and manage issues, assign priorities and statuses, choose related tasks and files, and track progress through a dashboard and Gantt view. It provides several collaboration features like knowledge sharing, discussions, and file storage to help development teams work together.
CV_MurtazovNihat AlievNihat Aliev is applying for a job as an electronics mechanic and servicer. He has over 10 years of experience welcoming and advising customers, installing equipment like car alarms and security systems, and repairing items like taximeters, wiring, and central locking systems for cars. He also has experience managing a team of 5 people and developing a company website. Additionally, he has skills in painting, floor sanding, and computer repair and networking. He is proficient in Bulgarian, Russian, Turkish, and English and has experience with programming, electronics projects, and website design.
MatricesMike HoadThis document provides information about further maths sessions and matrix algebra. It states that further maths sessions may cover topics students have not been taught or are already experts in, and provides past papers and questions for practice. It also provides instructions on using matrices to represent combined sales data from two shops and how to perform basic matrix operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication by a scalar and between matrices. These include using the correct matrix dimensions and order when performing operations.
Portfolio Dinas PUPAULUS DONNY JUNIANTOThis document provides screenshots and descriptions of the features and interfaces of a guest and admin mobile application for a road and bridge infrastructure organization in North Lampung, Indonesia. The guest application allows users to view maps, data and statistics for bridges and roads. The admin application has additional features for admins to view details, add new data, and print reports about bridges and roads. In total, over 30 separate screenshots are displayed and referenced from both the guest and admin applications.
IBRHAEEM RESUMeibraheem khanThe document provides a career profile and work experience summary for an IT professional with 5 years of experience in technical support, infrastructure management, and end user support. Their most recent role was as an L2 Desktop Management engineer for Wipro from 2014 to 2016 where they responded to IT incidents and requests, troubleshot issues, and ensured tasks were completed on time. Prior experience includes roles as a technical support engineer and helpdesk engineer providing IT support services. They have qualifications and certifications in IT support areas like Windows administration, networking, and ITIL processes.
Estatística aplicada (4ª edição)jose JulienEste documento contém uma série de linhas em branco. Ele não fornece nenhum conteúdo ou informações.
Khalifa_Taiseer_CV_2016Khalifa Taisier Al kasbiKhalifa Taisier is an experienced professional seeking a career opportunity in the oil industry. He has over 15 years of experience in roles such as H2S engineer, logging engineer, well site geologist, and pressure engineer. He has strong communication, computer, and language skills and experience working with companies such as Halliburton, NOV Brandt, and Schlumberger.
галымжан сармурзин+агнство по продаже недвижимости+предпринимателиБургынбой Мургынбойгалымжан сармурзин+агнство по продаже недвижимости+предприниматели
2. / ( )Глобальные продукты сервисы конкуренты аналоги
1. Capital Karts
2. Go Karting Majorna
3. PitStop
4. Fun Karting
5. F1 Karting
3. /Региональные или национальные продукты
( )сервисы конкуренты аналоги
1. Metro картинг http://www.metro-
3. Underground
4. Asia park karting
5. Family Park Almaty
4. : /карта конкурентов цена качество
/покажите позицию вашего продукта сервиса
относительно конкурентов
Capital Karts
Go Karting Majorna
Fun Karting
F1 Karting
Asia park karting
Metro картинг
Family Park Almaty
5. : /карта конкурентов угроза размер
расположите Ваших конкурентов на карте
,покажите компанию которую Вы преследуете
максимальная угроза
- прямая конкуренция
-минимальная угроза
косвенная конкуренция
Capital Karts
Go Karting Majorna PitStop
Metro картинг
F1 Karting
Fun Karting
Family Park Almaty
Asia park karting
6. : /карта конкурентов угроза размер
расположите Ваших конкурентов на карте
,покажите компанию которую Вы преследуете
максимальная угроза
- прямая конкуренция
-минимальная угроза
косвенная конкуренция
Capital Karts
Go Karting Majorna PitStop
Metro картинг
F1 Karting
Fun Karting
Family Park Almaty
Asia park karting