Отель для детейRaushan BabykovaОтель в формате детского сада предназначенный для развития и роста ребенка с множеством развлечений и в целом отдыха для родителей.
Por qué usar las Redes Sociales si eres emprendedor Laura Mateo CatalánEste documento ofrece consejos sobre cómo crear visibilidad y atraer tráfico a una página web o negocio en línea. Recomienda determinar el alcance y público objetivo, posicionar el contenido para ser visible, aprovechar oportunidades para atraer tráfico, utilizar herramientas adecuadas y considerar los costes asociados.
Innovate@NCI - Market Research Group AssignmentAdam O'NeillThe document reports on market research conducted to assess the potential for a new innovation hub service at the National College of Ireland. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used, including an online survey of 89 NCI students and an interview with the NCI business incubation manager. The research found strong interest from students in an innovation hub that provides workshops, mentorship programs, experience with emerging technologies, and opportunities to progress business ideas and projects.
Arti lambang smk negeri 5 pekanbaruRiwaty Putri Intan SimanungkalitLambang SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru merepresentasikan nilai-nilai moral dan cita-cita sekolah dalam mendidik siswa dengan berlandaskan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi terkini serta mempersiapkan lulusan yang memiliki keahlian sesuai bidangnya (misalnya teknik otomotif, listrik, dan tata boga). Warna dan simbol-simbol pada lambang menyiratkan arti ketaatan, keberanian, kejayaan, kesung
FINAL EXAMINATION "ENGLISH FOR SPESIFIC PURPOSE (ESP)"Riwaty Putri Intan SimanungkalitThe document is the final examination for an English for Specific Purposes course analyzing an English syllabus used at the State University of Yogyakarta's Faculty of Engineering. It begins with an introduction and thanks. Section I describes what a syllabus is and its components. Section II analyzes the specific syllabus, outlining its objectives, competencies, assessment criteria, course schedule, and materials. It concludes by connecting the syllabus to the vocational engineering programs.
saybolt viscometerbeerappa143This document provides information about the Saybolt viscometer, a device used to measure the viscosity of fluids. It defines viscosity and describes how the Saybolt viscometer works by measuring the time it takes for a fixed volume of fluid to flow through a temperature-controlled orifice. The document discusses the advantages of accurate temperature control and direct viscosity comparisons, and the disadvantages of potential inaccuracies. It also notes the Saybolt viscometer is commonly used to test petroleum products and measure viscosities in the field.
жусупбаева дария + утилизация нефтяных продуктов и отходов + конкурентыDariya Zhussupbaevaжусупбаева дария + утилизация нефтяных продуктов и отходов + конкуренты
Por qué usar las Redes Sociales si eres emprendedor Laura Mateo CatalánEste documento ofrece consejos sobre cómo crear visibilidad y atraer tráfico a una página web o negocio en línea. Recomienda determinar el alcance y público objetivo, posicionar el contenido para ser visible, aprovechar oportunidades para atraer tráfico, utilizar herramientas adecuadas y considerar los costes asociados.
Innovate@NCI - Market Research Group AssignmentAdam O'NeillThe document reports on market research conducted to assess the potential for a new innovation hub service at the National College of Ireland. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used, including an online survey of 89 NCI students and an interview with the NCI business incubation manager. The research found strong interest from students in an innovation hub that provides workshops, mentorship programs, experience with emerging technologies, and opportunities to progress business ideas and projects.
Arti lambang smk negeri 5 pekanbaruRiwaty Putri Intan SimanungkalitLambang SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru merepresentasikan nilai-nilai moral dan cita-cita sekolah dalam mendidik siswa dengan berlandaskan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi terkini serta mempersiapkan lulusan yang memiliki keahlian sesuai bidangnya (misalnya teknik otomotif, listrik, dan tata boga). Warna dan simbol-simbol pada lambang menyiratkan arti ketaatan, keberanian, kejayaan, kesung
FINAL EXAMINATION "ENGLISH FOR SPESIFIC PURPOSE (ESP)"Riwaty Putri Intan SimanungkalitThe document is the final examination for an English for Specific Purposes course analyzing an English syllabus used at the State University of Yogyakarta's Faculty of Engineering. It begins with an introduction and thanks. Section I describes what a syllabus is and its components. Section II analyzes the specific syllabus, outlining its objectives, competencies, assessment criteria, course schedule, and materials. It concludes by connecting the syllabus to the vocational engineering programs.
saybolt viscometerbeerappa143This document provides information about the Saybolt viscometer, a device used to measure the viscosity of fluids. It defines viscosity and describes how the Saybolt viscometer works by measuring the time it takes for a fixed volume of fluid to flow through a temperature-controlled orifice. The document discusses the advantages of accurate temperature control and direct viscosity comparisons, and the disadvantages of potential inaccuracies. It also notes the Saybolt viscometer is commonly used to test petroleum products and measure viscosities in the field.
жусупбаева дария + утилизация нефтяных продуктов и отходов + конкурентыDariya Zhussupbaevaжусупбаева дария + утилизация нефтяных продуктов и отходов + конкуренты
1. Цех по переработке полимерных
Бабыкова Раушан
Мфил-11н, Гуманитарно-
педагогический факультет
эккаунт в
2. Глобальные продукты/ сервисы конкуренты (аналоги)
№1 Receyclers - http://www.recyclers.ru/
№2 Bureau of International Recycling -
№3 Пластикс -
№4 Лимпек - http://limpek.ru/
№5 Корпорация АСС
3. Региональные или национальные
продукты/ сервисы конкуренты (аналоги)
№1 Sifania - http://sifania.by/
№2 Plast Technologie - http://20996.kz.all.biz
№3 Rosecoplast - http://www.rosecoplast.ru/
№4 Eko - http://eko22.ru
№5 Компания Бар-С, ТОО - http://15143.kz.all.biz/
4. карта конкурентов: цена/ качество
покажите позицию вашего продукта/ сервиса
относительно конкурентов
The Bureau of International Recycling
Plast Technologie
5. карта конкурентов: угроза/ размер
расположите Ваших конкурентов на карте
покажите компанию, которую Вы преследуете
максимальная угроза
- прямая конкуренция
минимальная угроза -
косвенная конкуренция
здесь надо
воровать идеи и
РосЭкоПласт Цель
The Bureau of International Recycling
Plast Technologie