"Negli ultimi anni il numero dei furti nel nostro paese ¨¨ aumentato notevolmente tale da provocare grande allarme sociale e spingere molti cittadini ad organizzarsi per arginarlo. A tal proposito basti considerare alcune iniziative che a loro volta hanno destato grande preoccupazione presso le autorit¨¤ di pubblica sicurezza, come il dotarsi di armi o l¡¯organizzazione di ronde notturne.
In questo quadro, la scelta migliore da fare ¨¨ quella di acquistare un impianto di allarme in grado di garantire sicurezza agli abitanti di una casa, invece di ricorrere all¡¯autodifesa o organizzarsi in ronde riconducibili a logiche di partito."
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Challenger 4x5x SPRA - Coupe supplemental parts catalogPartCatalogs Net
This document provides parts catalog information for liquid sprayers. It includes 3 sections: Specification for Europe and chassis/system parts in 22 pages, Specification for country and chassis/system parts in 21 pages, and the main table of contents. The document lists part numbers, descriptions, quantities and images for components such as headlights, turn signals, taillights, signs, plates, and other installation parts.
We all know that Christ the Savior's Cathedral has recently been restored in Moscow, and that this important step was a great symbol of the renascence of Russian spiritual life and the Orthodox faith.
The document contains 20 repetitions of the URL www.matrix-tv.tj. In 3 sentences or less:
The document consists of a single URL - www.matrix-tv.tj - repeated 20 times consecutively without any other text or information provided. The URL www.matrix-tv.tj is listed 20 separate times throughout the document. No other context or details are included beyond the repeated listing of this URL.
This document contains 10 repetitions of the URL www.matrix-tv.tj. The URL is repeated multiple times without any other text or context provided. The document appears to be promoting or drawing attention to the website www.matrix-tv.tj.
We all know that Christ the Savior's Cathedral has recently been restored in Moscow, and that this important step was a great symbol of the renascence of Russian spiritual life and the Orthodox faith.
The document contains 20 repetitions of the URL www.matrix-tv.tj. In 3 sentences or less:
The document consists of a single URL - www.matrix-tv.tj - repeated 20 times consecutively without any other text or information provided. The URL www.matrix-tv.tj is listed 20 separate times throughout the document. No other context or details are included beyond the repeated listing of this URL.
This document contains 10 repetitions of the URL www.matrix-tv.tj. The URL is repeated multiple times without any other text or context provided. The document appears to be promoting or drawing attention to the website www.matrix-tv.tj.