Адиль Джалилов, "Казахстанская аудитория: отправная точка для всех "игроков"Public Policy Research PaperLabДискуссионный клуб PaperLab, Астана, 31 мая 2017
resumeAlec MillerAlec Miller is seeking a financial internship to enhance his knowledge of finance. He has a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater anticipated in Spring 2016. Miller has worked as a Service Desk Cashier at Shopko where he improved his communication skills through phone calls and customer interactions. He also worked as a Barista at Mocha Moment Coffee Shop where he gained experience in decision making. Miller is involved with the UW Whitewater Finance Association and the Janesville Craig Engineering Club where he strengthened his teamwork, problem solving, and communication abilities.
AlsaifIbrahimLetterofRecIbrahim AlsaifIbrahim Alsaif is a student at Virginia Commonwealth University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Business with a concentration in Management and Business Administration. He expects to graduate in December 2016 and has over 12 years of experience as a Manager for AlSaif Group, where he managed a team of up to 55 employees. His academic advisor recommends him for management training opportunities based on his strong leadership skills in setting goals and motivating teams.
Rec+Letter+Misty+CraigMisty CraigTracy Wistrand, Director of Operations at Pro Caps Laboratories, wrote a letter of recommendation for Misty Craig who worked under her supervision for the past five years as a Shift Lead and Shift Supervisor. Wistrand states that Craig was responsible for leading and coordinating shifts of 20 to 40 operators and was able to meet output goals without compromising safety or quality. Wistrand believes that Craig will be an asset to any organization because of her skills, productive ideas, and ability to leverage the strengths of team members.
Open and close formsPatricia Gutiérrez MarquésThis document discusses open and closed forms. Closed forms have a perfectly defined, completely closed outline that distinguishes the figure from the background. Open forms have outlines that are open, allowing the color and textures to escape from the image and for the background characteristics to become part of the form.
Programa_Research Workshop SNA_Kathleen CarleyHélder AlvesThe document summarizes the program for a research workshop on social network analysis held on October 6th, 2016 at INESC TEC in Portugal. The workshop included two groups of presentations on topics related to social network analysis, such as community detection in networks and analyzing user preferences over time using temporal networks. It also featured a keynote presentation by Kathleen Carley on dynamic network analysis using ORA software. The workshop ran from 10am to 5:30pm and included introductions, multiple researcher presentations, discussions, and a coffee break.
Simple surgical periodontic caseReham Al-harataniA patient underwent a simple surgical procedure to flatten their alveolar ridge to improve occlusion and fitting of a partial denture. Preoperative pictures were taken of the ridge. During the procedure, the ridge was surgically flattened. Follow-up appointments ensured proper healing.
Manual Esencial del TacoJoseph CastorenaThis document is a Haiku Deck presentation that contains photos from various photographers including Made In PHL, Thomas Hawk, stikoe, edwardconde, Ebarella_R, and JaimeRPuente. The presentation encourages the viewer to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare.
Psalm 119:149 - Daily Bible VerseBible SMSPsalm 119:149
Hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness: O LORD, quicken me according to thy judgment. (KJV)
#save #deliverer #mightywarrior #jesusislord
Css introJulia ViThe document discusses key concepts in CSS including selectors, the box model, positioning, and best practices. Some key points covered include:
- CSS defines how HTML elements are displayed and styled.
- There are different ways to insert CSS like external, internal, and inline styles. More specific styles have precedence.
- Selectors target elements using tags, IDs, classes, descendants, children, siblings and pseudo-classes.
- The box model describes the sizing of elements including margins, padding, borders, and positioning.
- Common properties control colors, fonts, widths, heights, and visibility of elements. Best practices encourage semantic naming and avoiding !important.
Oбеспечение качества при строительстве энергоэффективных и защищенных от влаг...MotivaДанные материалы предназначены для тех, кто уже немного знаком со строительством. Их можно использовать как для обучения в классных комнатах, так и для самостоятельного изучения. Серии слайдов могут использоваться либо целиком, либо в виде выбранных разделов, подходящих для изучаемой тематики.
Значение сотрудничества между застройщиком, проектировщиком, руководством и работниками. Предпосылки качества, а также контрольные листы монтажа изоляции, противоветровой защиты, отсечек, окон и вводов инженерных сетей и коммуникаций зданий и сооружений.
Авторы несут единоличную ответственность за содержание данного учебного материала. Мнение авторов учебного материала может не совпадать с мнением Европейского Союза. Агентство EASME по малому и среднему предпринимательству ЕС и Европейская Комиссия не несут ответственности за применение включенных в учебный материал сведений.
В учебный материал включены передовые практики и принципы энергоэффективного строительства. Авторы не несут ответственности за их применимость в представленном виде для отдельных строительных проектов. Отдельные строительные проекты следует выполнять в соответствии с планами реализации данных объектов.
iRail fosdemPieter ColpaertThis document summarizes the project iRail, which provides an open API for public transportation data in Belgium. It describes how iRail started by publishing this data for developers and faced challenges from threats of legal action by transportation authorities. iRail continues operating by making the data available through their API and supporting wrappers and mobile apps built by developers. It outlines iRail's goals to expand the API and types of transportation data available to better serve more countries.
Rural and regional QueenslandQueensland TreasuryThis short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It includes photos credited to four different photographers and invites the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation.
ВконтактеWorld Brand AcademyВыступление Михаила Равдоникаса - ВКонтакте на Саммите Digital Branding - Построение Бренда в Интернете и Цифровых Медиа в октябре 2010
Жерновой Ф. АИС "Единое информационное пространство в сфере культуры"Неконференция библиотечных блогеровВыступление на круглом столе "Библиотеки и социальные медиа - эффектные и эффективные" в рамках Всероссийского библиотечного конгресса, Самара, 20 мая 2015 года
Ф.Жерновой Автоматизация деятельности библиотек в социальных медиа: инструме...Неконференция библиотечных блогеровВыступление на Школе библиотечного блогера 20 мая 2015 года
AlsaifIbrahimLetterofRecIbrahim AlsaifIbrahim Alsaif is a student at Virginia Commonwealth University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Business with a concentration in Management and Business Administration. He expects to graduate in December 2016 and has over 12 years of experience as a Manager for AlSaif Group, where he managed a team of up to 55 employees. His academic advisor recommends him for management training opportunities based on his strong leadership skills in setting goals and motivating teams.
Rec+Letter+Misty+CraigMisty CraigTracy Wistrand, Director of Operations at Pro Caps Laboratories, wrote a letter of recommendation for Misty Craig who worked under her supervision for the past five years as a Shift Lead and Shift Supervisor. Wistrand states that Craig was responsible for leading and coordinating shifts of 20 to 40 operators and was able to meet output goals without compromising safety or quality. Wistrand believes that Craig will be an asset to any organization because of her skills, productive ideas, and ability to leverage the strengths of team members.
Open and close formsPatricia Gutiérrez MarquésThis document discusses open and closed forms. Closed forms have a perfectly defined, completely closed outline that distinguishes the figure from the background. Open forms have outlines that are open, allowing the color and textures to escape from the image and for the background characteristics to become part of the form.
Programa_Research Workshop SNA_Kathleen CarleyHélder AlvesThe document summarizes the program for a research workshop on social network analysis held on October 6th, 2016 at INESC TEC in Portugal. The workshop included two groups of presentations on topics related to social network analysis, such as community detection in networks and analyzing user preferences over time using temporal networks. It also featured a keynote presentation by Kathleen Carley on dynamic network analysis using ORA software. The workshop ran from 10am to 5:30pm and included introductions, multiple researcher presentations, discussions, and a coffee break.
Simple surgical periodontic caseReham Al-harataniA patient underwent a simple surgical procedure to flatten their alveolar ridge to improve occlusion and fitting of a partial denture. Preoperative pictures were taken of the ridge. During the procedure, the ridge was surgically flattened. Follow-up appointments ensured proper healing.
Manual Esencial del TacoJoseph CastorenaThis document is a Haiku Deck presentation that contains photos from various photographers including Made In PHL, Thomas Hawk, stikoe, edwardconde, Ebarella_R, and JaimeRPuente. The presentation encourages the viewer to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare.
Psalm 119:149 - Daily Bible VerseBible SMSPsalm 119:149
Hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness: O LORD, quicken me according to thy judgment. (KJV)
#save #deliverer #mightywarrior #jesusislord
Css introJulia ViThe document discusses key concepts in CSS including selectors, the box model, positioning, and best practices. Some key points covered include:
- CSS defines how HTML elements are displayed and styled.
- There are different ways to insert CSS like external, internal, and inline styles. More specific styles have precedence.
- Selectors target elements using tags, IDs, classes, descendants, children, siblings and pseudo-classes.
- The box model describes the sizing of elements including margins, padding, borders, and positioning.
- Common properties control colors, fonts, widths, heights, and visibility of elements. Best practices encourage semantic naming and avoiding !important.
Oбеспечение качества при строительстве энергоэффективных и защищенных от влаг...MotivaДанные материалы предназначены для тех, кто уже немного знаком со строительством. Их можно использовать как для обучения в классных комнатах, так и для самостоятельного изучения. Серии слайдов могут использоваться либо целиком, либо в виде выбранных разделов, подходящих для изучаемой тематики.
Значение сотрудничества между застройщиком, проектировщиком, руководством и работниками. Предпосылки качества, а также контрольные листы монтажа изоляции, противоветровой защиты, отсечек, окон и вводов инженерных сетей и коммуникаций зданий и сооружений.
Авторы несут единоличную ответственность за содержание данного учебного материала. Мнение авторов учебного материала может не совпадать с мнением Европейского Союза. Агентство EASME по малому и среднему предпринимательству ЕС и Европейская Комиссия не несут ответственности за применение включенных в учебный материал сведений.
В учебный материал включены передовые практики и принципы энергоэффективного строительства. Авторы не несут ответственности за их применимость в представленном виде для отдельных строительных проектов. Отдельные строительные проекты следует выполнять в соответствии с планами реализации данных объектов.
iRail fosdemPieter ColpaertThis document summarizes the project iRail, which provides an open API for public transportation data in Belgium. It describes how iRail started by publishing this data for developers and faced challenges from threats of legal action by transportation authorities. iRail continues operating by making the data available through their API and supporting wrappers and mobile apps built by developers. It outlines iRail's goals to expand the API and types of transportation data available to better serve more countries.
Rural and regional QueenslandQueensland TreasuryThis short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It includes photos credited to four different photographers and invites the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation.
ВконтактеWorld Brand AcademyВыступление Михаила Равдоникаса - ВКонтакте на Саммите Digital Branding - Построение Бренда в Интернете и Цифровых Медиа в октябре 2010
Жерновой Ф. АИС "Единое информационное пространство в сфере культуры"Неконференция библиотечных блогеровВыступление на круглом столе "Библиотеки и социальные медиа - эффектные и эффективные" в рамках Всероссийского библиотечного конгресса, Самара, 20 мая 2015 года
Ф.Жерновой Автоматизация деятельности библиотек в социальных медиа: инструме...Неконференция библиотечных блогеровВыступление на Школе библиотечного блогера 20 мая 2015 года
Kaptsan daniil dellKlishinaThe document provides Dell's new media principles for engaging on social media. It outlines that Dell uses social media to listen to and engage with customers as an extension of their brand. The principles state to never share partner, customer, intellectual property or employee information. Representatives should use their real names and identify themselves as working for or with Dell. Guidelines recommend complying with laws and Dell's internal code of conduct while being respectful, responsible, and maintaining a positive tone. Tips are provided for blogging, including exploring topics, building relationships, using multimedia, and making content easily shareable.