SIMPLE PAST (affirmative)guerina3The document discusses how to form the past simple tense in English. It distinguishes between regular verbs, which form the past simple by adding "-ed", and irregular verbs, which have unpredictable past forms that must be memorized. Examples are provided of common regular and irregular verbs in the past simple. The uses of the past simple tense include talking about completed actions and events that occurred at specific times in the past. Exercises are included for the reader to practice forming sentences in the past simple tense.
SIMPLE PAST (affirmative)guerina3The document discusses how to form the past simple tense in English. It distinguishes between regular verbs, which form the past simple by adding "-ed", and irregular verbs, which have unpredictable past forms that must be memorized. Examples are provided of common regular and irregular verbs in the past simple. The uses of the past simple tense include talking about completed actions and events that occurred at specific times in the past. Exercises are included for the reader to practice forming sentences in the past simple tense.
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Idioms with foodguerina3The document lists and defines common idioms that use food-related terms. Some examples include: "big cheese" meaning important person; "bread and butter" meaning necessities or main thing; "butterfingers" meaning someone who drops things; "cool as a cucumber" meaning very relaxed; and "cream of the crop" meaning the best. It provides over 20 idioms and their meanings in short, simple explanations.
NITPatna-Digitalbanking appManish kumarThis document proposes a paperless banking solution that allows customers to open and close bank accounts completely online through their smartphones. It aims to connect with 10,000 customers in six months and 25,000 customers in one year by targeting the growing smartphone market in India. The solution will provide online banking facilities and an e-wallet through a mobile app, and will also allow money transfers by payee mobile number. It seeks initial agents for on-site verification and plans to implement additional security features like device registration.