The document summarizes a conversation between a 92-year-old man moving into an assisted living home and a caretaker. The man expresses enthusiasm for his new room before even seeing it. When asked why, he explains that he chooses to find happiness by focusing on what still works in his body and making the most of each new day. He advises depositing happy memories in the "bank account" of one's mind to enjoy in older age.
Two injured baby tigers were found in a forest in Thailand and brought to the Bhuddist temple Wat Pha Luang, where monks cared for them. Since then, many orphaned baby tigers have been brought there and raised by the monks. The temple tigers are tame and eat only cooked meat to avoid developing a taste for blood. The temple has become a sanctuary for animals and is open for tourists to visit and photograph the tigers, with donations accepted.
O documento fornece várias li??es de vida curtas em frases concisas. As principais li??es incluem: 1) aprender com os erros; 2) crescer n?o significa apenas ficar mais velho; 3) o silêncio é melhor do que a indiferen?a.