Британское уголовное агентство расследовало объемы и источники денег, за которые обучалась в Великобритании Анастасия Корниец
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Расследование Британского уголовного агентства дела об обучении Анастасии Корниец
NCANational Crime Agency
Enqulries carried out by the National C
Agency in respeet of ltlternational Lette
Request frorsq U knairae
Subject: Oleksandr KORNIIETS and othe
Ukrainian criminal proceedings Ro'
42A1 500000000 1 288
Ref: L4 /3-3 L264-15
UKqA !'ef: 'I7639OtUA
Version number 1
A, Background
An International Letter of Request (ILOR) dated August 31't 2015 was recelved from
Ukraine by tlre United Kirrgdom Central Authority and subsequently referred to the National
Crime Agency for appropriate action under r:eference I763901UA - Ukrainian criminal
proceedings no. 42015000000001288,
This request Was for various enquiries to be conducted in respect of an Oleksandr
KORNIIETS and other mernbers of his family and other persons in Ukraine. Oleksandr
KORNIIETS;is srlSject, along with others, to pre-trial investigation in Ukraine in regard to
offences connected to corruption linked to his role as Deputy Prosecutor for the Kyiv
region. A copy of the Letter of Request in English is found at Appendix I
B. Assistance requested
Under Section III page 5 of the letter this requested that enquiries be conducted In respecl
of the following:
' 7. Prov,ide details of travel by KORNIIETS and fanrily members (including his sisler Larysa
PROKOPENKO) to and from the UK in the period between 2010 and 2015 including to
provide details of any hotel accommodatlon (with details provide elsewhere in the ILOR of
5 hotels they were believed to have stayed at)
2. Provide details of various stays at a Aumber of hotels identified by the Ukrainian
3. Provide details in connection with the attendance of Anastasiia KORNIIETS, a daughter
ol Oleksandr KORNIIETS, at a private school in the UK and at a British university including
providing details of accommodation during the period of her studies
4, Provide details of all applications made by Oleksandr KORNIIETS, Svitlana KORNIIETS
and Anastasia KORNIIETS to obtain a UK visa
5, To identify any assets held in the UK by persons named in the ILOR
C. Enquiries carried out
l.Travel by KORNIIETS and family members
i) The UK is not able to provide details of entries and exits to the UK In an evidential format
and the Ukrainian authorities have been advised of thls.
ii) The various hotels mentioned in the request have been contacted w.ith the following
r [eSUltS
The hotel has confirmed that a booking was made for a stay of 4 days between September
6th and September loth 2009 for various members of the KORNIIETS family. However the
booking was subsequently cancelled and they never stayed at the hotel,
A witness statement in the name of Mark Bennett, the general manager of the hotel has
I been requested and is to follow.
This hotel has been unable to locate any booking in the name of KORNIIETS or any of the
variant spellings.
The hotel has cdnflrmed that Mr Oleksandr KORNIIETS stayed at the hotel from Thursday
-lune 3gth 2011to Tuesday July Sth 2011for 5 nights at a total accommodation cost of
f 1,009,32. The cdst was invoiced to a company called BUSINESS SERVICES
INTERNATIONAL UK of 1st Floor,202 Kenslngton Church StreetT London WB 4Dp.
A room was also booked for a Myktya KORNIIETS for the same perlod linked to the booking
for Oleksanbr KOR,NIlETS. The accornmodation char,ges totalled €985.20 and were also
A further invoice was also raised for room service and other charges totalling 8527.69 and
were billed to Oleksandr KORNIIETS €300 was paid by credit card and 8227.69 was paid in
A dra1t statement has been taken from the Park Plaza but all attempts to obtain a signed
version to date have been unsuccessful,
The NCA is seeking to obtain a witness statement froni BUSINESS SERVICES
INTERNATIONAL UK in regard to the charge billed to it.
d) Tl-lE LANGHAM, London
The hotel has conflrmed that a reservation was made in the name of Oleksandr and
Svitlawa (sic) KORNNIIETS for 2 nights arriving on August 12th 2011 until August 14th
ZOIL The total amount olthe bill was fL,L64,66, This was paid for by the use of a Visa
card number 44oz 7r39 97Bs 5501 and cash,
There was also a further reservation in the name of Mr Oleksandr KORNIIETS for 4 nights
arriving on January 3rd 2012 until January 7th 2012. The total cost of thls bool<ing was
f-2,533.96 paid for by 2 Visa cards, numbers 44027L14 1727 8557 and 4921 B1B9 0281
A witness statement in the name of Reino de Villiers of the hotel can be found at Appendix
2 along with copies of the relevant documents'
The hotel has conflrmed that a reservation was ntade in the name of Anastasia KORNIIETS
for 4 nights from June 4th 2012 to June Bth 2072. The booking was cancelled on June 2nd
Further reservations were made in the name of Svitlana KORNIIETS for 4 nights from June
25th 2012 to June 29th 2012 and in the name of Olexandr KORNIIETS for 2 nights from
June 27th 2OI2 to June 29th 2Ot2. The hotel has not retained details of how the payments
were made
4. A I'urther reservation
February 9th 2013 to
The hotel declined to
was made in the name of Olecksandr KORNIIETS for 7 nights from
February ITth }OL3.The booking was cancelled on February lst
provide a witness statement in regard to the above.
2. Studies at UK educational establishrilents by Anastasiia XOnfllilffS
The school has conflrmed that Anastasiia KORNIIETS was a pupil there from September lst
200g until July 2nd 2011 - she was provide vvith accommodation at the school during her
time there
The total amount paid to the school in fees was [75,161.91. Of this total €14,.700_was paid
on May 7th 2OO9 by DocKTowN MERCHANTS LLP of t24Corporate House, 1100 Parkway,
Whiteley, Hampshire from REGIONAL INVESTICIJU BANKA RIGA, J Alunana 2, 1010 Riga,
Latvia via Deutsche Bank AG, All other payments were made via HSBC Bank Plc London in
tlre name of, Oleksandr KORNIIETS'
A witness statement in the name of Joanne Heywood, the Headmistress of the school can
be found at Appendix 3 along with copies of the relevant documents'
tr witness starement in the name of Stuart Griffiths of the NCA can be found at Appendix 4
in whic[r he produces documentation held on tlre UK Companies House Register in respect
of DocKTOwN INVESTMENTS LLp. To date it has not been possible to locate any other
documents in regard to this compan.y or estarlish details of the nature of any alleged
economic activity in the UK or elsewhere,
the-university has confirmed that Anastasiia KORNIIETS was a student at the unlversity for
academic years 2OLLlL2,2QL2/L3 and 2073t14 enrolled on a Bsc course in Mathematics,
Business Management and Finance
The total amount paid to the university in fees was 838,731.50, Due to a change in IT
prouid",. the university is unable to provide details of where payments came from, except
in regard to an amount of €5,910.00, This payment was shown as being by a Barclaycard
credii card number 4402 71t*( #*x* 0377 issued by The State Import Export Bank of
Ukraine (uKREXIMBANK) in the name of Anastasiia KoRNIIETS.
A witness statement in t'he name of Tess Cornell, Assistant Academic Registrar (Student
Records) can be found at Appendix 5 along with copies of the relevant documents.
s spent by Anastasia KORNIIETS in university
ing included in theramount paid to the
ears she stayed in privately owned student
commodation has conflrmed that she was
resident at scape East, w30g,450 Mile Errd Road, London E1 4GG fortwo academic years
between the dates of deptember 15th 2012 to September 7th 2013 and September 15th
2013 to September 7th 2014 respectively'
The total amount paid was thus iz7,s77,5o, Due to a change in IT provider, they do not
hold details of how the money was paid
A witness statement in the name of Andrew Jackson, Finance Director of Scape Student
Livinq Ltd can oe found at Appendix 6 along with copies of the relevant documents,
4. Applications for UK visas
i) Details of visa applications have been provided
statement of Stuart Griffiths of the NCA found at
applications submitted to the relevant UK body.
and are detailed in an
Appendix 7, along with
attached witness
the various visa
5, Assets held in the UK
i) To date enquiries have noI established any assets, either moveable or fixed, currently
held in the UK byany of the persons named, Anastasia KORNIIETS did hold a bank account
in the UK but Lhis has been closed.
D Ongoing enquiries
As above efforts to obtain a wi[ness statement from the Holiday Inn, Kings Cross and Park
Plaza hotels and also from BUSINESS SERVICES INTERNATIONAL UK are still ongoing, As
and when these documents are obtained, they will be promptly forwarded via the
approprlate channels to the Ukralnian authorities
Stuart Griffiths
Senior" Officer (Financial Investigator)
International Corruption Unit
Econors'!ic Crime Corn mand
Natipnal Crirne Agency
Olympic House, Olyrnpic Park, Longbarn Boulevard, Woolston Grange,
Warrington, Cheshire WA2 OXA
Tz *44 (0)192s 896437
F: +44 (0)1s2s 810473
Mt +44 (0)7469 42494s