share this 光鮮外表背後的悲哀 because our homeland is sick, every one should be alert! The photographer is Lu Guan. Let me know if there is any copyright concerns, I will remove it from web.
Proiectul “Nu ne jucam, noi invatam!” este un proiect pentru 22 de elevi de scoala primara din comuna Gura Sutii, judetul Dambovita, proiect coordonat de invatatoarea Constantin Maria.
Physiology of labor involves progressive cervical dilatation and effacement resulting from regular uterine contractions, allowing delivery of the fetus through the birth canal after 22 weeks of pregnancy. Labor is classified as preterm, term, or delayed based on gestational age. It begins with regular contractions causing cervical changes and progresses through three stages: the first stage of cervical dilation, the second stage of delivery from full dilation to birth, and the third stage of placental delivery. Various methods are used to monitor and record labor including tocography, cardiotocography, and the partogram. Anesthesia may be indicated for labor abnormalities, operative interventions, or complications.
This document summarizes the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and discusses their implications for anesthesia. Key points include:
- Blood volume, plasma volume, and cardiac output increase significantly during pregnancy to meet demands of the uterus, placenta, and fetus. Regional anesthesia can cause hypotension due to further decreases in peripheral resistance.
- Respiratory function changes include elevated diaphragm and decreased functional residual capacity, making pregnant women more susceptible to hypoxemia. Rapid sequence induction requires pre-oxygenation.
- Gastrointestinal changes like decreased lower esophageal sphincter tone increase risk of regurgitation and aspiration under general anesthesia. Regional techniques are preferred for labor and delivery.
Proiectul “Nu ne jucam, noi invatam!” este un proiect pentru 22 de elevi de scoala primara din comuna Gura Sutii, judetul Dambovita, proiect coordonat de invatatoarea Constantin Maria.
Physiology of labor involves progressive cervical dilatation and effacement resulting from regular uterine contractions, allowing delivery of the fetus through the birth canal after 22 weeks of pregnancy. Labor is classified as preterm, term, or delayed based on gestational age. It begins with regular contractions causing cervical changes and progresses through three stages: the first stage of cervical dilation, the second stage of delivery from full dilation to birth, and the third stage of placental delivery. Various methods are used to monitor and record labor including tocography, cardiotocography, and the partogram. Anesthesia may be indicated for labor abnormalities, operative interventions, or complications.
This document summarizes the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and discusses their implications for anesthesia. Key points include:
- Blood volume, plasma volume, and cardiac output increase significantly during pregnancy to meet demands of the uterus, placenta, and fetus. Regional anesthesia can cause hypotension due to further decreases in peripheral resistance.
- Respiratory function changes include elevated diaphragm and decreased functional residual capacity, making pregnant women more susceptible to hypoxemia. Rapid sequence induction requires pre-oxygenation.
- Gastrointestinal changes like decreased lower esophageal sphincter tone increase risk of regurgitation and aspiration under general anesthesia. Regional techniques are preferred for labor and delivery.
This document discusses the physiology of labor and anesthesia during labor. It begins by defining labor as the process by which regular uterine contractions cause cervical dilation, usually resulting in fetus delivery after 22 weeks of pregnancy. Labor involves extensive physiological changes in the mother to allow fetus delivery through the birth canal. The document then covers classifications of labor, theories of labor onset, signs that precede labor, methods for assessing cervical readiness, characteristics of uterine contractions and labor stages. It discusses pain management techniques during labor, including non-medical and medical methods. The document provides details on various anesthesia techniques for labor like local infiltration and epidural anesthesia.
The document is a request from a child to their parent asking permission to attend the Ultra Music Festival in Miami. The key details are:
- The festival is from March 25-27 and features over 300 artists on 30 stages.
- The child has a place to stay with their Abuela Carmen who lives near the festival location.
- Transportation is arranged either with friends or public transportation like buses and cabs.
- The child promises to be responsible, send updates, and there will be police presence for safety.
This document discusses infertility, including its definition, causes, evaluation, and treatment options. It begins by defining primary and secondary infertility and outlining the requirements for conception. Common causes of infertility for both men and women are then described. The document provides details on evaluating infertility, including medical history, physical exams, lab tests, and procedures like semen analysis and hysterosalpingography. Treatment options are covered, such as ovulation induction, surgery, assisted reproductive technologies like IUI, IVF, and surrogacy. The emotional impact of infertility is also addressed.
46. 尤金.史密斯 William Eugene Smith 1918 年 - 1978 年 著名美國攝影記者, 1939 年高中畢業後便進入堪薩斯州的地方報章,從 事新聞攝影工作,及後曾加入美國《新聞周刊》 Newsweek 及《生活雜誌》 Life 等工作,他的作品追求完美同時,亦透過相片講述真實故事。在第二 次世界大戰期間,他以受傷兒童、美軍海葬、美軍受炸等照片,對戰爭提出 控訴。 尤金.史密斯逝世後,後人以他的名義成立基金會,設尤金.史密斯人 道主義紀實攝影( W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography ) 獎項。每年頒發一個大獎,是世界上最有聲望的攝影獎項之一,主要頒給立 志以「人道主義為主題,反映現實生活」的攝影師。此前,台灣攝影師、瑪 格南圖片社成員張乾琦在 1999 年曾獲此獎項。