68. nginx
? nginx is an HTTP and reverse proxy server,
a mail proxy server, and a generic
TCP/UDP proxy server
? Multi-process + 事件驅動 (libevent)
? 跟 OS 做好朋友 (sendfile, mmap)
? 自己做了 cache
? aio thread pool (>=1.7.11)
- Thread Pools in NGINX Boost Performance 9x!
70. Redis
? Redis is an open source (BSD licensed),
in-memorydata structure store, used as
database, cache and message broker.
? 單執行緒存取、維護資料
? 事件驅動 (aeEventLoop)
? In-memory 儲存資料
? 客製化資料結構
? 背景執行緒,負責持久化
71. Node.js
? Node.js is a JavaScript runtime uses an
event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that
makes it lightweight and efficient.
? 單執行緒執行 JavaScript V8 engine
? 事件驅動 (libuv)
- Thread pool 負責 I/O, blocking call