Fechas importantes de tfg ii 2016Escuela de TA UCREste documento presenta fechas importantes para la Comisión de Trabajos Finales de Graduación. Del 2 al 15 de julio se recibirán cartas de pase para defender trabajos finales sin matricularse en el segundo semestre de 2016. Del 13 al 21 de julio se recibirán solicitudes de prórroga adjuntando un avance digital. Los estudiantes que prorrogaron el semestre pasado deben defender su trabajo para no perder la tesis, considerando la fecha del punto 1.
How to register your business with Startup India Stand Up IndiaMyOnlineCA.inOnline Legal Registration Procedure for your New Business with Startup India Stand Up India initiatives.
Startup India Scheme Details | Startup India Procedure | Startup India Registration Process
“How to Support and Develop the Innovation-oriented Entrepreneurship in Turb...Kari MikkeläIlkka Kakko, Jari Kaivo-oja, Kari Mikkelä:
“How to Support and Develop the Innovation-oriented Entrepreneurship in Turbulent VUCA conditions?”
The most urgent problems of our times – concerning innovation management processes – are complex and turbulent in nature. In this article we define the vucability approach to innovation management. The VUCA refers to volatile (V), uncertain (U), complex (C) and ambiguous (A) times we are today facing. Many innovation management models do not take these Postnormal Era requirements into consideration. Uncertain and complex VUCA conditions are the fundamental reason to elaborate a new approach for innovation management. Our novel approach focuses in three essential dimensions of innovation management: (1) the density of serendipity thinking, (2) platform utilisation (including business model variety) and (3) innovation ecosystem. We claim that in the evolutionary development of science and technology parks (STPs), professionals on innovation management and governance should aim to highest sophistication in these three critical fields of innovation management. In this paper we present the foundations of the ‘vucability’ approach. We also note that in the development of STPs, professionals should evaluate the sophistication level of serendipity thinking, platform utilisation and innovation ecosystem development. Systemic evaluation and development activities will lead eventually to the highest level of vucability excellence. The evaluation and mapping system (EMS-VUCA 1.0) of the vucability approach will be presented in a robust form in our article.
Resume 0512 GSAFGanesh ShindeThis document contains a resume for Ganesh Abhimanyu Shinde. It summarizes his experience as Deputy Manager2 (HOD) - Administration-Facilities & Services at Advinus Therapeutics Ltd, where he oversees facility maintenance, administration, safety, and other operations. It also lists his previous experience in projects management and facility maintenance. His technical skills include maintenance of electrical, HVAC, and other building systems, and he has achieved cost savings through various initiatives.
Music video analysisaprilodriscoll2The document analyzes music videos by several artists, including Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, and Taylor Swift. It discusses the target audiences, genres, and how the visuals in each video relate to and illustrate the music. For Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams" video specifically, it notes the young female target audience, pop genre indicated by bright colors, and controversy over accusations of promoting colonialism through its African setting and lack of Black people featured.
Startup India - Initiative by Govt of IndiaSanket ShahPresentation made before the students of Entrepreneurship Students of BJVM, Vallabh Vidyanagar on startup India initiative..
Platform Thinking within the Third Generation Science Park Concept: Emerging ...Ilkka KakkoThis paper is intended as an opening of a dialog on how to apply platform thinking in the development of innovation environments. It will brie y describe a new STP (Science and Technology Park) concept called 3GSP (Third Generation Science Park), which is gaining momentum in Finland. The paper explains the fundamental changes that are currently taking place in the global innovation environment and explains why platform thinking is becoming an essen- tial element in ecosystem development. The theoretical background and classi cations of platforms are described and the bene ts to be gained from STP perspective are highlighted. The paper emphasizes especially the role of so called ‘competence platforms’ and explains the main characteristics of a fully working competence platform. The role of competence platforms in understanding serendipity and as a fundamental factor in building the team is also highlighted. The paper analyses from STP perspective several practical examples, where platform thinking supports the emergence of new innovation environments, including Urban Mill (Finland) and Meetberlage (Netherlands). The requirements for comprehensive competence platform services are presented and their potential to support community building and therefore ecosystem development is illustrated. This analysis will provide STP practi- tioners with new models for applying platform thinking and will help to establish co-creation, open innovation and serendipity management practices. The case studies presented will help STP management teams to evaluate the bene ts of competence platforms in different contexts.
Programa Mais Educação _ Relatório das Atividades _ 3º bimestrePatrícia Fernanda da Costa SantosO documento descreve um projeto desenvolvido na Escola Municipal Antônio Santos Coelho Neto com o objetivo de formar cidadãos éticos por meio de oficinas de letras, percussão, desenho, mosaico e rádio escolar durante o terceiro bimestre de 2012.
Программно-методическое обеспечение преподавания учебного предмета "Технология"sed49Программно-методическое обеспечение преподавания учебного предмета "Технология"
How to register your business with Startup India Stand Up IndiaMyOnlineCA.inOnline Legal Registration Procedure for your New Business with Startup India Stand Up India initiatives.
Startup India Scheme Details | Startup India Procedure | Startup India Registration Process
“How to Support and Develop the Innovation-oriented Entrepreneurship in Turb...Kari MikkeläIlkka Kakko, Jari Kaivo-oja, Kari Mikkelä:
“How to Support and Develop the Innovation-oriented Entrepreneurship in Turbulent VUCA conditions?”
The most urgent problems of our times – concerning innovation management processes – are complex and turbulent in nature. In this article we define the vucability approach to innovation management. The VUCA refers to volatile (V), uncertain (U), complex (C) and ambiguous (A) times we are today facing. Many innovation management models do not take these Postnormal Era requirements into consideration. Uncertain and complex VUCA conditions are the fundamental reason to elaborate a new approach for innovation management. Our novel approach focuses in three essential dimensions of innovation management: (1) the density of serendipity thinking, (2) platform utilisation (including business model variety) and (3) innovation ecosystem. We claim that in the evolutionary development of science and technology parks (STPs), professionals on innovation management and governance should aim to highest sophistication in these three critical fields of innovation management. In this paper we present the foundations of the ‘vucability’ approach. We also note that in the development of STPs, professionals should evaluate the sophistication level of serendipity thinking, platform utilisation and innovation ecosystem development. Systemic evaluation and development activities will lead eventually to the highest level of vucability excellence. The evaluation and mapping system (EMS-VUCA 1.0) of the vucability approach will be presented in a robust form in our article.
Resume 0512 GSAFGanesh ShindeThis document contains a resume for Ganesh Abhimanyu Shinde. It summarizes his experience as Deputy Manager2 (HOD) - Administration-Facilities & Services at Advinus Therapeutics Ltd, where he oversees facility maintenance, administration, safety, and other operations. It also lists his previous experience in projects management and facility maintenance. His technical skills include maintenance of electrical, HVAC, and other building systems, and he has achieved cost savings through various initiatives.
Music video analysisaprilodriscoll2The document analyzes music videos by several artists, including Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, and Taylor Swift. It discusses the target audiences, genres, and how the visuals in each video relate to and illustrate the music. For Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams" video specifically, it notes the young female target audience, pop genre indicated by bright colors, and controversy over accusations of promoting colonialism through its African setting and lack of Black people featured.
Startup India - Initiative by Govt of IndiaSanket ShahPresentation made before the students of Entrepreneurship Students of BJVM, Vallabh Vidyanagar on startup India initiative..
Platform Thinking within the Third Generation Science Park Concept: Emerging ...Ilkka KakkoThis paper is intended as an opening of a dialog on how to apply platform thinking in the development of innovation environments. It will brie y describe a new STP (Science and Technology Park) concept called 3GSP (Third Generation Science Park), which is gaining momentum in Finland. The paper explains the fundamental changes that are currently taking place in the global innovation environment and explains why platform thinking is becoming an essen- tial element in ecosystem development. The theoretical background and classi cations of platforms are described and the bene ts to be gained from STP perspective are highlighted. The paper emphasizes especially the role of so called ‘competence platforms’ and explains the main characteristics of a fully working competence platform. The role of competence platforms in understanding serendipity and as a fundamental factor in building the team is also highlighted. The paper analyses from STP perspective several practical examples, where platform thinking supports the emergence of new innovation environments, including Urban Mill (Finland) and Meetberlage (Netherlands). The requirements for comprehensive competence platform services are presented and their potential to support community building and therefore ecosystem development is illustrated. This analysis will provide STP practi- tioners with new models for applying platform thinking and will help to establish co-creation, open innovation and serendipity management practices. The case studies presented will help STP management teams to evaluate the bene ts of competence platforms in different contexts.
Programa Mais Educação _ Relatório das Atividades _ 3º bimestrePatrícia Fernanda da Costa SantosO documento descreve um projeto desenvolvido na Escola Municipal Antônio Santos Coelho Neto com o objetivo de formar cidadãos éticos por meio de oficinas de letras, percussão, desenho, mosaico e rádio escolar durante o terceiro bimestre de 2012.
Программно-методическое обеспечение преподавания учебного предмета "Технология"sed49Программно-методическое обеспечение преподавания учебного предмета "Технология"
1. Аннотация к рабочим программам по Информатике
Предмет Информатика
Класс 8 класс
Количество часов 68 часа
Рабочая программа разработана на
Примерная программа основного общего
образования по информатике и ИКТ
(утверждена приказом Минобразования
России от 09.03.04. № 1312);
Авторской программа Босова Л.Л.
Положения о рабочей программе МБОУ СШ
№ 98
Содержание рабочей программы Содержание рабочей программы представлено
следующими разделами:
- пояснительная записка;
- Формы организации образовательного процесса;
- УМК;
- Требования к уровню подготовки школьников в
области информатики и информационных
- Календарно-тематическое планирование с
указанием количества часов, отводимых на
освоение каждой темы.
Форма промежуточной аттестации Контрольная работа
Предмет Информатика
Класс 9 класс
Количество часов 68 часа
Рабочая программа разработана на
Примерная программа основного общего
образования по информатике и ИКТ
(утверждена приказом Минобразования
России от 09.03.04. № 1312);
Авторской программа Босова Л.Л.
Положения о рабочей программе МБОУ СШ
№ 98
Содержание рабочей программы Содержание рабочей программы представлено
следующими разделами:
- пояснительная записка;
- Формы организации образовательного процесса;
- УМК;
- Требования к уровню подготовки школьников в
области информатики и информационных
- Календарно-тематическое планирование с
указанием количества часов, отводимых на
освоение каждой темы.
Форма промежуточной аттестации Контрольная работа
2. Предмет Информатика
Класс 10 класс
Количество часов 68 часа
Рабочая программа разработана на
Примерная программа основного общего
образования по информатике и ИКТ
(утверждена приказом Минобразования
России от 09.03.04. № 1312);
Авторская программа К.Ю. Полякова, Е.А.
Еремина для 10 — 11 класса углублённого
Положения о рабочей программе МБОУ СШ
№ 98
Содержание рабочей программы Содержание рабочей программы представлено
следующими разделами:
- пояснительная записка;
- Общие цели и задачи на III ступени обучения;
- Формы организации образовательного процесса;
- Требования к уровню подготовки школьников в
области информатики и информационных
- Тематическое планирование к учебнику с
указанием количества часов, отводимых на
освоение каждой темы.
- Календарно-тематическое планирование с
указанием количества часов, отводимых на
освоение каждой темы;
- УМК.
Форма промежуточной аттестации - Контрольная работа;
- Тестирование
Предмет Информатика
Класс 11 класс
Количество часов 68 часа
Рабочая программа разработана на
Примерная программа основного общего
образования по информатике и ИКТ
(утверждена приказом Минобразования
России от 09.03.04. № 1312);
Авторская программа Угриновича Н.Д. для
10 — 11 класса базового уровня
Положения о рабочей программе МБОУ СШ
№ 98
Содержание рабочей программы Содержание рабочей программы представлено
следующими разделами:
- пояснительная записка;
- Общие цели и задачи на III ступени обучения;
- Формы организации образовательного процесса;
- Требования к уровню подготовки школьников в
области информатики и информационных
3. - УМК.;
- Календарно-тематическое планирование с
указанием количества часов, отводимых на
освоение каждой темы.
Форма промежуточной аттестации - Контрольная работа;
- Тестирование