This document proposes a new blind source separation method that takes advantage of both independence and sparsity using an overcomplete Gabor representation. The method is shown to work for both under-determined and determined cases. It formulates source separation as an optimization problem that enforces decorrelation of the sources (a consequence of independence) along with sparse properties. An algorithm is presented that alternates between estimating the sources and mixing matrix. Experimental results demonstrate the method outperforms other approaches like DUET and FastICA in terms of metrics like SDR and SIR, and is more robust to noise.
Paul Dawson - Walking the line: The Role of Product Development.UCDUK
The document discusses the role of product development and the relationship between product development teams and design teams. It notes that product development should be user-centered but sometimes has a strained relationship with design teams. It will look at what the role of product development is and how companies are starting to think of digital services as products. It will also discuss the thin line product development has to walk between empowering design teams and potentially alienating them.
CSI is the highest rating company in Patrol Services in the Northwest. Your property is very important to us and we strive to keep it the way you want it!
A tsunami hit Thailand, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the Tamil Nadu coast of India on December 26, 2004, causing very large and powerful waves, after an earthquake occurred under the sea. The document will share stories of courage and survival from those affected by the tsunami.
This document appears to be a resume for Luis Aranda. It lists his work experience including roles at Bayer of Mexico, Linio Mexico, Procter & Gamble, and Skandia Old Mutual in human resources, finance, and business analysis. It also lists his education including a degree in financial management and certifications. Key skills listed include leadership, collaboration, business insight, and managing complexity and ambiguity.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre la ciudad de Lusaka, la capital de Zambia. Lusaka tiene una poblaci¨®n de aproximadamente 14.2 millones de personas y el idioma m¨¢s hablado es el ingl¨¦s, aunque tambi¨¦n se habla nyanga. La ciudad tiene 100 a?os. El documento tambi¨¦n describe la vida silvestre de Zambia, incluidos leones, leopardos, elefantes y diferentes tipos de ant¨ªlopes. Adem¨¢s, presenta la comida t¨ªpica zambiana como nshima, un plato com¨²n servido con verduras y pollo
Bolivia present¨® una demanda contra Chile en la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya para reclamar acceso soberano al oc¨¦ano Pac¨ªfico. Jos¨¦ Miguel Insulza, ex Secretario General de la OEA, dijo que la demanda de Bolivia es leg¨ªtima pero que el proceso en La Haya tomar¨¢ a?os y no garantiza un resultado a favor de Bolivia.
Susan Hecht Maggio has over 15 years of experience in information systems education and administration. She currently serves as the Interim Computer Science Department Chair at the Community College of Baltimore County, where she oversees 8 full-time faculty members, 15 adjunct faculty, and support staff across two campuses. Previously, she held roles including CSIT Coordinator and adjunct faculty at the same institution. She also served as Computer Science Department Chair at The Cardinal Gibbons School for 5 years. Maggio holds a Master of Science in Information Systems from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Business Management also from Johns Hopkins.
This document provides information about an elementary English language course held on Wednesdays from 2-4pm that focuses on business English using the communicative methodological approach. The course uses the New Market Leader textbook and covers 5 units per semester on business-related topics like introductions, work, problems, travel, and food. Each unit has 2 lectures, additional materials, and lessons on grammar topics like the verb "to be" and articles. Class discussions teach social norms and key phrases for business introductions and interactions.
Este documento contiene las tomas de un proyecto audiovisual sobre el plano, punto y l¨ªnea en la historia del arte realizado por un estudiante de comunicaci¨®n social de la Universidad UNIMINUTO. El documento enumera doce tomas grabadas para el proyecto.
Nano electronics and nano sensors Dr Shehan de Silva costi2014
National level support in Sri Lanka is best used to develop unique platform technologies that can then be commercialized in various forms by private enterprises. One such potential platform technology is electroactive porous materials, which could enable new devices for sensing, actuation, and electronic storage at the nanoscale. Applications of these materials could include hydrogen storage and recovery, breathable garments and buildings, water filtration, crop-specific sensors, and electronic drug delivery. A roadmap was presented for developing electroactive porous nanomaterials to help solve global challenges around food, water, and medicine.
China industrial gas industry market forecast and investment strategic planni...Qianzhan Intelligence
The document provides an overview of the industrial gas industry in China, including definitions, classifications of products, value chains, market environments, development status, economic indexes, imports/exports, supply models, and competitive structures. It analyzes factors such as GDP growth, fixed investment, policies, logistics, security, gross output value, sales revenue, imports, exports, and the operations of major corporations. The industrial gas market in China is predicted to maintain 10% annual growth to 2017, reaching RMB 120 trillion in market scale.
Marc Bachrach¡¯S Hypnotism Show Pre Show Sjsu 12 2008MarcBachrach
This document advertises Marc Bachrach's hypnotism show, promoting it as hilarious yet cruelty-free. It states that 1 hour of hypnosis equals 8 hours of sleep and encourages viewing the show or participating in it. The ad also notes that DVDs of the show are available for purchase.
This document proposes a new blind source separation method that takes advantage of both independence and sparsity using an overcomplete Gabor representation. The method is shown to work for both under-determined and determined cases. It formulates source separation as an optimization problem that enforces decorrelation of the sources (a consequence of independence) along with sparse properties. An algorithm is presented that alternates between estimating the sources and mixing matrix. Experimental results demonstrate the method outperforms other approaches like DUET and FastICA in terms of metrics like SDR and SIR, and is more robust to noise.
Paul Dawson - Walking the line: The Role of Product Development.UCDUK
The document discusses the role of product development and the relationship between product development teams and design teams. It notes that product development should be user-centered but sometimes has a strained relationship with design teams. It will look at what the role of product development is and how companies are starting to think of digital services as products. It will also discuss the thin line product development has to walk between empowering design teams and potentially alienating them.
CSI is the highest rating company in Patrol Services in the Northwest. Your property is very important to us and we strive to keep it the way you want it!
A tsunami hit Thailand, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the Tamil Nadu coast of India on December 26, 2004, causing very large and powerful waves, after an earthquake occurred under the sea. The document will share stories of courage and survival from those affected by the tsunami.
This document appears to be a resume for Luis Aranda. It lists his work experience including roles at Bayer of Mexico, Linio Mexico, Procter & Gamble, and Skandia Old Mutual in human resources, finance, and business analysis. It also lists his education including a degree in financial management and certifications. Key skills listed include leadership, collaboration, business insight, and managing complexity and ambiguity.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre la ciudad de Lusaka, la capital de Zambia. Lusaka tiene una poblaci¨®n de aproximadamente 14.2 millones de personas y el idioma m¨¢s hablado es el ingl¨¦s, aunque tambi¨¦n se habla nyanga. La ciudad tiene 100 a?os. El documento tambi¨¦n describe la vida silvestre de Zambia, incluidos leones, leopardos, elefantes y diferentes tipos de ant¨ªlopes. Adem¨¢s, presenta la comida t¨ªpica zambiana como nshima, un plato com¨²n servido con verduras y pollo
Bolivia present¨® una demanda contra Chile en la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya para reclamar acceso soberano al oc¨¦ano Pac¨ªfico. Jos¨¦ Miguel Insulza, ex Secretario General de la OEA, dijo que la demanda de Bolivia es leg¨ªtima pero que el proceso en La Haya tomar¨¢ a?os y no garantiza un resultado a favor de Bolivia.
Susan Hecht Maggio has over 15 years of experience in information systems education and administration. She currently serves as the Interim Computer Science Department Chair at the Community College of Baltimore County, where she oversees 8 full-time faculty members, 15 adjunct faculty, and support staff across two campuses. Previously, she held roles including CSIT Coordinator and adjunct faculty at the same institution. She also served as Computer Science Department Chair at The Cardinal Gibbons School for 5 years. Maggio holds a Master of Science in Information Systems from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Business Management also from Johns Hopkins.
This document provides information about an elementary English language course held on Wednesdays from 2-4pm that focuses on business English using the communicative methodological approach. The course uses the New Market Leader textbook and covers 5 units per semester on business-related topics like introductions, work, problems, travel, and food. Each unit has 2 lectures, additional materials, and lessons on grammar topics like the verb "to be" and articles. Class discussions teach social norms and key phrases for business introductions and interactions.
Este documento contiene las tomas de un proyecto audiovisual sobre el plano, punto y l¨ªnea en la historia del arte realizado por un estudiante de comunicaci¨®n social de la Universidad UNIMINUTO. El documento enumera doce tomas grabadas para el proyecto.
Nano electronics and nano sensors Dr Shehan de Silva costi2014
National level support in Sri Lanka is best used to develop unique platform technologies that can then be commercialized in various forms by private enterprises. One such potential platform technology is electroactive porous materials, which could enable new devices for sensing, actuation, and electronic storage at the nanoscale. Applications of these materials could include hydrogen storage and recovery, breathable garments and buildings, water filtration, crop-specific sensors, and electronic drug delivery. A roadmap was presented for developing electroactive porous nanomaterials to help solve global challenges around food, water, and medicine.
China industrial gas industry market forecast and investment strategic planni...Qianzhan Intelligence
The document provides an overview of the industrial gas industry in China, including definitions, classifications of products, value chains, market environments, development status, economic indexes, imports/exports, supply models, and competitive structures. It analyzes factors such as GDP growth, fixed investment, policies, logistics, security, gross output value, sales revenue, imports, exports, and the operations of major corporations. The industrial gas market in China is predicted to maintain 10% annual growth to 2017, reaching RMB 120 trillion in market scale.
Marc Bachrach¡¯S Hypnotism Show Pre Show Sjsu 12 2008MarcBachrach
This document advertises Marc Bachrach's hypnotism show, promoting it as hilarious yet cruelty-free. It states that 1 hour of hypnosis equals 8 hours of sleep and encourages viewing the show or participating in it. The ad also notes that DVDs of the show are available for purchase.