This document discusses an XP PyCon JP 2016 conference about Python and agile development. Shinichi Nakagawa, a Pythonista and Scrum Master, will be speaking. The conference will cover topics like agile Python development, DevOps, microservices, and how Python is used for web development frameworks like Django and Flask. It will take place in 2016 and had over 680 attendees at the previous PyCon JP conference. Links are provided to slides and videos from past Python and agile talks.
This document discusses an XP PyCon JP 2016 conference about Python and agile development. Shinichi Nakagawa, a Pythonista and Scrum Master, will be speaking. The conference will cover topics like agile Python development, DevOps, microservices, and how Python is used for web development frameworks like Django and Flask. It will take place in 2016 and had over 680 attendees at the previous PyCon JP conference. Links are provided to slides and videos from past Python and agile talks.