Information literacy and graduate employabilityInformAllThe document discusses the relationship between information literacy and graduate employability. It provides background on employability, noting that it involves lifelong learning, self-awareness, and adapting to changing work environments. Employers value soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving over technical skills. The document also examines how information literacy relates to employability competencies sought by employers, such as business awareness, coping with complex workplace information needs, analytical and problem-solving skills, networking, and career management. While information literacy is not explicitly listed as a key skill, it contributes to developing many competencies important for employability.
Tips primerogaby gaLa pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en la economía mundial y las vidas de las personas. Muchos países han impuesto medidas de confinamiento que han cerrado negocios y escuelas. A medida que los países comienzan a reabrir gradualmente, existen desafíos significativos para restaurar la confianza de los consumidores y revivir las economías.
PeriscopeOlena GaponPeriscope is a live streaming app that gives businesses an innovative and entertaining way to engage with their target audience.
Who does use Periscope? What is so special about this platform? How to measure success? When should you broadcast? Find answers on these and many more other questions in my presentation.
Equipment booking form_ 3MattRogeroChloe Whittle booked media equipment from the Salford Community College media department for a shoot on May 23rd, 2013 in the canteen from 9am to 10am. The equipment booked included one HD SLR camera, one lapel microphone, one digital video camera, one shotgun microphone, one mini DV digital video camera, one boom pole, one compact digital stills camera, one SD card, one sound recording pack, one mini DV tape, and one tripod.
Ideal treatmentkatiesteph5This document provides details for two recipe card ideas - one focused on organic meals and one on indulgent desserts.
For the organic card, it will feature light, quick recipes like salads and bread taking 5-25 minutes to prepare/cook. Greens and a handwritten font will communicate the organic theme. High quality photos will show on a light green background.
The dessert card will feature rich ice creams with alcohol. Deep reds, purples and creams will convey luxury. A fancy font and portrait layout with borders matching the dessert photo color will be used. High quality images and a logo will make it professional.
VillageClubNewSwimmingLessons.docxRachel PelletierThe document outlines a new swimming lesson curriculum for Village Club with 4 sessions (Aqua Tots 1-4). It details the age groups, materials needed, skills to be taught for each session, as well as sample songs and activities to teach each skill. Helpful tips are provided for swim instructors, such as introducing themselves, using routines, demonstrating skills, and specific praise statements.
DragonFlyer System RequirementsVamshi SinganamallaThe Draganflyer is a remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicle designed for wildlife photography and videography. It carries wireless cameras and is operated by a handheld controller that allows the operator to view footage in real-time. The drone detects wildlife in designated areas and captures images which are stored on an SD card. It must meet FAA regulations regarding flight ceiling, visual line of sight, and notification of flights. The system aims to help monitor wildlife populations through aerial imaging.
Youth&vitality v1austinjsanfordThe document discusses the poor performance of the U.S. healthcare system compared to other industrialized nations. It finds that while the U.S. ranks #1 in crisis care, it ranks #37 in overall healthcare and has the most expensive system. The U.S. spends the most on healthcare but ranks low in key health outcomes like life expectancy and infant mortality. Medical errors are a leading cause of death in the U.S., killing over 250,000 people annually. Proper spinal structure and function are discussed as being essential to overall health and longevity.
Chapter16openstaxSarah Sue Calbio- The document discusses transverse and longitudinal waves. Transverse waves have a disturbance perpendicular to the direction of propagation, while longitudinal waves have a disturbance parallel to the direction of propagation.
- It provides examples of different types of waves - ocean water waves are a combination of transverse and longitudinal waves, while waves on guitar strings are transverse. Sound waves in air and water are longitudinal.
- Differentiating between longitudinal and transverse waves is important because the energy and motion propagate in different directions for each type of wave. This affects how the waves behave and transfer energy.
Primary Programs Framework - Curriculum Integration: Making ConnectionsSarah Sue CalbioAlberta Education,. (2007). Primary Programs Framework - Curriculum Integration: Making Connections. Alberta, Canada: Alberta Education. Retrieved from
Auditoria de cumplimientoSENA810561La auditoría de cumplimiento evalúa si las operaciones financieras, administrativas y otras actividades de una entidad se realizan de acuerdo con las leyes y normas aplicables. Revisa documentos, analiza procesos administrativos y contables, e inspecciona controles internos para verificar el cumplimiento normativo y mejorar la eficiencia. El objetivo es asegurar que la entidad opera legalmente y sigue procedimientos adecuados.
имею право иметь праваВспомогательный образовательный сайтПроценко Оксана Дияшевна
преподаватель общеобразовательных дисциплин
Политехнического колледжа города Астана
Equipment booking form_ 3MattRogeroChloe Whittle booked media equipment from the Salford Community College media department for a shoot on May 23rd, 2013 in the canteen from 9am to 10am. The equipment booked included one HD SLR camera, one lapel microphone, one digital video camera, one shotgun microphone, one mini DV digital video camera, one boom pole, one compact digital stills camera, one SD card, one sound recording pack, one mini DV tape, and one tripod.
Ideal treatmentkatiesteph5This document provides details for two recipe card ideas - one focused on organic meals and one on indulgent desserts.
For the organic card, it will feature light, quick recipes like salads and bread taking 5-25 minutes to prepare/cook. Greens and a handwritten font will communicate the organic theme. High quality photos will show on a light green background.
The dessert card will feature rich ice creams with alcohol. Deep reds, purples and creams will convey luxury. A fancy font and portrait layout with borders matching the dessert photo color will be used. High quality images and a logo will make it professional.
VillageClubNewSwimmingLessons.docxRachel PelletierThe document outlines a new swimming lesson curriculum for Village Club with 4 sessions (Aqua Tots 1-4). It details the age groups, materials needed, skills to be taught for each session, as well as sample songs and activities to teach each skill. Helpful tips are provided for swim instructors, such as introducing themselves, using routines, demonstrating skills, and specific praise statements.
DragonFlyer System RequirementsVamshi SinganamallaThe Draganflyer is a remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicle designed for wildlife photography and videography. It carries wireless cameras and is operated by a handheld controller that allows the operator to view footage in real-time. The drone detects wildlife in designated areas and captures images which are stored on an SD card. It must meet FAA regulations regarding flight ceiling, visual line of sight, and notification of flights. The system aims to help monitor wildlife populations through aerial imaging.
Youth&vitality v1austinjsanfordThe document discusses the poor performance of the U.S. healthcare system compared to other industrialized nations. It finds that while the U.S. ranks #1 in crisis care, it ranks #37 in overall healthcare and has the most expensive system. The U.S. spends the most on healthcare but ranks low in key health outcomes like life expectancy and infant mortality. Medical errors are a leading cause of death in the U.S., killing over 250,000 people annually. Proper spinal structure and function are discussed as being essential to overall health and longevity.
Chapter16openstaxSarah Sue Calbio- The document discusses transverse and longitudinal waves. Transverse waves have a disturbance perpendicular to the direction of propagation, while longitudinal waves have a disturbance parallel to the direction of propagation.
- It provides examples of different types of waves - ocean water waves are a combination of transverse and longitudinal waves, while waves on guitar strings are transverse. Sound waves in air and water are longitudinal.
- Differentiating between longitudinal and transverse waves is important because the energy and motion propagate in different directions for each type of wave. This affects how the waves behave and transfer energy.
Primary Programs Framework - Curriculum Integration: Making ConnectionsSarah Sue CalbioAlberta Education,. (2007). Primary Programs Framework - Curriculum Integration: Making Connections. Alberta, Canada: Alberta Education. Retrieved from
Auditoria de cumplimientoSENA810561La auditoría de cumplimiento evalúa si las operaciones financieras, administrativas y otras actividades de una entidad se realizan de acuerdo con las leyes y normas aplicables. Revisa documentos, analiza procesos administrativos y contables, e inspecciona controles internos para verificar el cumplimiento normativo y mejorar la eficiencia. El objetivo es asegurar que la entidad opera legalmente y sigue procedimientos adecuados.
имею право иметь праваВспомогательный образовательный сайтПроценко Оксана Дияшевна
преподаватель общеобразовательных дисциплин
Политехнического колледжа города Астана
1. Школа №499
Красногвардейского района Санкт-Петербурга
Конституция РФ.
ФИО: Кузнецова Ольга Сергеевна
Предмет: беседа
2. Задачи:
1)Познакомить с основным законом -
Конституцией России, дать представления о
правах ребенка, объяснить детям, что означает
понятие «право», где отражены права.
2)Формировать представление о правах и
обязанностях школьника.
8. Наши права
У каждого из вас есть права: право на жизнь, на
образование, на охрану здоровья и т. д. А что же такое –
Право - это правила, по которым живут люди. Эти правила
охраняются государством и определяют отношения
людей в обществе.
Права ребенка надо знать,
Не только знать,
А соблюдать,
Тогда легко нам будет жить,
Играть, дружить и не тужить.
9. Физминутка
Ну, ребята, дружно встанем,
Ручки вверх потянем.
Руки на пояс, наклоны вперед.
Теперь спинки держим ровно,
На месте будем мы шагать.
Тихо все на место сядем
И закроем глазки.
Открывайте глазки
.Включили фантазию, настроились на встречу со сказочными героями.
10. -В какой сказке и кто нарушал право на
свободу и свободный труд за
вознаграждение, держал кукол в
11. - В какой сказке «хлебобулочный» герой
несколько раз подвергался попыткам
посягательства на его жизнь, угрозам
быть съеденным?
12. Кто из сказочных женщин пользовался
правом на свободное перемещение на
14. -В какой сказке нарушено право на
неприкосновенность жилища?
15. - В каком произведении нарушено право на
отдых и досуг?
16. Выбери правильный ответ.
1)Право на бесплатное образование.
2)Право на свободный труд, защиту
от безработицы.
3)Право на неприкосновенность
-Когда полицейские ворвались в каморку
папы Карло, какое право они нарушили?
Буратино продал свою азбуку и не
воспользовался каким правом?
17. Право на образование.
Есть статья 43, которая имеет
непосредственное отношение к вам,
школьникам: «каждый человек имеет
право на образование ... »
18. Права школьников.
- Какие же права есть у вас, школьников?
(Право на учебу, право на отдых между
уроками, право на каникулы, право на
занятия в кружках, секциях.)
19. Обязанности школьников.
В Конституции записаны также и ваши обязанности.
Обязанность уважать взгляды, свободу других
людей (взрослых и сверстников), культурно вести
себя в классе, школе и за их пределами, ходить
опрятными, выполнять все правила школы.
20. Подводим итоги.
Вот и подходит к концу наше занятие,
посвященное Дню Конституции. Давайте
подведем итог. Итак, где же записаны
пpавa и обязанности граждан России?
21. Когда была принята новая Конституция?
Зачем нужна Конституция?
(12 декабря 1993 г.)-22 года назад
Подводим итоги.
22. Подводим итоги.
Человеку много нужно,
Чтобы счастливо прожить!
Нужен дождь и даже лужи,
Нужно с кем-нибудь дружить.
Нужен ветер, нужно поле.
Нужно море и леса,
Нужно счастье, нужно горе
И родные голоса.
Невозможно без природы,
Без синеющих небес.
Хорошо иметь свободу,
Мир загадок и чудес.