Web 2.0stywart92El documento describe las ventajas de las herramientas Web 2.0, incluyendo la accesibilidad a información desde cualquier lugar las 24 horas del día, los 7 días a la semana debido a la conectividad global que permite, y la capacidad de comunicación en tiempo real a través de medios interactivos para responder de manera urgente a eventos.
1 Annual FlyerCheryl (Kit) TurnerNew Hope Village 4 Veterans is holding its 1st Annual Dinner Dance & Awards on May 1st at the Wilshire Grand Hotel in West Orange, NJ to thank those who have helped veterans. The event will honor politicians like Senator Booker and Menendez and community leaders who have supported veterans through organizations and legislation around traumatic brain injury, services for female veterans, and assistance from charities. Donations of $100 or $50 for military members are requested to attend the 7-11pm event honoring these "Shining Stars."
Los proyectos Interactivos ComputacionalesObservatorio de Educación del Caribe Colombiano - Universidad del NortePonencia Los proyectos Interactivos Computacionales: Una Experiencia de Mediación Tecnológica desde el Enfoque de la Transversalidad Curricular. Realizada por Martha Chaves Silva, Nel Fernando Díaz Petro y Alexander Montes Miranda, en el marco del V Simposio Las Sociedades ante el Reto Digital, 2012 (www.uninorte.edu.co/retodigital)
MY DAILY ROUTINESSandra SanchezThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare's platform.
LinkedIn ResumeMax FisherThis document is a resume for Max Fisher that highlights his extensive education and experience in engineering, design, research, and project management. He has degrees in chemical engineering and biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has studied abroad. His experience includes computational fluid dynamics modeling, process design projects, research into protein characterization, and volunteer work with Engineers Without Borders.
CCNA Certificate-Carlos ArriagaCarlos ArriagaCarlos Arriaga has earned the Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching certification by passing the required exams. This certification is valid through July 11, 2019 and can be verified online using his Cisco ID number and certificate verification number. The certification recognizes his skills in routing and switching as validated by Cisco Systems.
Phyto science slide Presentation 2015 indonesiaashleyphytoPhytoScience Sdn Bhd is a company on the concept of universal health and welfare ,continue forward in production . We are committed to helping individuals improve the quality of their health , both physical or financial stability . Established in 2012 with only a dream and hard work , PhytoScience based in Kuala Lumpur , is now a multi-million dollar company .
It starts at the top e – commerce platform that is technologically advanced and integrated , and has a vision to penetrate the global market . In the short time that is 18 months after its inception , PhytoScience monthly sales have jumped up to RM40 million , making it one of the HOTTEST MLM company in Malaysia .
So far 70 millionaire had born simply just leverage phytoscience e trading platform.
Website: http://www.phytosciencestemcell.net/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/phytoscienceDBStemCell
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ashleyphyto
ResumeMax FisherThis document is a resume for Max Fisher that highlights his extensive education and experience in engineering, design, research, and project management. He has degrees in chemical engineering and biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has studied abroad. His experience includes computational modeling, process design, research, leadership roles, and fieldwork. He has skills in various laboratory techniques, software, and process control.
Informe ieee digitales secuenciales (autoguardado)Harold MedinaEste documento describe el funcionamiento de diferentes tipos de latch y flip-flop digitales secuenciales, incluyendo sus configuraciones, tablas de verdad y diagramas de tiempo. Explica latch S-R con entradas activas a alto y bajo nivel, latch S-R y D con entrada de habilitación, y flip-flop S-R, JK, D y T. También incluye un análisis de resultados y una tabla con aplicaciones típicas de diferentes tipos de flip-flop.
Training Program EvaluationLaura PasquiniThe document discusses evaluating training programs through various methods. It outlines the goals of evaluation, such as assessing progress, evaluating curriculum and staff, and justifying expenditures. Common myths about evaluation are debunked, such as the ideas that results cannot be measured or that evaluation will lead to criticism. Effective evaluation requires collecting data at different stages using instruments like questionnaires, observations, interviews and performance reviews. The document provides guidance on developing these instruments and conducting evaluations to improve training programs.
Quality Matters for Online Course DesignLaura PasquiniThe document discusses the 8 standards of the Quality Matters rubric for designing online courses. The standards address making the overall course design clear, using learning objectives, incorporating assessments, including instructional materials, facilitating activities and interactions, utilizing appropriate technologies, providing learner support, and ensuring accessibility. Meeting these standards helps create an engaging course where learners can achieve the objectives through supported and accessible means.
Team Based LearningFCT at LSSUTeam-based learning is a student-centered pedagogical approach that involves assigning students to permanent teams to work on applied problems. It consists of three phases: preparation before class, a readiness assurance process in class, and application exercises. The readiness assurance process involves short individual and team tests to ensure students are prepared. Application exercises are complex problems for teams to work through together. Research shows team-based learning improves student engagement, develops skills like collaboration, and has been effectively used in medical, nursing, and other professional programs. While it requires an initial faculty time investment, team-based learning has benefits for both students and faculty.
LinkedIn ResumeMax FisherThis document is a resume for Max Fisher that highlights his extensive education and experience in engineering, design, research, and project management. He has degrees in chemical engineering and biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has studied abroad. His experience includes computational fluid dynamics modeling, process design projects, research into protein characterization, and volunteer work with Engineers Without Borders.
CCNA Certificate-Carlos ArriagaCarlos ArriagaCarlos Arriaga has earned the Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching certification by passing the required exams. This certification is valid through July 11, 2019 and can be verified online using his Cisco ID number and certificate verification number. The certification recognizes his skills in routing and switching as validated by Cisco Systems.
Phyto science slide Presentation 2015 indonesiaashleyphytoPhytoScience Sdn Bhd is a company on the concept of universal health and welfare ,continue forward in production . We are committed to helping individuals improve the quality of their health , both physical or financial stability . Established in 2012 with only a dream and hard work , PhytoScience based in Kuala Lumpur , is now a multi-million dollar company .
It starts at the top e – commerce platform that is technologically advanced and integrated , and has a vision to penetrate the global market . In the short time that is 18 months after its inception , PhytoScience monthly sales have jumped up to RM40 million , making it one of the HOTTEST MLM company in Malaysia .
So far 70 millionaire had born simply just leverage phytoscience e trading platform.
Website: http://www.phytosciencestemcell.net/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/phytoscienceDBStemCell
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ashleyphyto
ResumeMax FisherThis document is a resume for Max Fisher that highlights his extensive education and experience in engineering, design, research, and project management. He has degrees in chemical engineering and biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has studied abroad. His experience includes computational modeling, process design, research, leadership roles, and fieldwork. He has skills in various laboratory techniques, software, and process control.
Informe ieee digitales secuenciales (autoguardado)Harold MedinaEste documento describe el funcionamiento de diferentes tipos de latch y flip-flop digitales secuenciales, incluyendo sus configuraciones, tablas de verdad y diagramas de tiempo. Explica latch S-R con entradas activas a alto y bajo nivel, latch S-R y D con entrada de habilitación, y flip-flop S-R, JK, D y T. También incluye un análisis de resultados y una tabla con aplicaciones típicas de diferentes tipos de flip-flop.
Training Program EvaluationLaura PasquiniThe document discusses evaluating training programs through various methods. It outlines the goals of evaluation, such as assessing progress, evaluating curriculum and staff, and justifying expenditures. Common myths about evaluation are debunked, such as the ideas that results cannot be measured or that evaluation will lead to criticism. Effective evaluation requires collecting data at different stages using instruments like questionnaires, observations, interviews and performance reviews. The document provides guidance on developing these instruments and conducting evaluations to improve training programs.
Quality Matters for Online Course DesignLaura PasquiniThe document discusses the 8 standards of the Quality Matters rubric for designing online courses. The standards address making the overall course design clear, using learning objectives, incorporating assessments, including instructional materials, facilitating activities and interactions, utilizing appropriate technologies, providing learner support, and ensuring accessibility. Meeting these standards helps create an engaging course where learners can achieve the objectives through supported and accessible means.
Team Based LearningFCT at LSSUTeam-based learning is a student-centered pedagogical approach that involves assigning students to permanent teams to work on applied problems. It consists of three phases: preparation before class, a readiness assurance process in class, and application exercises. The readiness assurance process involves short individual and team tests to ensure students are prepared. Application exercises are complex problems for teams to work through together. Research shows team-based learning improves student engagement, develops skills like collaboration, and has been effectively used in medical, nursing, and other professional programs. While it requires an initial faculty time investment, team-based learning has benefits for both students and faculty.
8. 자하 하디드
(Jaha Hadid)
건축계의 아카데미상으로 통
하 는 ′ 프 리 츠 커 건 축 상
(Pritzker Architectur
e Prize)’을 수상한 최초의
여성 건축가.동대문운동장 자
리에 들어설 건축물을 설계함.
뛰어난 건축가일 뿐만 아니라
개성 넘치는 소품 디자이너.
10. 안도 다다오
건축과 전혀 상관없는 공업고등학교를
나온 가난한 청년이었고, 쌍둥이 형
과 함께 고등학교를 졸업하고 프로복서
가 되었다. 르 코르뷔지에가 쓴 '건축을
향하여' 란 책을 통해 건축의 길을 가기
로 결심, 가난한 무학력자 출신의 세계
적 건축디자이너로 성장했다.
[출처] 안도다다오|작성자 문화책임자
12. 작업 계획
앞에서 영감 받은 건축 작가들의 작업물 등을
모방해 “나만의 미술관”이라는 주제로 지금
까지 만들어온 나의 작업물들과 그것을 전시
할 공간을 미니어쳐 형식으로 제작할 예정.
손안에 담기는 건축미학이라는 본 자료의 제
목처럼 한뼘 내외의 크기가 될 것이며 작품
각각의 성격에 따라 다른 느낌의 건축물 여러
개가 제작될 것 같음.