Hannah's Resume 2015Hannah ComeauxHannah N Comeaux has over 5 years of experience in various secretarial and patient services roles in healthcare facilities. She is skilled in customer service, communication, organization, and maintaining accurate records. Her experience includes patient registration and intake, managing patient flow in emergency departments and telemetry units, switchboard operation, and secretary duties at a tool rental company. She is proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and various medical record systems.
ปฏิทินรายเึϸอนKritsaporn JanhaThe document contains 12 tables showing the monthly calendars for January 2017 through December 2017 in both the Thai and English languages. Each table displays the days of the month in a grid with the days of the week listed above and the dates of the month filling in the grid. The name of the month is provided in Thai at the top of each table.
Hannah's Resume 2015Hannah ComeauxHannah N Comeaux has over 5 years of experience in various secretarial and patient services roles in healthcare facilities. She is skilled in customer service, communication, organization, and maintaining accurate records. Her experience includes patient registration and intake, managing patient flow in emergency departments and telemetry units, switchboard operation, and secretary duties at a tool rental company. She is proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and various medical record systems.
ปฏิทินรายเึϸอนKritsaporn JanhaThe document contains 12 tables showing the monthly calendars for January 2017 through December 2017 in both the Thai and English languages. Each table displays the days of the month in a grid with the days of the week listed above and the dates of the month filling in the grid. The name of the month is provided in Thai at the top of each table.
Vermer PuzzledeasilviaO documento apresenta um quebra-cabeça com peças de letras e números para montar, seguido de uma sequência incorreta e um incentivo para tentar novamente, terminando com a revelação de que a imagem montada é de uma pintura de Vermer.
Positive academic culture Dr. Nema Habbas AlmutairiThis document discusses student-centered learning and its challenges. It defines student-centered learning as placing students' learning needs at the center of teaching practices. The document outlines key learner characteristics like learning styles, abilities, and preferences that influence student-centered approaches. It also discusses foundational aspects of student-centered learning like active learning, feedback, cooperation, and respect for diversity. The main challenges of student-centered learning are related to class sizes, teacher qualifications, relevance of materials, quality of instructional methods, student roles, and assessment alignment. The document provides suggestions for managing these challenges and developing self-directed, lifelong learners.
Diapositiva modalidades educativaspandita13sepEste documento compara tres modalidades educativas: la educación presencial, la educación virtual y la educación a distancia. Describe las características, ventajas y desventajas de cada modalidad. La educación presencial se da en un espacio físico compartido entre alumnos y profesores. La educación virtual utiliza tecnología pero también en un espacio compartido. La educación a distancia no requiere asistencia física, sino que los estudiantes reciben materiales por correo o internet de forma independiente en el tiempo y espacio.