1) Teacher Cindy leads an English lesson where students Lala and Leo review sentences from the previous week and learn new sentences including "Are you sure?", "Yes, I am.", and "No, I am not sure."
2) Lala and Leo practice the sentences in a conversation where Leo claims his homework was easy and Lala says her homework was difficult.
3) At the end, Lala and Leo ask if they can have Coke after class, but Teacher Cindy says they must finish other homework first, and that Coke and cookies are not good for their health.
1) The document summarizes the author's observations of teaching strategies at Taipei European School (TES) during a 5-day visit, including having students do morning exercises to music to start the day, conducting debates using a PEEL structure with Google Docs and self/peer assessment, and implementing differentiated guided reading with reciprocal teaching roles.
2) The author notes how technology is used to support learning objectives and higher-order thinking, and foster collaboration, such as using Google Classroom, Google 狠狠撸s, and Seesaw app.
3) Key strategies observed for developing self-regulated learning included explicit training in metacognition, positive teacher-student interactions, small-group learning, establishing motivating contexts,
Food support card in differentiated instruction Cindy Shen
This document lists various fruits and foods, and asks whether "he" or "she" likes apples, with responses that they either do or do not like apples. It repeats the list of foods and questions about apples twice.
This document contains a lesson plan on reciprocal teaching with activities focused on vocabulary and storytelling. It includes prompts for students to practice predicting, clarifying words, asking questions, and summarizing stories using sentence frames. Students are asked to write 3 sentences summarizing what different animals can and cannot do but expressing what they can do, and to describe the most impressive part of a story. The document provides resources for a homework assignment where students can create their own creative story using the sentence frames.
1) The document is a transcript of an English lesson for elementary school students. It introduces sentences to ask if someone is finished with their work.
2) The teacher, Miss Cindy, has a dialogue with two students, Leo and Lala, asking them what homework they are doing and if they are finished.
3) Leo says he finished his math homework easily. Lala says she needs to finish reading and writing in English, which may take her an hour to complete.
This document appears to be a BINGO card for a magic English classroom warm-up activity. The card contains 25 squares with activities or facts that students can mark if they apply to themselves, such as having read Harry Potter books, liking to eat Italian food, or being able to play the piano. The purpose seems to be an icebreaker game for students to learn more about each other.
1) The document summarizes the author's observations of teaching strategies at Taipei European School (TES) during a 5-day visit, including having students do morning exercises to music to start the day, conducting debates using a PEEL structure with Google Docs and self/peer assessment, and implementing differentiated guided reading with reciprocal teaching roles.
2) The author notes how technology is used to support learning objectives and higher-order thinking, and foster collaboration, such as using Google Classroom, Google 狠狠撸s, and Seesaw app.
3) Key strategies observed for developing self-regulated learning included explicit training in metacognition, positive teacher-student interactions, small-group learning, establishing motivating contexts,
Food support card in differentiated instruction Cindy Shen
This document lists various fruits and foods, and asks whether "he" or "she" likes apples, with responses that they either do or do not like apples. It repeats the list of foods and questions about apples twice.
This document contains a lesson plan on reciprocal teaching with activities focused on vocabulary and storytelling. It includes prompts for students to practice predicting, clarifying words, asking questions, and summarizing stories using sentence frames. Students are asked to write 3 sentences summarizing what different animals can and cannot do but expressing what they can do, and to describe the most impressive part of a story. The document provides resources for a homework assignment where students can create their own creative story using the sentence frames.
1) The document is a transcript of an English lesson for elementary school students. It introduces sentences to ask if someone is finished with their work.
2) The teacher, Miss Cindy, has a dialogue with two students, Leo and Lala, asking them what homework they are doing and if they are finished.
3) Leo says he finished his math homework easily. Lala says she needs to finish reading and writing in English, which may take her an hour to complete.
This document appears to be a BINGO card for a magic English classroom warm-up activity. The card contains 25 squares with activities or facts that students can mark if they apply to themselves, such as having read Harry Potter books, liking to eat Italian food, or being able to play the piano. The purpose seems to be an icebreaker game for students to learn more about each other.
This document outlines an English promotion activity at Taipei Municipal Fuan Elementary School that spanned the first semester of the 2013-2014 school year. It provides 18 sets of short dialogues between two people as "passcodes" for students to memorize each week. The activity was awarded special merit from the 12th Taipei City Education Professional Innovation and Action Research conference and received an honorable mention in the 2012 National Creative Teaching KDP International Certification Award.