school422 - День открытых дверей в школе 422Education Center No. 422 "Perovo"День открытых дверей в школе 422 (ГБОУ ЦО № 422 "Перово"). Краткий рассказ о жизни школы в фотографиях.
Pleasing Millennial TravelersCelia Burns, MAMillennials are increasingly using travel agents instead of booking vacations online themselves because they want personalized, unique experiences beyond what typical search results provide. Home sharing services allow travel agents to offer Millennial clients authentic accommodations like homes, apartments, or unusual listings that make trips memorable while fitting budget constraints. By tapping into the large number of Millennials already using or open to home sharing, travel agents can satisfy this demographic's desire for adventure and customized travel through alternative lodging options that make them feel connected to local culture.
Strategic marketng for small businessDiane CarsonThis document provides steps for developing an effective marketing strategy and plan. Step 1 is to determine your marketing budget, which should be 6-20% of projected revenue for new companies and 6-12% for established companies. Step 2 is to understand your target customer through demographics and psychographics. Step 3 is to develop a 90-day or longer marketing plan aligned with your goals. Step 4 is to establish measurement tools to track ROI. Step 5 is to execute the plan for at least 6-12 months and measure results. The overall process emphasizes goal-setting, understanding customers, developing a long-term plan, and measuring performance over time.
MODULO # 2 Estudio Técnico Laurens GonzálezEn la presentación definimos los siguientes conceptos tales como: Organización del recurso humano y organigrama general de la empresa, Marco legal de la empresa y factores relevantes.
Maree Cole CV one pageMaree ColeMaree Cole is an Australian actress and singer who graduated from WAAPA/ECU with a Bachelor of Education in Music and from NIDA with a Bachelor of Dramatic Art in Acting. She has over 10 years experience in professional singing and dance training. Maree has played roles in productions such as Les Miserables, Oklahoma, and The Light in the Piazza. She is represented by Ambrose Artist Management and is available for roles requiring an actress between 19-30 years old.
Over the Falls- A Musical Exploration of the Waterfall Dace ProjeNicole Roman-JohnstonThis document provides an overview of a student's honors thesis project exploring connections between scientific research and music composition. The student has worked in a biology lab studying the effects of waterfalls on gene flow in fish populations. Through her lab work, she has come to see parallels between scientific processes and musical forms. Her compositions aim to communicate scientific theories about the fish populations to a broader audience by finding musical expressions of the scientific patterns and forms. The document provides background on the lab's research, including details on the fish species studied, field collection methods, genetic analysis techniques, and hypotheses about how the waterfalls impact genetic diversity between populations.
What Difference Does Easter Make? - Rob Ferry 3-27-16DenverCoCThe problem of Easter for many is that its natural to want to divorce the life and teachings of Jesus from the resurrection of Jesus. The problem with that is the only reason we even know about Jesus and his many good teachings is that they were written by the same people who tell us he physically rose from the dead! We can’t try and resurrect his teachings and leave his body in the grave! In this Easter message, you will learn what the resurrection of Jesus MEANS and why Jesus' resurrection MATTERS.
21.11.2008, NEWSWIRE, Issue 47The Business Council of MongoliaThe document provides news highlights from the Business Council of Mongolia covering business, economic, and political topics. On business, an MPs' group favors the state holding 51% of the Tavan Tolgoi coal project and 34% of the Oyu Tolgoi copper project. Ivanhoe Mines remains focused on advancing Oyu Tolgoi despite losses, while Erdene explores opportunities during the current uncertain period. Cameco's earnings dropped due to lower uranium prices and higher costs. The document also mentions upcoming projects including a new mining registry system and Prime Minister Bayar consulting with Chile about copper mining.
Taglog - Operador Logistico para Importados em SCTAGLOGA Taglog oferece soluções logísticas como armazenagem, distribuição e transporte para empresas a partir de seu centro de distribuição localizado strategicamente perto dos portos de Itajaí e Navegantes. A Taglog investe em tecnologia e infraestrutura para fornecer esses serviços de forma eficiente e com controle de qualidade.
Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials on the Manufacturing Skills Gap an...Thomas For IndustryA survey by Thomasnet found mostly positive trends for manufacturers in 2014, with 63% growing and 9 out of 10 increasing production or upgrading facilities. However, it also found troubling workforce issues as 80% of manufacturers are baby boomers, and most have no succession plan despite 38% planning to retire within 10 years. Younger generations are critical to address this challenge, but manufacturers are not increasing millennial headcounts and many believe millenials lack a strong work ethic. This perfect storm of an aging workforce and failure to engage younger generations threatens manufacturers' competitive advantage that increasingly depends on agile supply chains.
Portfolio Roland Zeder: INNOVATION WORKrolandzedThis document appears to be a portfolio for Roland Zeder showcasing his work experience in product innovation across many industries. It provides brief descriptions of over 15 projects he has worked on, highlighting the objectives and key innovations for each. The portfolio aims to demonstrate Zeder's broad experience leading cross-functional teams from concept through market introduction for both consumer and industrial products.
Юридический модульАндрей ЯкименкоФедеральный закон от 07.06.2013 N 108-ФЗ(ред. от 03.07.2016) "О подготовке и проведении в Российской Федерации чемпионата мира по футболу FIFA 2018 года, Кубка конфедераций FIFA 2017 года и внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты..."
Pleasing Millennial TravelersCelia Burns, MAMillennials are increasingly using travel agents instead of booking vacations online themselves because they want personalized, unique experiences beyond what typical search results provide. Home sharing services allow travel agents to offer Millennial clients authentic accommodations like homes, apartments, or unusual listings that make trips memorable while fitting budget constraints. By tapping into the large number of Millennials already using or open to home sharing, travel agents can satisfy this demographic's desire for adventure and customized travel through alternative lodging options that make them feel connected to local culture.
Strategic marketng for small businessDiane CarsonThis document provides steps for developing an effective marketing strategy and plan. Step 1 is to determine your marketing budget, which should be 6-20% of projected revenue for new companies and 6-12% for established companies. Step 2 is to understand your target customer through demographics and psychographics. Step 3 is to develop a 90-day or longer marketing plan aligned with your goals. Step 4 is to establish measurement tools to track ROI. Step 5 is to execute the plan for at least 6-12 months and measure results. The overall process emphasizes goal-setting, understanding customers, developing a long-term plan, and measuring performance over time.
MODULO # 2 Estudio Técnico Laurens GonzálezEn la presentación definimos los siguientes conceptos tales como: Organización del recurso humano y organigrama general de la empresa, Marco legal de la empresa y factores relevantes.
Maree Cole CV one pageMaree ColeMaree Cole is an Australian actress and singer who graduated from WAAPA/ECU with a Bachelor of Education in Music and from NIDA with a Bachelor of Dramatic Art in Acting. She has over 10 years experience in professional singing and dance training. Maree has played roles in productions such as Les Miserables, Oklahoma, and The Light in the Piazza. She is represented by Ambrose Artist Management and is available for roles requiring an actress between 19-30 years old.
Over the Falls- A Musical Exploration of the Waterfall Dace ProjeNicole Roman-JohnstonThis document provides an overview of a student's honors thesis project exploring connections between scientific research and music composition. The student has worked in a biology lab studying the effects of waterfalls on gene flow in fish populations. Through her lab work, she has come to see parallels between scientific processes and musical forms. Her compositions aim to communicate scientific theories about the fish populations to a broader audience by finding musical expressions of the scientific patterns and forms. The document provides background on the lab's research, including details on the fish species studied, field collection methods, genetic analysis techniques, and hypotheses about how the waterfalls impact genetic diversity between populations.
What Difference Does Easter Make? - Rob Ferry 3-27-16DenverCoCThe problem of Easter for many is that its natural to want to divorce the life and teachings of Jesus from the resurrection of Jesus. The problem with that is the only reason we even know about Jesus and his many good teachings is that they were written by the same people who tell us he physically rose from the dead! We can’t try and resurrect his teachings and leave his body in the grave! In this Easter message, you will learn what the resurrection of Jesus MEANS and why Jesus' resurrection MATTERS.
21.11.2008, NEWSWIRE, Issue 47The Business Council of MongoliaThe document provides news highlights from the Business Council of Mongolia covering business, economic, and political topics. On business, an MPs' group favors the state holding 51% of the Tavan Tolgoi coal project and 34% of the Oyu Tolgoi copper project. Ivanhoe Mines remains focused on advancing Oyu Tolgoi despite losses, while Erdene explores opportunities during the current uncertain period. Cameco's earnings dropped due to lower uranium prices and higher costs. The document also mentions upcoming projects including a new mining registry system and Prime Minister Bayar consulting with Chile about copper mining.
Taglog - Operador Logistico para Importados em SCTAGLOGA Taglog oferece soluções logísticas como armazenagem, distribuição e transporte para empresas a partir de seu centro de distribuição localizado strategicamente perto dos portos de Itajaí e Navegantes. A Taglog investe em tecnologia e infraestrutura para fornecer esses serviços de forma eficiente e com controle de qualidade.
Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials on the Manufacturing Skills Gap an...Thomas For IndustryA survey by Thomasnet found mostly positive trends for manufacturers in 2014, with 63% growing and 9 out of 10 increasing production or upgrading facilities. However, it also found troubling workforce issues as 80% of manufacturers are baby boomers, and most have no succession plan despite 38% planning to retire within 10 years. Younger generations are critical to address this challenge, but manufacturers are not increasing millennial headcounts and many believe millenials lack a strong work ethic. This perfect storm of an aging workforce and failure to engage younger generations threatens manufacturers' competitive advantage that increasingly depends on agile supply chains.
Portfolio Roland Zeder: INNOVATION WORKrolandzedThis document appears to be a portfolio for Roland Zeder showcasing his work experience in product innovation across many industries. It provides brief descriptions of over 15 projects he has worked on, highlighting the objectives and key innovations for each. The portfolio aims to demonstrate Zeder's broad experience leading cross-functional teams from concept through market introduction for both consumer and industrial products.
Юридический модульАндрей ЯкименкоФедеральный закон от 07.06.2013 N 108-ФЗ(ред. от 03.07.2016) "О подготовке и проведении в Российской Федерации чемпионата мира по футболу FIFA 2018 года, Кубка конфедераций FIFA 2017 года и внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты..."
В преддверии «Кубка Конфедераций FIFA» в городе Москве 17 июня по 02 июля 2017 гАндрей ЯкименкоЭкспертно-консультативный совет родительской общественности при ДОгМ
Комиссия по профилактике негативных проявлений среди обучающихс
Музыкальный конкурс на английском языке Show must go onАндрей ЯкименкоИстория конкурсов по английскому языку в школе 1602 c 2012 по 2016 годы (11/02/2016)
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Департамента образования г. Москвы
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Центр образования № 1602
Никель А. А.
Федоров В. А.
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