269843 366987-1-sm (1)Niko BennavidesEste documento describe las características y funcionalidades de Zotero, un software de gestión bibliográfica. Explica que Zotero permite almacenar, organizar y compartir referencias bibliográficas de manera colaborativa a través de grupos. También relata los resultados positivos obtenidos al implementar Zotero en una Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo en Cuba, donde mejoró la elaboración de trabajos de los estudiantes.
10 reasons prospects don't buyLapinskyThis document provides 10 reasons why prospects may leave a Network Marketer's presentation or party without buying products or joining their team. The first reason discussed is being vague about the next step and not clearly telling prospects how to purchase or join. The second reason is waiting until the end of the presentation to reveal product prices, which can lead to "sticker shock". The third reason is the presenter caring too much about what others think of them when asking prospects to buy. The document urges presenters to stop worrying about offending people and to boldly recommend products. It then discusses how handing out catalogs can confuse and overwhelm prospects, preventing purchases.
269843 366987-1-sm (1)Niko BennavidesEste documento describe las características y funcionalidades de Zotero, un software de gestión bibliográfica. Explica que Zotero permite almacenar, organizar y compartir referencias bibliográficas de manera colaborativa a través de grupos. También relata los resultados positivos obtenidos al implementar Zotero en una Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo en Cuba, donde mejoró la elaboración de trabajos de los estudiantes.
10 reasons prospects don't buyLapinskyThis document provides 10 reasons why prospects may leave a Network Marketer's presentation or party without buying products or joining their team. The first reason discussed is being vague about the next step and not clearly telling prospects how to purchase or join. The second reason is waiting until the end of the presentation to reveal product prices, which can lead to "sticker shock". The third reason is the presenter caring too much about what others think of them when asking prospects to buy. The document urges presenters to stop worrying about offending people and to boldly recommend products. It then discusses how handing out catalogs can confuse and overwhelm prospects, preventing purchases.
FHL SuiteCommerceFHL-First-HostingSuiteCommerce is a cloud-based ecommerce platform that provides a 360-degree view of customers, intelligent order orchestration across channels, and unlimited expansion capabilities on a single platform. It delivers innovative shopping experiences, personalized engagement, and optimized fulfillment through order management.
Resume - Webb 2015Shannen WebbThis document is a resume for Shannen L. Webb, an English and alternative education teacher with 14 years of experience teaching grades K-12. She has a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education English and a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Her experience includes teaching English, creative writing, and other courses at Milwaukee Public Schools. She also has experience tutoring, mentoring at-risk students, and teaching summer courses through University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The resume lists her education, certifications, teaching experience, honors and awards, and professional references.
Virginia Course DescriptionsKimberly BaggottThe document provides course descriptions for biology, medical coding, billing, and other healthcare-related programs at Virginia. The biology courses cover anatomy and physiology of the body's structures, organs, and systems. The medical terminology course teaches medical prefixes, roots, and suffixes. The medical coding courses introduce Current Procedural Terminology and International Classification of Diseases coding systems. Later courses cover intermediate and advanced coding techniques, billing, reimbursement, and certification review. Students can gain experience through a medical billing and coding externship. Other courses teach microcomputer fundamentals, medical law, and ethics.
Anorexia nerviosaDanned SimoneLa Anorexia, ni ningún otro trastorno alimenticio se lo podría definir como "Capricho", el darle la importancia debida ayudaría en un aspecto social.
3755 galnnjanoAndres OlayaEste documento discute la importancia de la ética en la investigación científica. Argumenta que la investigación debe basarse en valores como la búsqueda de la verdad y la honestidad para que los resultados se correspondan con los hallazgos reales y no se distorsionen para beneficios personales. También señala que aunque la investigación ha generado progreso, también ha llevado destrucción, por lo que es crucial reflexionar éticamente sobre temas como la manipulación genética humana. Finalmente, sostiene que aunque la ética investigativa esté
Tomcat ClusteringgouthamrvTomcat clustering allows multiple Tomcat application servers to work together as a single unit to provide scalability and high availability. There are two types of clustering: vertical scaling uses multiple servers on a single machine, while horizontal scaling uses independent servers across multiple machines for better performance. A typical Tomcat cluster uses a load balancer like Apache mod_jk for request distribution and a session replication method for shared state. Configuring a cluster involves setting up multiple Tomcat instances, configuring the load balancer and workers, and enabling session sharing if needed.
OPEX Basic TrainingewseidelThis performance improvement road map outlines the framework for your firm to deliver more, in less time, while being more flexible. By following this approach, you are able to dramatically reduce costs and build a Management Operating System that aligns your facilities, capabilities and processes with senior management’s strategic objectives and drive sustainable bottom-line results.
Eating disordersCristina SantosThe document discusses eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. It provides information on the diagnostic criteria, prevalence, physical effects, course, and prognosis of these disorders. Specifically, it notes that while anorexia nervosa causes significant weight loss, individuals with bulimia nervosa do not lose weight in the same way due to binge eating and compensatory behaviors like purging. The etiology of eating disorders involves genetic, sociocultural, and psychological factors.
WebDevelopmentwithCSSDigital SystemsThe document is a completion summary for a self-paced course on web development with CSS. It shows that the course was completed on July 14, 2007 at 11:29 PM, with a completion of 100% by completing all topics and assessments. The course covered CSS topics like style sheets, selectors, properties, positioning, and validation over several weeks from June to July 2007.
CharityVillageAssessmentReportDigital SystemsThe document provides a personality assessment report for Muhammad Mollah conducted on August 16th, 2015. The report assessed Mollah on six attributes: self-initiative (somewhat proactive and goal-oriented), drive (relaxed and balanced motivation), communication style (acquiescent and prefers to avoid conflict), social style (reserved but sociable), learning style (intuitive and logical), and self-perception (healthy self-confidence and responsibility). The assessment is intended to provide insight into Mollah's personality and how he may perform in different work environments and roles.
Un exemple de cahier de tendancesBertrand BathelotUn exemple de cahier de tendances proposé par l'agence PeclersParis
(о подготовке к празднику День мамы в 11 группе)
Выполнил: Бойцова О.Г., воспитатель высшей
квалификационной категории, МБДОУ № 27
3. В этом году День
мамы отмечался
27 ноября.
Дети 11 группы
решили тоже
своих мам с этим
праздником. И
вот началась
многодневная ,
но очень
подготовка к
4. «МАМА» – первое
и самое главное
Накануне праздника
в нашей группе
была беседа с
детьми на тему
«Наши мамы». Дети
оживленно и с
большой любовью
рассказывали о
своих мамах, кем
они работают, о том,
как они их любят и
как им помогают