This document contains questions and prompts for journal entries and assignments on the topics of differentiated instruction, growth mindsets, curriculum design, and assessment for a course on education. It includes questions about how students learn from feedback and relate new information to their own experiences. It also provides prompts for analyzing principles of differentiation, discussing how brain research supports differentiation, designing lesson plans, and creating a welcoming activity on the first day of school that incorporates differentiation and a growth mindset.
This document contains questions and prompts for journal entries and assignments on the topics of differentiated instruction, growth mindsets, curriculum design, and assessment for a course on education. It includes questions about how students learn from feedback and relate new information to their own experiences. It also provides prompts for analyzing principles of differentiation, discussing how brain research supports differentiation, designing lesson plans, and creating a welcoming activity on the first day of school that incorporates differentiation and a growth mindset.
To make tea, add 3 tablespoons of sugar to a glass, pour hot water into the glass, and add a tea bag for 3-5 minutes. Remove the tea bag, stir well, and add 3 slices of lemon to the glass.
This document provides tips for increasing sales by targeting prospects similar to your best customers. It begins by having the reader identify key details about their own business such as industry, location, credit rating, and years in business. It then instructs the reader to research details about prospects like how they make money, how they promote, their costs and risks, their customers, and how you can provide value. The document emphasizes understanding prospects and modifying your approach based on their personality style to build trust and meet their expectations. The overall message is that targeting similar prospects and understanding what is important to their decision-making can immediately increase sales.
This document is a collection of photos from various sources related to agriculture including photos from Brazil, an unknown photographer, anieto2k, CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIMMYT, Chile's Ministry of Agriculture, jlastras, and Blog do Planalto. The photos have no captions or accompanying text.
This document discusses and compares two approaches to measuring the contribution of investment-specific technological progress to economic growth: quantitative theory and traditional growth accounting. Quantitative theory uses an explicit structural model to define technological progress impulses, propagation mechanisms, and functional forms to match model predictions to data. It finds investment-specific technological progress accounts for 58% of postwar US growth. Traditional growth accounting takes a less structural approach without functional forms or parameters, but also finds very different results regarding investment-specific technological progress. The document argues quantitative theory provides a better measure since it has a clear economic interpretation of the growth contribution from investment-specific technological progress alone, unlike traditional growth accounting.
Порядок проведения общих собраний акционеров обществ из зоны АТОStockWorld
Регулятор объяснил, как проводить ОСА обществам, зарегистрированным на оккупированных территориях.
? StockWorld
The document discusses various laws intended to protect against employment discrimination. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act protects against discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation and religion. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects workers age 40 and up from discrimination in hiring, promotion, pay and layoffs. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 protects disabled persons from employment discrimination and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations. While the laws protect older workers, younger workers under 40 are not directly covered by these acts but can still experience other forms of discrimination.
Trabajo 2 ciudadan┴a: Participaci┏n ciudadanaDavid Martin
Este documento describe un caso de acoso escolar y maltrato de un ni?o llamado Jorge por parte de su profesor. El ni?o empez┏ a comportarse de manera diferente y deprimida, pero finalmente revel┏ que su profesor le maltrataba verbal y f┴sicamente. Los padres y otros colaboraron para despedir al profesor y ayudar a Jorge a sentirse mejor e integrarse de nuevo. Ahora Jorge est│ m│s feliz en la escuela sin miedo al maltrato.
The document is a summer internship project report on developing a district action plan to increase sales of ACC Cement in Indore District. ACC Cement is India's largest cement manufacturer established in 1936. The objectives of the study are to increase ACC Cement sales, generate scope for ACC Gold brand, and increase brand equity. The report details ACC's products and competitors. It describes counter visits and site visits conducted to promote ACC Gold. Findings show ACC's market share is lower than competitors due to irregular availability and lack of regular promotions. Suggestions include improving supply, targeting rural markets, regular dealer meetings, offers, awareness campaigns, and increasing dealers/retailers in the district.
Douglas Kelley has over 20 years of experience in programming and 12 years in accounting and business management. He currently works as a Lead Developer for the California Department of Child Support Services, where he manages projects involving ASP.NET, C#, and SQL programming and reconciliation of over $2 billion in child support collections. Previously he worked as a Staff Management Auditor for the California State Controller's Office, conducting audits and managing audit teams.