Mastery Journal Timeline by Laurence Ramsey Laurence RamseyThis document outlines a 12-month timeline for a film production mastery program. Each month focuses on different goals and strategies related to skills and topics in filmmaking. The goals include improving skills in areas like production planning, scriptwriting, directing, lighting, experimental filmmaking, and the business/legal aspects of film. The strategies describe resources to achieve these goals like online courses, research, and reading articles. The timeline shows a progression from fundamental skills to advanced filmmaking techniques and career preparation.
Home – work outPaul JackmanThis document outlines a physical activity assignment for grade 2 students. It instructs students to:
1) Investigate physical activities that can be done at home and programs available in their community.
2) Record their findings in a police journal, including heart rates at different activity levels.
3) Present their findings to peers.
The assignment provides guidance on identifying chores, a 30 minute activity period, and fitness programs/equipment in the local community. It also evaluates students on clearly identifying activities, benefits of physical activity, working with others, and their presentation.
anewAshwani PathakThis curriculum vitae is for Ashwani Kumar Pathak. He completed a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from United College of Engineering and Research in 2015 with 65.73% marks. His areas of interest include coding in C and Java as well as data structures. He has skills in operating systems, languages like C and Java, and web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. His academic project involved developing a chat server application using Java.
Ashisdeb analytics new_cv_docashis debThis document is a curriculum vitae for Ashis Deb summarizing his professional experience and qualifications. He has over 2.5 years of experience in software development and analytics. Some of his skills include machine learning, R, Python, Hadoop, and SQL. He has worked on several projects for clients in various roles involving data analysis, model building, and developing applications and tools using R. His experience includes working onsite at Vodafone Qatar as a big data analyst.
Bio_diversity_and_Indian_societyJAIDEEP CHATTERJEEThis document discusses biodiversity and its importance for human life and society in India. It argues that human civilization has largely been based on destroying and exploiting natural elements and biodiversity for wealth maximization. This has degraded the environment and made the planet ill. Only 4% of land remains for other species as humans have captured 96% of available areas. Greed has allowed commercialization and destruction of protected natural areas. To save biodiversity, we must recognize nature's gifts and establish equal value for other species through education to cultivate coexistence rather than exploitation. The future of biological diversity depends on addressing the impacts of human greed and commercialization on the fragile ecosystem.
Cover story, five page spread: Hope of peace in EuskadiPeter GrensundCover story from the basque territories in northern Spain following the ETA throw down of weapons in spring 2006. Meetings with three friends on the boardwalk a summer night as well as with leaders from the civil society and the political side in this political reportage.
PORFOLIO (F_DISERTATION) ALEJANDRO MARCILLA-GARCIAAlejandro MarcillaThis document summarizes Alejandro Marcilla-Garcia's final thesis project from university titled "RE_THINKING CITY: CENTRE OF DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIC AT MADRID". The project proposed a new, sustainable smart city for Madrid that supported modern living standards after studying factors that influence smart cities. It included Alejandro's best models from university of the city in four scales without glue, with pieces fitted together. Alejandro welcomes further interest and sharing additional projects via email or his LinkedIn profile.
Cover story, six page spread: The Ocean RacersPeter GrensundCover story on the toughest of sailing races: The Volvo Ocean Race. How do they do it & what does it bring? Meet the sailors, the executives, the sales people in this graphic driven story.
Retrospectiva do grupo apoio a inclusão 2Aline RibeiroO documento resume as atividades e conquistas de um grupo ao longo de 2015, incluindo palestras educativas, passeios, panfletagens e entrevistas na TV para aumentar a visibilidade de sua causa de inclusão. Mais pessoas passaram a se juntar ao grupo em sua missão.
22_RedballoonLarry BrothertonThe document discusses a project for RedBalloon to redesign their email communications. The task was to create a new template suite that fit within their rebranding guidelines. Challenges included making the content easily editable in Dreamweaver with minimal coding skills. The result was a versatile and fully brand compliant suite with carefully structured code and guidelines for customization and images.
Funda mental dutieskeerthythankachan21This document outlines the 10 Fundamental Duties of citizens of India that were added to the constitution as Part IV-A by the 42nd amendment in 1976. The duties include: abiding by the constitution, respecting national symbols, upholding sovereignty and integrity, cherishing national ideals and struggle for freedom, defending the country when called upon, promoting harmony among all people regardless of differences, valuing composite culture, protecting the environment, developing scientific temper and humanism, safeguarding public property and renouncing violence, striving for excellence in all activities.
Інноваціяtummenscool1Формування життевих компетентностей учнів в інноваційному навчальному просторі як завдання Державних стандартів загальної середньої освіти
anewAshwani PathakThis curriculum vitae is for Ashwani Kumar Pathak. He completed a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from United College of Engineering and Research in 2015 with 65.73% marks. His areas of interest include coding in C and Java as well as data structures. He has skills in operating systems, languages like C and Java, and web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. His academic project involved developing a chat server application using Java.
Ashisdeb analytics new_cv_docashis debThis document is a curriculum vitae for Ashis Deb summarizing his professional experience and qualifications. He has over 2.5 years of experience in software development and analytics. Some of his skills include machine learning, R, Python, Hadoop, and SQL. He has worked on several projects for clients in various roles involving data analysis, model building, and developing applications and tools using R. His experience includes working onsite at Vodafone Qatar as a big data analyst.
Bio_diversity_and_Indian_societyJAIDEEP CHATTERJEEThis document discusses biodiversity and its importance for human life and society in India. It argues that human civilization has largely been based on destroying and exploiting natural elements and biodiversity for wealth maximization. This has degraded the environment and made the planet ill. Only 4% of land remains for other species as humans have captured 96% of available areas. Greed has allowed commercialization and destruction of protected natural areas. To save biodiversity, we must recognize nature's gifts and establish equal value for other species through education to cultivate coexistence rather than exploitation. The future of biological diversity depends on addressing the impacts of human greed and commercialization on the fragile ecosystem.
Cover story, five page spread: Hope of peace in EuskadiPeter GrensundCover story from the basque territories in northern Spain following the ETA throw down of weapons in spring 2006. Meetings with three friends on the boardwalk a summer night as well as with leaders from the civil society and the political side in this political reportage.
PORFOLIO (F_DISERTATION) ALEJANDRO MARCILLA-GARCIAAlejandro MarcillaThis document summarizes Alejandro Marcilla-Garcia's final thesis project from university titled "RE_THINKING CITY: CENTRE OF DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIC AT MADRID". The project proposed a new, sustainable smart city for Madrid that supported modern living standards after studying factors that influence smart cities. It included Alejandro's best models from university of the city in four scales without glue, with pieces fitted together. Alejandro welcomes further interest and sharing additional projects via email or his LinkedIn profile.
Cover story, six page spread: The Ocean RacersPeter GrensundCover story on the toughest of sailing races: The Volvo Ocean Race. How do they do it & what does it bring? Meet the sailors, the executives, the sales people in this graphic driven story.
Retrospectiva do grupo apoio a inclusão 2Aline RibeiroO documento resume as atividades e conquistas de um grupo ao longo de 2015, incluindo palestras educativas, passeios, panfletagens e entrevistas na TV para aumentar a visibilidade de sua causa de inclusão. Mais pessoas passaram a se juntar ao grupo em sua missão.
22_RedballoonLarry BrothertonThe document discusses a project for RedBalloon to redesign their email communications. The task was to create a new template suite that fit within their rebranding guidelines. Challenges included making the content easily editable in Dreamweaver with minimal coding skills. The result was a versatile and fully brand compliant suite with carefully structured code and guidelines for customization and images.
Funda mental dutieskeerthythankachan21This document outlines the 10 Fundamental Duties of citizens of India that were added to the constitution as Part IV-A by the 42nd amendment in 1976. The duties include: abiding by the constitution, respecting national symbols, upholding sovereignty and integrity, cherishing national ideals and struggle for freedom, defending the country when called upon, promoting harmony among all people regardless of differences, valuing composite culture, protecting the environment, developing scientific temper and humanism, safeguarding public property and renouncing violence, striving for excellence in all activities.
Інноваціяtummenscool1Формування життевих компетентностей учнів в інноваційному навчальному просторі як завдання Державних стандартів загальної середньої освіти
Unit 5 Nature and Weathertummenscool1This document provides information about weather vocabulary and questions in English and Ukrainian. It includes descriptions of different weather types like sunny, frosty, snowy, cloudy, windy, warm, cold, hot, and rainy. It asks questions to check understanding of these terms, such as "What's the weather like today?" and "Is it sunny?". It also contains passages modeling weather-related conversations and describing weather changes from one day to the next. The overall purpose is to build English vocabulary for discussing and identifying different weather conditions.
Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян.pptxssuser7541ef1Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян. Зібрано психологом КУ "ЦПРПП Барської МР" Франчук Н.В.
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 86 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
458549.pptx fhffujikgibhikfloflodlesdelsdekidjssuserfed972Презентація для супроводу уроку у 6 класі НУШ на тему «Як організми співіснують у середовищі. Як складати ланцюги живлення.» містить посилання на інтерактиву вправу для перевірки знань. Матеріал буде корисний для онлайн уроку та як доповнення до розповіді вчителя на уроці, зацікавить учнів при вивченні розділу «Пізнаємо взаємозв’язки у природі» озв’язки між живими організмами»).
«Шевченкова весна під сонцем шани і любові»Бібліографи ОДБ ім. Т. Г. Шевченкавебмандрівка до 100-річчя заснування Шевченківського національного заповідника у Каневі