This document summarizes research on nail color preferences among young Indian women ages 18-35. It outlines their target demographic, profiles, decision making process, and influences. The key points are:
- The target audience is young women ages 18-35 who are fashion-conscious but not yet brand-loyal and visit malls for fun rather than shopping.
- They are influenced by trends but consider price and color over brands or texture. Popular affordable brands mentioned are Sweet Touch, Swiss Miss, and Medora.
- The decision process involves need recognition like complementing outfits, information search through friends/media, and purchase based on trendiness and affordability with preference for longer-lasting bottles.
Este documento ofrece recomendaciones para una campa?a navide?a exitosa, incluyendo crear un ambiente festivo con decoraci¨®n y m¨²sica navide?a; ofrecer regalos especiales, descuentos y promociones; realizar labores de responsabilidad social; motivar al personal; aprovechar el marketing online y embalajes atractivos; e iluminar y perfumar adecuadamente la tienda.
El documento ofrece recomendaciones para que las empresas preparen campa?as de marketing efectivas para San Valent¨ªn, incluyendo decorar sus locales con colores rojos y blancos, ofrecer productos especiales para la ocasi¨®n, y utilizar publicidad en la calle y redes sociales para atraer clientes y enamorarlos con ofertas atractivas.
This document summarizes research on nail color preferences among young Indian women ages 18-35. It outlines their target demographic, profiles, decision making process, and influences. The key points are:
- The target audience is young women ages 18-35 who are fashion-conscious but not yet brand-loyal and visit malls for fun rather than shopping.
- They are influenced by trends but consider price and color over brands or texture. Popular affordable brands mentioned are Sweet Touch, Swiss Miss, and Medora.
- The decision process involves need recognition like complementing outfits, information search through friends/media, and purchase based on trendiness and affordability with preference for longer-lasting bottles.
Este documento ofrece recomendaciones para una campa?a navide?a exitosa, incluyendo crear un ambiente festivo con decoraci¨®n y m¨²sica navide?a; ofrecer regalos especiales, descuentos y promociones; realizar labores de responsabilidad social; motivar al personal; aprovechar el marketing online y embalajes atractivos; e iluminar y perfumar adecuadamente la tienda.
El documento ofrece recomendaciones para que las empresas preparen campa?as de marketing efectivas para San Valent¨ªn, incluyendo decorar sus locales con colores rojos y blancos, ofrecer productos especiales para la ocasi¨®n, y utilizar publicidad en la calle y redes sociales para atraer clientes y enamorarlos con ofertas atractivas.
The document discusses the creator's wordle based on the genres of R&B and hip-hop. The wordle includes terms like alcohol, parties, relationships, and love, as most songs in these genres are about relationships set in clubs with dancing, drinking, and fun. Creating the wordle helped the author better understand the typical conventions of R&B and hip-hop music and develop ideas for a future music video. Pink was a prominent color in the wordle to represent the genres' focus on relationships and love.
Carta enviada al primer ministro Belga. Mutilaci¨®n Genital Femeninaupydeuropa
The letter from Members of the European Parliament expresses concern regarding the case of Oumou Fadil Sow, a Guinean national living in Belgium who feared deportation and allowed her family to complete female genital mutilation on her. The European Court of Human Rights ruled that deporting her to Guinea would not violate her human rights and that authorities there could ensure her safety, despite the genital mutilation being validated. However, the Court did find some issues with how Belgian authorities informed her of her rights. The MEPs call on the Prime Minister to strengthen Belgium's commitment to human rights and women's rights by improving their approach to victims of FGM and ratifying the Istanbul Convention.
PSD2 aims to open up payment initiation and account information by requiring banks to provide secure third-party access. ISO 20022 is an emerging standard for financial messaging that uses XML. JSON APIs are being widely adopted for their simplicity, but should align with ISO 20022 to facilitate interoperability. XMLdation offers services and products to help banks implement APIs that interface with ISO 20022 in a compliant way under PSD2.
The document discusses assessment methods for different domains of learning. It notes that no single assessment method can measure all forms of learning. A variety of assessment tools and tasks should be used to account for learners' multiple intelligences and learning styles. The document provides examples of traditional paper-and-pencil tests and authentic assessments involving products and performances. It emphasizes using different methods to assess cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains in line with various taxonomies of learning.