클래스팅 에듀포럼_김성규 선생님 Classting[ 2017 클래스팅 에듀포럼 : 김성규선생님 ]
클래스팅과 함께 한 1년 간의 주제통합수업
Revista Debates No 75 (Septiembre-Diciembre de 2016) Universidad de AntioquiaRed Sociojurídica - Nodo AntioquiaEl documento discute la necesidad de repensar el sistema de justicia penal colombiano en el posconflicto para construir una paz estable y duradera. Señala que el sistema penal ha jugado un papel importante en el conflicto armado y que para evitar una nueva conflictividad social violenta es necesario cambiar su enfoque. Propone dividir el tema en cuatro partes: 1) el papel de la justicia penal en el conflicto, 2) cómo la excepcionalidad se ha normalizado, 3) los desafíos del sistema penal, y 4) aspectos a
katie's killer draft 3mediastudiesf1n34rtsJack receives a text from Katie saying she is at the park, but when he arrives he cannot find her. He discovers her body hidden under a bush. In a state of shock, he runs away and calls the police from a phone booth. The summary jumps back 24 hours earlier to set up the events that led to her death.
Film poster analysistadimutengaThe document discusses conventions used in film posters, including displaying the film title, images of characters, taglines, locations, cast names, and credit blocks. It also describes narrative elements conveyed through posters like settings, themes, and characters. Mise-en-scene elements that create the staged environment include language, locations, poses, behaviors, and social stereotypes. Examples are provided of posters for a space film showing the spaceship location, protagonist vs antagonist characters, and a tagline hinting at the future theme. Another poster example is for an Avengers film displaying the superhero characters in a city location with a billing block and release date. Conventions are also used differently for genres, like a thriller poster setting an ominous tone
Straight Talk, Straight Actions - Dr. David KohlMary-Katherine Kearney“Straight Talk, Straight Actions” says it all in the title of this high energy, no-holds-barred approach session. Straight talk on the global economic trends that will impact your business bottom line and decision making will be presented in a manner that links global economics to your farming operation, family, and personal life.
Straight actions in business and financial decisions will be discussed as to what actions need to be taken to keep the business on course and also position it for new avenues of success. “Straight Talk, Straight Actions” will provide insight and answers to the most common questions asked by producers, owners, and managers. This energetic session will provide information and perspectives which will be invaluable not only to your business but also your personal life.
5. actitudes iniciales de la familiaEmagisterEl documento describe las actitudes iniciales comunes que los profesionales encuentran al comenzar una intervención familiar, como la falta de colaboración y el conflicto. Se presenta el caso de una familia llamada "familia Hidalgo" que ilustra estas actitudes, incluyendo una discusión entre los adolescentes y los abuelos al inicio de la reunión. Aunque las actitudes iniciales a menudo no son de colaboración, el documento explica que es importante que los profesionales tengan las habilidades para cambiar estas actitudes y crear un ambiente más propic
Ambassador Roster 2016-2017Caleb HoThe document is a table of contents listing various schools and the ambassadors representing those schools in Breakthrough Teaching Residency Summer 2017. It includes the name of the school, ambassador's name, year of graduation, major, hometown, previous Breakthrough experience, activities and interests, and contact information for each ambassador listed.
Modelo de examen de Reparación deHistoria Septimo grado Cliffor Jerry Herrera CastrilloEste documento presenta un proyecto de examen de repaso de historia de Nicaragua para el séptimo grado. El examen contiene cuatro secciones con preguntas sobre causas y consecuencias de la revolución sandinista, comandantes de la guerra constitucionalista, causas de la independencia de Nicaragua, y países y límites del área mesoamericana. El objetivo es evaluar los conocimientos de los estudiantes sobre varios temas clave de la historia de Nicaragua.
Mobile Operating SystemSonal PoddarThis document presents information about mobile operating systems. It provides timelines of major mobile operating systems including Symbian OS, BlackBerry OS, iOS, Android, Windows Phone and others. It describes the architecture of Android including layers such as the Linux kernel, native libraries, Android runtime and applications framework. It also outlines the architecture of iOS including the Cocoa Touch layer, media layer, core services layer and core OS layer. In conclusion, it discusses how mobile operating systems continue to rapidly develop and impact many areas of technology.
5. actitudes iniciales de la familiaEmagisterEl documento describe las actitudes iniciales comunes que los profesionales encuentran al comenzar una intervención familiar, como la falta de colaboración y el conflicto. Se presenta el caso de una familia llamada "familia Hidalgo" que ilustra estas actitudes, incluyendo una discusión entre los adolescentes y los abuelos al inicio de la reunión. Aunque las actitudes iniciales a menudo no son de colaboración, el documento explica que es importante que los profesionales tengan las habilidades para cambiar estas actitudes y crear un ambiente más propic
Ambassador Roster 2016-2017Caleb HoThe document is a table of contents listing various schools and the ambassadors representing those schools in Breakthrough Teaching Residency Summer 2017. It includes the name of the school, ambassador's name, year of graduation, major, hometown, previous Breakthrough experience, activities and interests, and contact information for each ambassador listed.
Modelo de examen de Reparación deHistoria Septimo grado Cliffor Jerry Herrera CastrilloEste documento presenta un proyecto de examen de repaso de historia de Nicaragua para el séptimo grado. El examen contiene cuatro secciones con preguntas sobre causas y consecuencias de la revolución sandinista, comandantes de la guerra constitucionalista, causas de la independencia de Nicaragua, y países y límites del área mesoamericana. El objetivo es evaluar los conocimientos de los estudiantes sobre varios temas clave de la historia de Nicaragua.
Mobile Operating SystemSonal PoddarThis document presents information about mobile operating systems. It provides timelines of major mobile operating systems including Symbian OS, BlackBerry OS, iOS, Android, Windows Phone and others. It describes the architecture of Android including layers such as the Linux kernel, native libraries, Android runtime and applications framework. It also outlines the architecture of iOS including the Cocoa Touch layer, media layer, core services layer and core OS layer. In conclusion, it discusses how mobile operating systems continue to rapidly develop and impact many areas of technology.