new resumeramesh donthulaRamesh is seeking an opportunity to improve his skills and grow with an organization. He has a B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with over 70% aggregate from Narasaraopet Engineering College. He also has a DEEE from Bapatla Polytechnic College with over 74% aggregate. His technical skills include basic knowledge of C programming and MS Office applications. He is motivated to overcome challenges and has the ability to grasp new concepts quickly.
BMW CCRC InsCoopProgramOverviewrobert lettiereThis document provides an overview of an Insurance Partnership Program between BMW collision repair centers and insurance carriers. The goals of the program are to reduce cycle times, increase customer satisfaction, and make repair centers more efficient. To participate, centers must complete consulting to identify areas for improvement, implement best practices, and achieve targets for critical items and overall scores. Benefits include marketing support, being listed as partnership ready, and improved insurer relations.
Energy ClinicMarta KozakEnergy Clinic aims to develop its spa brand, ENERGY CLINIC, throughout Latin America through franchise agreements and advisory projects. ENERGY CLINIC was created to help people stop, relax, and regain balance through wellness treatments, coaching, and education. It offers spa services, products, training, consultancy, and franchising to hotels. The brand provides a turn-key spa operation supported by manuals, staff training, and an online booking system. Treatments use natural products and a holistic approach to de-stress clients. Professional staff are developed to deliver excellent customer service while maintaining their own energy balance.
Assignment 5 – further researchMediaGroupFourThe document discusses four music videos that the author analyzed for an assignment. It provides the name, artist, genre, type of video, purpose, and inspiration for each one. The videos discussed different types such as lyric, conceptual, narrative, and performance videos. The document also notes that the core function of a music video is to promote the artist and their song.
Presentación proyecto jenny joana padilla villamilJenny Joanna Padilla VillamilEste documento presenta el proyecto de grado de Jenny Joanna Padilla Villamil para la Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD. El proyecto busca desarrollar un programa de saneamiento básico en la zona rural de influencia de la Central Hidroeléctrica Miel I en el municipio de Norcasia Caldas mediante la construcción de pozos sépticos, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias y reducir la contaminación de las fuentes hídricas.
CHJ--November 2013Andrew WankierThis document is a November 2013 issue of the Cottonwood/Holladay Journal, a local community newspaper. It includes articles about residents voicing concerns over proposed changes to the Highland Drive Master Plan in Holladay, explosions being filmed at an abandoned paper mill upsetting nearby residents, and the launch of the local chapter of Backyard Broadcast, a youth program aimed at educating others about child exploitation. It also promotes upcoming events at a local camera store.
At ps gestão de projetosAmorzinho CibeleO documento apresenta um projeto de prestação de serviços de socorro mecânico para motocicletas. O projeto inclui a descrição da empresa, dos serviços oferecidos, dos objetivos, da justificativa, da viabilidade, do cronograma e do orçamento necessário.
Informe de la practica de desensamble y ensanmbletiithianEl documento proporciona instrucciones para desmontar y volver a montar una computadora. Explica los cuatro pasos principales: 1) apagar y desconectar la computadora, 2) extraer los tornillos laterales usando un destornillador de estrella, 3) usar una correa antiestática para proteger los componentes electrónicos, y 4) desconectar con cuidado los cables de alimentación y datos del disco duro.
Présentation d'Open-Xchange Server 5.0 au CRIM pour la FACILMaxime ChambreuilPrésentation d'Open-Xchange Server 5.0 au CRIM pour la FACIL
Practica sesión ii tic (yulman arias-mariethserrato)Yulman Fernando Arias BetancurLa oralidad es una forma de comunicación que va desde el llanto de un bebé hasta el diálogo entre amigos. Existe la oralidad primaria de las culturas sin escritura, que depende de la memoria, y la oralidad secundaria de las culturas con escritura, que ahora sirve para apoyar la memoria. Se propone analizar las diferentes formas de comunicación oral y reflexionar sobre la importancia de los valores en la oralidad y el lenguaje.
PLCMC Employee Learning & Development Curriculum 2009-2010Lori ReedThe document outlines an employee learning and development curriculum for the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. It identifies key areas of focus including communication, customer service, ethics and values, knowledge of the library, learning and personal growth, safety and security, and technology. It provides a schedule and catalog of required and elective courses for all library employees to strengthen their skills in these areas.
Aula1Tiago Xavier dos SantosO documento discute os fundamentos da sociologia como disciplina acadêmica, desde suas origens na filosofia clássica até seu desenvolvimento como ciência no século XIX. Apresenta os principais pensadores que contribuíram para a sociologia como Augusto Comte, que estabeleceu o método científico para o estudo da sociedade, e Émile Durkheim, que definiu a sociologia como o estudo dos fatos sociais.
Robotics lec 5Mahmoud HusseinThis document provides an overview of control systems and modeling approaches. It defines key concepts in control systems like controlled variables, manipuated variables, and disturbances. It also describes different modeling approaches like black box, grey box, and white box models. Finally, it discusses modeling DC motors as an example and different types of controllers like P, PI, and PD that can be used for position control of DC motors.
Automation lec4Mahmoud HusseinThe document discusses motor starting methods and their associated starting currents. It describes direct-on-line starting as having the highest starting current at 6 times normal current. Star-delta starting has a starting current of 3 times normal. Soft starters have a starting current of 2 times normal. The document also discusses star and delta motor connections, overload protection for motors, and provides examples of motor control circuits.
Datos INEC sobre Los Adultos MayoresFreddy Martín Moreno CazaEl documento analiza la población de adultos mayores en Ecuador. Muestra que la mayoría de personas de 60 años o más ya no trabajan, principalmente debido a problemas de salud o jubilación. Las encuestas del INEC de 2009 encontraron que la mitad de adultos mayores se sienten satisfechos con su vida, y que las enfermedades más comunes diagnosticadas son la osteoporosis, diabetes y enfermedades del corazón.
Draft 3 targetsMediaGroupFourThe document provides targets for improving a music video, including using more editing conventions, varying camera angles and filler shots, improving lighting, and adding smoke. It notes lighting is difficult due to the location and lists sourcing additional lighting equipment. It also discusses creating a narrative for filler shots showing performers at a restaurant. The targets further include removing unprofessional elements from costumes, upgrading equipment, and reconstructing packaging materials like the digipak and magazine with professional photoshoots.
A Dutch infographic on RFID wristbandsRen van StekelenborgIn the Netherlands we are moving rapidly in the world of cashless payments at music festivals. What's the future of RFID and going cashless?
Колесо историиГалина СвентуховскаяИнтеллектуальный турнир по истории Позднего средневековья и первого периода Нового времени
Задания на знания дат, понятий, примеров искусства, Медиаазбука, ребусы для конкурса капитанов и т.д.
Revista Rusa Russian Inn mayo junio 2013 #revistarusa para el #turismorusoRevista rusa Russian InnRevista publicada en ruso,para residentes y turistas que llegan a España. Lujo, tendencias, cultura, gastronomía, moda, en definitiva estilos de vida. Con distribución en Levante, Madrid, Cataluña, Marbella, Ibiza y Rusia.#revistarusa para el #turismoruso
ПУШКИН. ПЕТР I. ПРУТСКИЙ ПОХОД. PUSHKIN. Peter I. Prut campaignprivateВо все времена, мыслящие люди стараясь найти ответ на вопросы, которые ставила перед ними современность, искали ответ в глубоком прошлом, обращаясь к истории.
В историческом творчестве А.С. Пушкин часто обращался к теме Петра. Его всю жизнь интересовал образ Петр I, одна из самых
значительных и противоречивых фигур в русской истории.
Впервые к образу великого русского царя-преобразователя А. С. Пушкин обратился в 1828 году в своей поэме «Полтава». Затем в 1833
А. С. Пушкин пишет поэму «Медный всадник», в 1827 году стихотворение «Стансы», в 1836 «Мир Петра» , в 1837 год повесть «Арап Петра Великого».
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At ps gestão de projetosAmorzinho CibeleO documento apresenta um projeto de prestação de serviços de socorro mecânico para motocicletas. O projeto inclui a descrição da empresa, dos serviços oferecidos, dos objetivos, da justificativa, da viabilidade, do cronograma e do orçamento necessário.
Informe de la practica de desensamble y ensanmbletiithianEl documento proporciona instrucciones para desmontar y volver a montar una computadora. Explica los cuatro pasos principales: 1) apagar y desconectar la computadora, 2) extraer los tornillos laterales usando un destornillador de estrella, 3) usar una correa antiestática para proteger los componentes electrónicos, y 4) desconectar con cuidado los cables de alimentación y datos del disco duro.
Présentation d'Open-Xchange Server 5.0 au CRIM pour la FACILMaxime ChambreuilPrésentation d'Open-Xchange Server 5.0 au CRIM pour la FACIL
Practica sesión ii tic (yulman arias-mariethserrato)Yulman Fernando Arias BetancurLa oralidad es una forma de comunicación que va desde el llanto de un bebé hasta el diálogo entre amigos. Existe la oralidad primaria de las culturas sin escritura, que depende de la memoria, y la oralidad secundaria de las culturas con escritura, que ahora sirve para apoyar la memoria. Se propone analizar las diferentes formas de comunicación oral y reflexionar sobre la importancia de los valores en la oralidad y el lenguaje.
PLCMC Employee Learning & Development Curriculum 2009-2010Lori ReedThe document outlines an employee learning and development curriculum for the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. It identifies key areas of focus including communication, customer service, ethics and values, knowledge of the library, learning and personal growth, safety and security, and technology. It provides a schedule and catalog of required and elective courses for all library employees to strengthen their skills in these areas.
Aula1Tiago Xavier dos SantosO documento discute os fundamentos da sociologia como disciplina acadêmica, desde suas origens na filosofia clássica até seu desenvolvimento como ciência no século XIX. Apresenta os principais pensadores que contribuíram para a sociologia como Augusto Comte, que estabeleceu o método científico para o estudo da sociedade, e Émile Durkheim, que definiu a sociologia como o estudo dos fatos sociais.
Robotics lec 5Mahmoud HusseinThis document provides an overview of control systems and modeling approaches. It defines key concepts in control systems like controlled variables, manipuated variables, and disturbances. It also describes different modeling approaches like black box, grey box, and white box models. Finally, it discusses modeling DC motors as an example and different types of controllers like P, PI, and PD that can be used for position control of DC motors.
Automation lec4Mahmoud HusseinThe document discusses motor starting methods and their associated starting currents. It describes direct-on-line starting as having the highest starting current at 6 times normal current. Star-delta starting has a starting current of 3 times normal. Soft starters have a starting current of 2 times normal. The document also discusses star and delta motor connections, overload protection for motors, and provides examples of motor control circuits.
Datos INEC sobre Los Adultos MayoresFreddy Martín Moreno CazaEl documento analiza la población de adultos mayores en Ecuador. Muestra que la mayoría de personas de 60 años o más ya no trabajan, principalmente debido a problemas de salud o jubilación. Las encuestas del INEC de 2009 encontraron que la mitad de adultos mayores se sienten satisfechos con su vida, y que las enfermedades más comunes diagnosticadas son la osteoporosis, diabetes y enfermedades del corazón.
Draft 3 targetsMediaGroupFourThe document provides targets for improving a music video, including using more editing conventions, varying camera angles and filler shots, improving lighting, and adding smoke. It notes lighting is difficult due to the location and lists sourcing additional lighting equipment. It also discusses creating a narrative for filler shots showing performers at a restaurant. The targets further include removing unprofessional elements from costumes, upgrading equipment, and reconstructing packaging materials like the digipak and magazine with professional photoshoots.
A Dutch infographic on RFID wristbandsRen van StekelenborgIn the Netherlands we are moving rapidly in the world of cashless payments at music festivals. What's the future of RFID and going cashless?
Колесо историиГалина СвентуховскаяИнтеллектуальный турнир по истории Позднего средневековья и первого периода Нового времени
Задания на знания дат, понятий, примеров искусства, Медиаазбука, ребусы для конкурса капитанов и т.д.
Revista Rusa Russian Inn mayo junio 2013 #revistarusa para el #turismorusoRevista rusa Russian InnRevista publicada en ruso,para residentes y turistas que llegan a España. Lujo, tendencias, cultura, gastronomía, moda, en definitiva estilos de vida. Con distribución en Levante, Madrid, Cataluña, Marbella, Ibiza y Rusia.#revistarusa para el #turismoruso
ПУШКИН. ПЕТР I. ПРУТСКИЙ ПОХОД. PUSHKIN. Peter I. Prut campaignprivateВо все времена, мыслящие люди стараясь найти ответ на вопросы, которые ставила перед ними современность, искали ответ в глубоком прошлом, обращаясь к истории.
В историческом творчестве А.С. Пушкин часто обращался к теме Петра. Его всю жизнь интересовал образ Петр I, одна из самых
значительных и противоречивых фигур в русской истории.
Впервые к образу великого русского царя-преобразователя А. С. Пушкин обратился в 1828 году в своей поэме «Полтава». Затем в 1833
А. С. Пушкин пишет поэму «Медный всадник», в 1827 году стихотворение «Стансы», в 1836 «Мир Петра» , в 1837 год повесть «Арап Петра Великого».
Bye Bye Baijie - Yangtze River Dolphin - Lipotes vexillifer Kathy Phamݺߣ 1
Early fossil records suggest that the Yangtze River Dolphin came about 25 million years ago, and made its way to the Yangtze 20 million years ago, where it is considered an endemic species.
The Yangtze River dolphin is known by many names. In Chinese, it is known as the Baijie which translates to “White dolphin”, since it has pale blue grey skin which lightens as it ages. In Chinese folklore, the Baijie also protects fishermen as the “Goddess of the River”. Once loved, it was plentiful in the Yangtze river. In the 1950s, there used to be about 6,000 dolphins. Then in the 1980s, the population reduced to 400. Then since 2006, this species was declared functionally extinct. So, why does it matter that this species is gone?
ݺߣ 2
Well, the extinction of the Yangtze River Dolphin is biggest cetacean species extinction of our time. In addition, it highlights the struggle of keeping freshwater resources in Asia. The Yangtze is not only the third longest river in the world, but also home to over half of China’s total plant and animal species. So the death of this dolphin might be our warning bell to save other species from extinction.
ݺߣ 4
The Yangtze River Dolphin is only one in its family Lipodae, and it’s one out of four dolphin families which reside in shallow freshwater rivers.
ݺߣ 5
The dolphin’s got a long beak with 35 blunt teeth to snack on small fish. It’s a carnivore. Like many other dolphins, it communicates through clicks and whistles, which is why it’s got this hole in it’s head. They are social, living in pods from 3 to 7 individuals. However, they are very shy around humans -- which makes it hard for us to perform research on them.
ݺߣ 6
They tend to breed in the months of February through April. As mammals, they have live birth and have a gestation period of 10 months. They’re quite small when born, about 32 to 35 inches but grow up to be as big as 8 feet long. They reach sexual maturity around 6 to 8 years and having a birthing interval of 2 years.
ݺߣ 7
The Yangtze dolphin normally swims 19 to 25 mph, but can go up to 37 mph when threatened. It has poor eyesight in the murky water of the Yangtze, so it relies on echolocation (biosonar) and touch with it’s long thin beak to find small fish to eat. Unfortunately, baijie have been known to have poor navigation, running into boat motors and killing themselves.
ݺߣ 8-9
Which brings us to this point. Half of all known dolphin killings in the 1970s and 1980s were attributed to collisions with motor boats and accidental illegal fishing activities like dynamite fishing, drag netting and electric fishing.
Contact Kathy to see the rest of the presentation notes.
Writing sample - Press Releases and DonationsKathy PhamThis document contains writing samples from press releases, film proposals, and other promotional materials for films and events. It includes:
1. A press release announcing the LA premiere of the documentary "Mele Murals" about Hawaiian street art and culture, to be screened at the Aratani Theatre on August 5th.
2. A press release promoting the 10th installment of Visual Communications' Summer Intern Screening titled "Uprooted from the Scenes", featuring 10 short films to be screened on July 28th at the Japanese American National Museum.
3. Synopses, director statements, production credits and still images from several of the short films to be featured, including "Cook It Yourself",
Youth Summit - Workshop ProposalsKathy PhamWorkshops Ideas Nov’ 09 outlines several workshop topics for youth in November 2009, including examining adultism and how it is seen in different situations, discussing media portrayals of youth and whether common stereotypes are used, promoting healthy lifestyles and exercise among teens, practicing improvisation skills to encourage critical thinking about media, discussing the harms of substance abuse and ways to get support, and providing information about local youth programs at a resource fair.
Colors and Theory of KnowledgeKathy PhamSenior year High School Presentation on how color affects our perception and understanding of the world around us. The presentation included a discussion on color-blindness, marketing decisions on choosing a color, and interactive game.
Что такое Дистанционное Обучение?Kathy PhamКраткое содержание о положительных и отрицательных факторах, которые касаются дистанционного обучения в России. Состав: Популярное общее мнение, статистики, выводы, и вопросы для обсуждения.
Stereotypes on US and RussiaKathy PhamIn 2011, students Pavel G. and Kathy P. present on negative and positive stereotypes that Russians and Americans have of each other. Then they surveyed high school students across the globe to see if these perceptions hold true world-wide. Afterwards, they present the results and implications of these stereotypes.
Introduction to Central AsiaKathy PhamIntroduction to Central Asia and Russian Relations. Focus on 5 nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), former Soviet Union. GDP, literacy rate, mortality and demographics comparison of two countries.
3. И думал он:
Отсель грозить мы будем шведу,
Здесь будет город заложен
На зло надменному соседу.
Природой здесь нам суждено
В Европу прорубить окно,
Ногою твердой стать при море.
Сюда по новым им волнам
Все флаги в гости будут к нам,
И запируем на просторе.
12. Реформы
-Культуры: Кунсткамера (1719)
-Традиция, Мода
-Реформ Сенаты, Табля о рангах (1722)
-Армия/Военно-морской флот
-Система образования: Академия нагигации, Морская
-Религия: Синод… и почти светское правительство
16. Источники
Пушкин, Александр Сергеевич. 1833. Медный всадник.
Comer, William J. Boyle, "Russia's History". Eloise M., and
Genevra Gerhart, ed. 2002. The Russian context: the
culture behind the language. Bloomington, Ind: Slavica.
История России. (Oct 24, 2011). Русские цари - Петр I
Великий [Video file]. Retrieved from
Conversation with Elena Skudskaia