Рейтинг національних брендів-2016 (Nation Brands 2016)tsnuaThe document appears to be an excerpt from the Brand Finance Global 500 report for February 2015. It provides a ranking of 100 national brands based on brand value. The United States has the highest national brand value at $20.5 trillion, followed by China at $7 trillion. Several brands decreased in value from 2015 to 2016, such as Azerbaijan which fell 28% and Cameroon which fell 34%. The report analyzed brand strength on a scale of AAA to D.
Газ у підземних сховищах: кампанія з дискредитації "Нафтогазу України"UkrContentМетоди, учасники і хронологія кампанії, яка проводилася в українському інформаційному просторі заради дискредитації України.
Блокада ОРДЛО: "фронт" соціальних мережUkrContentДослідження інформаційної складової блокади ОРДЛО, яке доводить гібридну природу внутрішньополітичної боротьби в Україні
Вплив скандалу на імідж МегамаркетуUkrContent12.03.2017 р. розгорівся скандал довкола мережі продовольчих товарів МегаМаркет. Центр контент аналізу вирішив проаналізувати динаміку поширення та співвідношення поширення негативу та позитиву у скандалі, який поширився з одного посту у Facebook.
Текст позову України проти Росії у Міжнародному суді ООНtsnuaThis document is an application filed with the International Court of Justice by Ukraine against the Russian Federation for violations of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Ukraine alleges that Russia has sponsored terrorism in Ukraine by financing armed groups that have carried out attacks killing civilians, including the downing of Flight MH17. Ukraine also alleges that Russia has engaged in racial discrimination against ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in Crimea through a campaign of cultural erasure since annexing the region. The application requests that the Court hold Russia responsible for breaching its obligations under the conventions and provide remedies to Ukraine.
Holidays and cancer: Tips for celebrating the season with less stressUNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer CenterBalancing medical needs with the desire to have a “normal” holiday can be challenging when someone is experiencing health issues, but the Patient and Family Resource Center staff at the N.C. Cancer Hospital and UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that patients and their families who discuss and prioritize what traditions matter most are able to focus more on celebrating – and less on stressing over – the holidays.
Derby Cuba Final PaperNicole EllisRoberto Cruz has lived through over half a century of revolutionary changes in Cuba, from the initial revolutionary struggles of the 1950s through the present day. Though he participated in revolutionary activities like volunteer labor and teaching, he displayed ambivalence toward the revolution's goals. The revolution both improved aspects of his life through education and healthcare initiatives while making other periods like the Special Period more difficult. Having lived most of his life under revolutionary rule and policies, Roberto remains optimistic about Cuba's future while acknowledging there is still room for improvement.
Cosmo penthouse cocktail sets compressBrook BradburyThis document lists items and prices for three gift packages: Foxglove, Bronte, and Hemlock Mandrake.
The Foxglove package includes items like a copper tray, vintage server, plum cocktail set, and rocks glasses for a total of $1549 or $1395 with 10% off.
The Bronte package has items such as an ice bucket, tray, shaker, glasses, and coasters for a total of $1923 or $1731 with 10% off.
The Hemlock Mandrake package contains a copper ice bucket and shaker, bar tools, glasses, and a tray for a total of $1580 or $1422 with 10% off.
Блокада ОРДЛО: "фронт" соціальних мережUkrContentДослідження інформаційної складової блокади ОРДЛО, яке доводить гібридну природу внутрішньополітичної боротьби в Україні
Вплив скандалу на імідж МегамаркетуUkrContent12.03.2017 р. розгорівся скандал довкола мережі продовольчих товарів МегаМаркет. Центр контент аналізу вирішив проаналізувати динаміку поширення та співвідношення поширення негативу та позитиву у скандалі, який поширився з одного посту у Facebook.
Текст позову України проти Росії у Міжнародному суді ООНtsnuaThis document is an application filed with the International Court of Justice by Ukraine against the Russian Federation for violations of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Ukraine alleges that Russia has sponsored terrorism in Ukraine by financing armed groups that have carried out attacks killing civilians, including the downing of Flight MH17. Ukraine also alleges that Russia has engaged in racial discrimination against ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in Crimea through a campaign of cultural erasure since annexing the region. The application requests that the Court hold Russia responsible for breaching its obligations under the conventions and provide remedies to Ukraine.
Holidays and cancer: Tips for celebrating the season with less stressUNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer CenterBalancing medical needs with the desire to have a “normal” holiday can be challenging when someone is experiencing health issues, but the Patient and Family Resource Center staff at the N.C. Cancer Hospital and UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that patients and their families who discuss and prioritize what traditions matter most are able to focus more on celebrating – and less on stressing over – the holidays.
Derby Cuba Final PaperNicole EllisRoberto Cruz has lived through over half a century of revolutionary changes in Cuba, from the initial revolutionary struggles of the 1950s through the present day. Though he participated in revolutionary activities like volunteer labor and teaching, he displayed ambivalence toward the revolution's goals. The revolution both improved aspects of his life through education and healthcare initiatives while making other periods like the Special Period more difficult. Having lived most of his life under revolutionary rule and policies, Roberto remains optimistic about Cuba's future while acknowledging there is still room for improvement.
Cosmo penthouse cocktail sets compressBrook BradburyThis document lists items and prices for three gift packages: Foxglove, Bronte, and Hemlock Mandrake.
The Foxglove package includes items like a copper tray, vintage server, plum cocktail set, and rocks glasses for a total of $1549 or $1395 with 10% off.
The Bronte package has items such as an ice bucket, tray, shaker, glasses, and coasters for a total of $1923 or $1731 with 10% off.
The Hemlock Mandrake package contains a copper ice bucket and shaker, bar tools, glasses, and a tray for a total of $1580 or $1422 with 10% off.
ЛожкінtsnuaThe leaders of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine wrote a letter to President Macron expressing shock at the European Union's decision to sanction Moshe Kantor, the long-term president of the European Jewish Congress. They note that Kantor has dedicated his life to supporting Jewish communities, fighting antisemitism, and preserving Holocaust memory. As the proud members and partners of Kantor's European Jewish Congress, they have benefited from his unwavering support. They are confident the sanction was a mistake and call on Macron to oppose renewing the decision, for both Kantor's sake and Europe's Jewish communities who lost an important leader.
Оновлений перелік, на основі якого внутрішньо переміщеним особам здійснюватим...tsnuaОновлений перелік, на основі якого внутрішньо переміщеним особам здійснюватимуть виплати
Лист до першого віцепрем’єр-міністра, міністра економіки Олексія Любченка від...tsnuaЛист до першого віцепрем’єр-міністра, міністра економіки Олексія Любченка від Федерації роботодавців України
Звернення Верховної Ради щодо посилення міжнародного співробітництва в рамках...tsnuaЗвернення Верховної Ради щодо посилення міжнародного співробітництва в рамках Кримської платформи для протидії агресії Російської Федерації
Додаток №2 до рішення РНБО про запровадження санкцій проти Віктора Медведчука...tsnuaДодаток №2 до рішення РНБО про запровадження санкцій проти Віктора Медведчука та його оточення
Додаток №1 до рішення РНБО про запровадження санкцій проти Віктора Медведчука...tsnuaДодаток №1 до рішення РНБО про запровадження санкцій проти Віктора Медведчука та його оточення