3. لمؤسسة ًامدير كونك الشعور كيف!!!
• From non-management background (is it good
or bad?)
• All sciences were from personal experience.
• Self-development concept.
• What are the basic/essential managerial
17. الصحي النظام تغييرات و الحديثة اإلدارة منهج
New public management and health sector reforms
18. الصحي النظام تغييرات و الحديثة اإلدارة منهج
New public management and health sector reforms
Editor's Notes
#18: Decentralization of hospitals and local authorities with flexible financial management that lead to split provision and delegated power of regulations
Increasing efficacy and consumer choice and payment and financing options were changed based on that
#19: Accounting and financial recording are now in use, avoid waste of resources, responsiveness
Comparison of performance with ......, quality standards, strategies formulation, regulations
Outcome data for accountability, audit, targets