Rain Barrels and You: The why and how of using rain barrelsAbingtonEAC
Presentation prepared by Abington, PA Environmental Advisory Council for a public workshop held on October 13, 2010.
This presentation includes information on watersheds (including Abington Township's watersheds), stormwater, the importance of rain barrel along with how to install, maintain, and decorate a rain barrel.
Workshop funded by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund through a Section 319 federal Clean Water Act grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Primex Garden Center was a workshop partner.
Rain Barrels and You: The why and how of using rain barrelsAbingtonEAC
Presentation prepared by Abington, PA Environmental Advisory Council for a public workshop held on October 13, 2010.
This presentation includes information on watersheds (including Abington Township's watersheds), stormwater, the importance of rain barrel along with how to install, maintain, and decorate a rain barrel.
Workshop funded by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund through a Section 319 federal Clean Water Act grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Primex Garden Center was a workshop partner.
Este documento proporciona una introducci¨®n a Internet, incluyendo conceptos clave como terminolog¨ªa, m¨¦todos de b¨²squeda, configuraci¨®n y uso de servicios. Explica elementos como computadoras, m¨®dems, proveedores de servicios, navegadores y diferentes protocolos empleados. Tambi¨¦n describe servicios populares en Internet como el correo electr¨®nico, chat, foros de discusi¨®n y redes sociales.
ºÝºÝߣ about Verb to Be with affirmative, negative and interrogative rules.I had to resize the pictures to upload,so is necessary repair it.Hope you like it!
This presentation was presented by the Abington Township Environmental Advisory Council in April 2011.
It discusses Abington's watersheds, non-point source pollution, riparain buffers, native plants, invasive plants, no-mow zones, stream erosion, bank stabilization and stream restoration techniques, stormwater, and rain gardens.
This was funded by a grant from the Water Resources Education Network a program of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund through a Section 319 federal Clean Water Act grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Peter introduces himself to Janet. Janet tells Peter her name and that she is from Seattle. Peter reveals he is from Madrid. They have a short conversation where they establish they are from different countries but both speak English. They wish each other a nice time until they meet again. The document provides sample greetings, polite phrases, farewells and questions for introducing oneself in English. It includes an exercise for readers to practice these conversational elements by creating a dialog with a partner.