This short story is about a woman named Nana Mouskouri from Athens, Greece. She is referred to as the White Rose of Athens. The story provides her name and location but does not include any other details about her or the plot.
This short story is about a woman named Nana Mouskouri from Athens, Greece. She is referred to as the White Rose of Athens. The story provides her name and location but does not include any other details about her or the plot.
El documento presenta los horarios y actividades navide?as en la ciudad de Zaragoza durante las fechas del 23 de diciembre al 29 de diciembre. Se destacan los horarios de lugares de interés como la Basílica de El Pilar, la Seo, la Plaza del Pilar y museos. También se anuncia el Festival Internacional de Magos Callejeros del 26 al 29 de diciembre y las funciones de cuentos clásicos de Teatro Arbolé del 20 de diciembre al 5 de enero. Por último, se incluye el
The document discusses how the Smithsonian Institution is working to give teachers more control over educational resources by developing the Smithsonian Learning Lab digital platform. It provides an overview of the Smithsonian, details research conducted on how educators use digital resources, and describes the Learning Lab which provides over 1 million digitized objects and lessons to teachers. The goal is to better understand teacher needs and empower them to create customized lessons and share resources through the platform.
SME2: Social Media Excellence x Social Media ExpertiseRichard Binhammer
SME2 is a consultancy that assesses social media skills, workflows, and staffing levels to help clients optimize their social media programs. It uses a series of tools to audit social media competencies and interview teams. SME2 identifies strengths, gaps in skills and processes, and provides recommendations to improve capabilities, leverage existing staff, and close competency gaps through training. The assessment covers 33 skills across content, project management, social media expertise, and leadership. SME2 helps clients maximize the effectiveness of in-house and agency partnerships to better achieve social media goals.
La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanas y Tecnologías aspira a ser reconocida a nivel nacional e internacional por liderar procesos educativos innovadores y por ofrecer una diversificación de carreras que incorporen nuevos paradigmas para la formación integral de docentes. Su misión es formar, capacitar y profesionalizar a maestros de todos los niveles del sistema educativo ecuatoriano de acuerdo a tendencias pedagógicas contemporáneas para brindar una educación de calidad a todos los sectores sociales
El documento presenta varios eventos culturales y espectáculos que tendrán lugar en Saucepolis y Zaragoza entre el 12 y el 18 de abril, incluyendo una adaptación teatral de la obra Glengarry Glen Ross en el Teatro Principal, el II Festival Gastronómico de Zaragoza en el Auditorio, una exposición sobre juegos y deportes tradicionales en el Centro de Historia, y un concierto de la banda Shuarma en un bar local. También incluye los horarios de apertura de varios museos e iglesias princip
We offer personalized training and tech support services tailored for Mac users, including business startup packages that provide marketing and branding projects as well as client communications support.
Growing Your Audience: Reaching Kids Online with Digital Museum Educational R...Darren Milligan
Museums’ traditional education outreach philosophies center on direct contact with teachers: one teacher will impact many students. The success of this model, however, relies heavily on the teachers' discovery of your content and their ability to manipulate it into their district or state-controlled curricula. As technology lowers the barriers to direct outreach, the opportunity exists for museums to transform their formal educational resources into informal digital educational experiences for kids directly, in the school or at home.
Smithsonian in Your Classroom (SIYC), reaches more than 80,000 schools twice a year. The session presents a case study illustrating a kid-centric reinvention of the SIYC publication. The process of creating both print and interactive game/simulation will be discussed. Participants will see that the challenge is not one of digitization of the existing lesson plans, but the transformation of the educational content from a teacher-led classroom group activity to a more personalized self-directed online.
TheCrowdCafe: Global Crowdinvesting Industry Presentation Jonathan Sandlund
This document discusses the emerging investment crowdfunding industry and the impact of the JOBS Act. It summarizes data on global crowdfunding deals and regulations allowing general solicitation. The JOBS Act represents the first major change to securities law in over 70 years by allowing internet platforms to facilitate private capital raising, creating a more efficient process. Cultural trends also support crowdfunding as individuals seek more meaningful investment opportunities.
A Synthesis Review of Key Lessons in Programs Relating to Oceans and FisheriesThe Rockefeller Foundation
This synthesis was designed to provide an evidence base on the success factors in small-scale coastal fisheries management in developing countries and, in turn, to assist the Rockefeller Foundation in developing its strategy for its Oceans and Fisheries Initiative. In doing so, it identifies and describes some 20 key factors believed to influence success in small-scale coastal fisheries management.
The report was completed via a rapid review of key sources of knowledge from formal published literature, institutional literature, key informants and Internet searches. The focus was on key success factors in achieving a balance of social, economic and ecological benefits from the management of small-scale coastal fisheries.
This document proposes an integrated hardware-software approach to flexible transactional memory. It includes:
1) Hardware support for conflict detection and data versioning to accelerate STMs while allowing flexible software policies.
2) A decoupled design where hardware provides alerts and isolation, while software controls conflict resolution and recovery.
3) The approach eliminates copying overhead and reduces validation costs, improving STM performance for various workloads.
Photo of the Day from Outdoor Photographer Magazinemaditabalnco
This document contains descriptions of 34 nature photographs taken in various locations around the world, including national parks and other scenic areas in the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The photographs depict autumn scenery, wildlife, landscapes, seascapes, and other natural scenes. Locations range from California to Florida, Utah to Maine, Austria to Spain, and Alaska to Africa.
Todas las semanas en Saucépolis publicamos un resumen con algunos de los acontecimientos de interés cultural, de ocio o turístico que más pueden interesar a los zaragozanos y a la gente que nos visita: es nuestra gaceta a la que llamamos "Saucépolis News". Este es un breve resumen de los acontecimientos turísticos y de ocio en Zaragoza esta semana:Disney on Ice
El espectáculo sobre hielo mas popular para toda la familia trae este a?o un montaje con las princesas favoritas de los mas peque?os. Con Campanilla como maestra de ceremonias, Ariel, yasmin, Bella, Blancanieves, Cenicienta, Mulán o la Bella durmiente realizarán piruetas de patinaje artístico sobre el hielo del Principe Felipe.
Pabellon Principe Felipe
Jueves 11 de Marzo 19:00
Viernes 12 de Marzo 19:30
Sábado y Domingo 13 y 14 de Marzo 12:00, 16:00 y 19:30
Horarios de interés
Basílica de
El Pilar
Todos los días
La Seo
Lunes cerrado
Sabado 10:00-12:30
Domingo 10:00-11:30
Resto de días 9:00-13:30
Museos arqueológicos
Lunes cerrado
Domingos 10:00-13:30
Resto de días 10:00-20:30
Todos los días
Domingos entrada gratuita
Rodin en las calles de Zaragoza
En concreto en la calle Alfonso I y en la Plaza del Pilar. Los Burgueses de Calais y el célebre Pensador constituyen esta muestra que forma parte del programa Arte en la Calle. Es una ocasión única de contemplar estas obras, cedidas por el museo Rodin de Paris, que permanece cerrado por obras. Una estampa irrepetible, una oportunidad singular de ver las obras de, según muchos, el escultor mas importante desde Miguel Angel en las calles de esta ciudad.
Calle Alfonso I
Trayectos: Danza en las calles de Zaragoza
El ya tradicional festival de danza en las calles de Zaragoza celebra este sábado una edición especial en interiores. Escenarios espectáculares como el Hall del Teatro Principal, el museo del Foro o el Teatro Romano serán testigos de este espectáculo de danza contemporanea
Sabado 13 de Marzo a partir 18:00
Selecta: Del Greco a Picasso, última semana.
?ltima oprtunidad de contemplar la imponente colección pictórica del Banco Santander. 62 obras maestras que abarcan desde el renacimiento a nuestros días. El Greco, Zurbarán, Sorolla, Picasso, Tapies o Chillida entre otros. Todo ello en el marco incomparable de la antigua facultad de medicina de la universidad de Zaragoza. Un precioso edificio de finales del siglo XIX de Ricardo Magdalena. Simplemente imprescindible.
Paraninfo de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are a supervised machine learning method used for classification and regression analysis. SVMs find a hyperplane that separates clusters of data points and maximizes the margin between the clusters. The maximal margin hyperplane is the solution to an optimization problem that maximizes the margin and minimizes a cost function accounting for misclassifications. Kernels can be used to project data into a higher dimensional space to allow for separation of data that is not linearly separable in the original space. SVMs have been applied to problems such as computer-aided diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease from medical images and ranking models.
O documento fornece várias li??es de vida curtas em frases concisas. As principais li??es incluem: 1) aprender com os erros; 2) crescer n?o significa apenas ficar mais velho; 3) o silêncio é melhor do que a indiferen?a.