The pencilparable (1)azizan azfarThe document tells a parable about a pencil maker who shares five lessons with a pencil before sending it out into the world. The lessons are: 1) Allow yourself to be held and used by someone else. 2) Experience painful sharpening as it makes you better. 3) Correct any mistakes you make. 4) What's inside is most important. 5) Continue writing no matter the conditions. The document then applies these lessons by replacing the pencil with the reader, encouraging them to remember the lessons to become the best person they can be and do great things.
Social media and the press, case study: HebdoDidier BonvinWorkshop from e-unit for l'Hebdo (french swiss leader magazine)
topic: the social media revolution for the press
Perbaiki dirimu!azizan azfarCerita tentang Abdullah bin Mas'ud yang menangis saat membaca ayat Al-Kahfi 18:82 yang menceritakan tentang dua orang yatim piatu yang dijaga hartanya oleh Allah karena kesolehan bapa mereka, meskipun terpisah tujuh generasi. Ayat ini menunjukkan Allah menjaga orang soleh dan keturunannya. Harta terpendam diartikan sebagai ilmu. Janji Allah menolong yang menolong agama-Nya.
Final Presentation - Search for the World's Worst CustomersGlenn PattonThis document outlines a final presentation about creating a crowdsourced storytelling platform called "My Tribe" to allow customer service workers to share their experiences and connect with others in similar roles. The platform would utilize multiple social media sites like Facebook, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Twitter, and Tumblr to facilitate storytelling and build empathy among customers.
The pencilparable (1)azizan azfarThe document tells a parable about a pencil maker who shares five lessons with a pencil before sending it out into the world. The lessons are: 1) Allow yourself to be held and used by someone else. 2) Experience painful sharpening as it makes you better. 3) Correct any mistakes you make. 4) What's inside is most important. 5) Continue writing no matter the conditions. The document then applies these lessons by replacing the pencil with the reader, encouraging them to remember the lessons to become the best person they can be and do great things.
Social media and the press, case study: HebdoDidier BonvinWorkshop from e-unit for l'Hebdo (french swiss leader magazine)
topic: the social media revolution for the press
Perbaiki dirimu!azizan azfarCerita tentang Abdullah bin Mas'ud yang menangis saat membaca ayat Al-Kahfi 18:82 yang menceritakan tentang dua orang yatim piatu yang dijaga hartanya oleh Allah karena kesolehan bapa mereka, meskipun terpisah tujuh generasi. Ayat ini menunjukkan Allah menjaga orang soleh dan keturunannya. Harta terpendam diartikan sebagai ilmu. Janji Allah menolong yang menolong agama-Nya.
Final Presentation - Search for the World's Worst CustomersGlenn PattonThis document outlines a final presentation about creating a crowdsourced storytelling platform called "My Tribe" to allow customer service workers to share their experiences and connect with others in similar roles. The platform would utilize multiple social media sites like Facebook, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Twitter, and Tumblr to facilitate storytelling and build empathy among customers.
Lectura notes a b caulamusicThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help boost feelings of calmness, happiness and focus.
Trabajo de jose josemggThe document discusses several web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Maxthon, Flock, Avant, Deepnet, Phaseout, Camino, SeaMonkey and NetSurf. It provides details on their features, security measures, compatibility, and speeds. Key information covered includes the browsers' rendering engines, versions released, and focus on standards compliance and user customization for some.
Question 3 samc94The author's magazine would be distributed in major retail shops like WH Smith as well as supermarkets and newsagents in urban areas to target their hip-hop music audience. While a large publishing company would be more expensive, it would ensure higher quality and help the magazine sell and gain recognition. The author plans to promote the magazine through a half-price introductory issue, advertisements in urban areas like billboards and shops, posters at hip-hop concerts, and websites their audience frequents.
Vop simsys - www.bisnisvo2water.combisnisvo2waterDokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya mengonsumsi air bersih dan bebas pencemaran untuk kesehatan. Ia menjelaskan bahwa air yang tercemar oleh limbah pabrik, pertanian, dan rumah tangga dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit dan bahkan kematian. Dokumen tersebut juga mempromosikan produk air minum bernama VO2 yang diklaim mampu mencegah berbagai penyakit.