Ik ben Saskia Vugts (1963) Al jaren schilder ik portretten in opdracht met olieverf. Na mijn opleiding aan de academie ben ik professioneel portretschilder. Mijn grootste inspiratiebron is de unieke mens. Met liefde probeer ik in ieder portret een hart en ziel te leggen.Op een geheel eigenwijze schilder ik mijn portretten op de authentieke manier met een knipoog naar modern design. Voorheen tekende ik portretten met pastel, ik maak ook dierportretten in opdracht. Aan een Portretopdracht gaat een fotoshoot vooraf. Waar veel energie ingestoken wordt, het is belangrijk om een goed beeld van de te portretteren persoon te krijgen. Na een aantal maanden is het te vervaardigen portret klaar. In opdracht van de gemeente Vught schilderde ik een levensgroot staatsieportret van Koning Willem Alexander(150/210). Voor meer informatie kijk op mijn persoonlijke website: http://saskiavugts.nl/portret-in-opdracht/
The document summarizes a presentation given at a joint workshop on a proposed landfill expansion permit. It discusses Casella's vision of innovating waste solutions through recycling facilities, gas-to-energy plants, and organics processing. It then reviews the proposed expansion at the Chemung County landfill, including increasing permitted capacity from 180,000 to 417,000 tons per year. The financial benefits to the county and town from landfill operations are presented. Comments received on the draft environmental impact statement are summarized, focusing on environmental, health, procedural and operational concerns.
Mariam introduces her family which consists of 6 people - her father, mother, two brothers, and one sister. She provides their names and ages. Her extended family on both her mother and father's side is described, including grandparents. The document then discusses how Mariam's family spends time together on weekends, going out to eat and visiting grandparents on holidays. It provides potential answers to questions about her family, including who is the funniest, youngest, most serious, and who she resembles and talks to the most.
El documento describe la escuela como la instituci¨®n encargada de propiciar cambios mentales y nuevos aprendizajes en los estudiantes. Explica que la escuela promueve el cambio mental a trav¨¦s de procesos formales de ense?anza-aprendizaje, y que este aprendizaje formal es necesario para que las personas puedan enfrentar las demandas laborales actuales. Tambi¨¦n destaca que la escuela ense?a a los estudiantes a aprender fuera de contexto y a comunicarse a trav¨¦s de la escritura, y que las disciplinas acad¨¦mic
De realistische olieverfportretten van Saskia Vugts kenmerken zich door een intense dynamiek die tot uiting komt rond de ogen. De portretten stralen kracht uit en geven je het gevoel dat er daadwerkelijk contact is. Haar oprechte interesse in de mens en het onderliggende karakter, in combinatie met een zorgvuldige voorbereiding, stellen Saskia in staat dit levendige beeld over te brengen op het doek. Saskia heeft ruim twintig jaar ervaring in haar vak en behoort inmiddels tot de top van de Nederlandse portretschilders. Honderden werken van haar hand vonden inmiddels een vertrouwde plek in menig interieur. Veel voorkomende opdrachten bestaan uit het portretteren van familieleden: grootouders, kleinkinderen of kinderen en zakelijke portretten ter ere van een oprichter of jubilaris. Ook kunt u denken aan een staatsieportret, een portret van uw idool, een postuum portret of het laten vereeuwigen van een huisdier.
Voor meer informatie kijk op haar persoonlijke website: http://saskiavugts.nl/portret-in-opdracht/
This document provides research tips and information about library resources for students in BIO 124 at JMU. It recommends using library databases and resources to efficiently find scholarly articles, and emphasizes reading abstracts to evaluate sources. Contacting the science librarian for help with research is also suggested. The document describes different article types and how to search databases, evaluate sources, cite articles, and find books and assistance.
Roxana introduces her friendly, funny and big family. She has 2 brothers and 1 sister. They enjoy spending time together in the living room talking, going out to eat, studying, watching TV and walking on weekends. Her mom and sister often prepare meals together while her dad and she sometimes do the dishes. Her family visits her grandparents on holidays.
This is a presentation on Learning Service, voluntourism, and international volunteer travel by Daniela Papi & Claire Bennett presented to a group of teachers at the Rocky Mountain Seminar in Boulder, CO, through Where There Be Dragons.
For Publishers: Case Studies and Market Research for Mobile B2B Digital Marke...Astek Consulting
This document discusses the growing trend of mobile usage and its implications for publishers. It provides statistics on mobile traffic growth, smartphone and tablet adoption rates. It then discusses how people are using their mobile devices to read content in different contexts. The document advocates that publishers take a careful approach to mobile, starting with the web and distinguishing between tablet and smartphone experiences. It also provides "rules of thumb" and a case study of how one publisher, EB Medicine, conducted market research before developing a mobile strategy.
This document summarizes the services of a video production company called Mercury Productions. In over 20 years of experience, they specialize in storytelling, video production, and digital media across many industries like healthcare, corporate, and interactive experiences. Their services include concept development, script writing, editing, animation, and web development. They have worked with major clients and won several awards for their storytelling and video work.
September 2013, European Leveraged Loan Market Analysis Steve Richardson
- European leveraged finance markets were up in July and August 2013, with secondary loan and high-yield bond markets rising. Primary issuance of loans exceeded high-yield bonds and default rates declined.
- Several new CLOs priced in August, bringing the year-to-date total to €4.13 billion. However, CLO formation may not replace maturing vehicles.
- Forward calendars for loans and bonds remain strong as issuers seek to lock in favorable rates, but geopolitical risks could undermine the improved outlook.
Mariam introduces her family which consists of 6 people - her father, mother, two brothers, and one sister. She provides their names and ages. Her extended family on both her mother and father's side is described, including grandparents. The document then discusses how Mariam's family spends time together on weekends, going out to eat and visiting grandparents on holidays. It provides potential answers to questions about her family, including who is the funniest, youngest, most serious, and who she resembles and talks to the most.
El documento describe la escuela como la instituci¨®n encargada de propiciar cambios mentales y nuevos aprendizajes en los estudiantes. Explica que la escuela promueve el cambio mental a trav¨¦s de procesos formales de ense?anza-aprendizaje, y que este aprendizaje formal es necesario para que las personas puedan enfrentar las demandas laborales actuales. Tambi¨¦n destaca que la escuela ense?a a los estudiantes a aprender fuera de contexto y a comunicarse a trav¨¦s de la escritura, y que las disciplinas acad¨¦mic
De realistische olieverfportretten van Saskia Vugts kenmerken zich door een intense dynamiek die tot uiting komt rond de ogen. De portretten stralen kracht uit en geven je het gevoel dat er daadwerkelijk contact is. Haar oprechte interesse in de mens en het onderliggende karakter, in combinatie met een zorgvuldige voorbereiding, stellen Saskia in staat dit levendige beeld over te brengen op het doek. Saskia heeft ruim twintig jaar ervaring in haar vak en behoort inmiddels tot de top van de Nederlandse portretschilders. Honderden werken van haar hand vonden inmiddels een vertrouwde plek in menig interieur. Veel voorkomende opdrachten bestaan uit het portretteren van familieleden: grootouders, kleinkinderen of kinderen en zakelijke portretten ter ere van een oprichter of jubilaris. Ook kunt u denken aan een staatsieportret, een portret van uw idool, een postuum portret of het laten vereeuwigen van een huisdier.
Voor meer informatie kijk op haar persoonlijke website: http://saskiavugts.nl/portret-in-opdracht/
This document provides research tips and information about library resources for students in BIO 124 at JMU. It recommends using library databases and resources to efficiently find scholarly articles, and emphasizes reading abstracts to evaluate sources. Contacting the science librarian for help with research is also suggested. The document describes different article types and how to search databases, evaluate sources, cite articles, and find books and assistance.
Roxana introduces her friendly, funny and big family. She has 2 brothers and 1 sister. They enjoy spending time together in the living room talking, going out to eat, studying, watching TV and walking on weekends. Her mom and sister often prepare meals together while her dad and she sometimes do the dishes. Her family visits her grandparents on holidays.
This is a presentation on Learning Service, voluntourism, and international volunteer travel by Daniela Papi & Claire Bennett presented to a group of teachers at the Rocky Mountain Seminar in Boulder, CO, through Where There Be Dragons.
For Publishers: Case Studies and Market Research for Mobile B2B Digital Marke...Astek Consulting
This document discusses the growing trend of mobile usage and its implications for publishers. It provides statistics on mobile traffic growth, smartphone and tablet adoption rates. It then discusses how people are using their mobile devices to read content in different contexts. The document advocates that publishers take a careful approach to mobile, starting with the web and distinguishing between tablet and smartphone experiences. It also provides "rules of thumb" and a case study of how one publisher, EB Medicine, conducted market research before developing a mobile strategy.
This document summarizes the services of a video production company called Mercury Productions. In over 20 years of experience, they specialize in storytelling, video production, and digital media across many industries like healthcare, corporate, and interactive experiences. Their services include concept development, script writing, editing, animation, and web development. They have worked with major clients and won several awards for their storytelling and video work.
September 2013, European Leveraged Loan Market Analysis Steve Richardson
- European leveraged finance markets were up in July and August 2013, with secondary loan and high-yield bond markets rising. Primary issuance of loans exceeded high-yield bonds and default rates declined.
- Several new CLOs priced in August, bringing the year-to-date total to €4.13 billion. However, CLO formation may not replace maturing vehicles.
- Forward calendars for loans and bonds remain strong as issuers seek to lock in favorable rates, but geopolitical risks could undermine the improved outlook.