Innovalab es un laboratorio de innovación social y corporativa ubicado en la Universidad de Deusto. Ofrece servicios como talleres y espacios físicos para que empresas, organizaciones sociales e instituciones públicas colaboren en el dise?o de nuevos proyectos y servicios. Algunos de los proyectos en los que trabaja Innovalab incluyen Eutokia, FAB Lab, y proyectos con las diputaciones de Gipuzkoa y Bizkaia.
Bill Elrick's presentation from the GNA/ACT Expo webinar on February 19, 2014. Bill gives an overview of hydrogen stations in California, commonly used equipment, and codes and standards information.
Senator Jesse Helms Letter To Russia About KAL 007Ingo Breuer
I am searching for Russia's answers to the questions asked by Senator Jesse Helms about the whereabouts of possible survivors and the remains of the KAL007 shootdown in 1983. There is hard evidence that there are survivors and that the plane made a water emergency landing. Russia owes the world an answer and to my knowledge there are no asnwers to these valid questions.
Social media provides recognizable brands with the means to connect with consumers outside of traditional advertising. However, the reach of these social media initiatives creates additional risk for businesses online.
Open educational resources (OER) provide opportunities for affordable education by reducing textbook costs and allowing wide access to educational materials from top universities. However, finding and ensuring the quality of OER can be challenging given that the educational establishment and public are still unfamiliar with OER. While OER aim to share best practices globally, their future impact remains uncertain as adoption has been slow.
Chimps display behaviors similar to humans and have their own personalities. They can live up to 60 years in the wild or even longer under human care, with the oldest chimp, Cheeta, being around 81 years old. Chimp births occur when the mother is around 12 years old and babies are produced around every 6 years. Chimps learn from each other through observation and imitation of older generations. While conservation efforts are helping chimp populations, increased human activity outside of parks is threatening chimp habitats and societies by polluting air, water, and the environment through practices like fossil fuel use.
1) The study examined the occurrence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in severely ill patients receiving colistin according to a pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics dosing approach. 2) Of the 70 patients studied, 31 (44%) developed AKI. 3) Baseline renal impairment and older age were independently associated with increased risk of AKI, while concomitant administration of ascorbic acid was associated with a reduced risk of AKI.
The Critical Mass Halloween bike ride took place on the last Friday of the month in Union Square at 7pm. Cyclists dressed in costumes for Halloween began the ride without any announcements and appeared disorganized, though a saxophonist played jazz music. The police monitored the ride closely but did not intervene directly, though they later began stopping and ticketing isolated cyclists as the group splintered into smaller groups.
Robert Bailey, President and CEO of Abacus International shares his views on why travel agents are here to stay at the TAFI Convention held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 23 October 2009.
Jess James Morrow and Alyson Lenee Garrett were married on November 21, 2009. Their wedding ceremony included traditional vows where they promised to remain married "til death do us part". The short document appears to be recording basic information about a marriage between Jess James Morrow and Alyson Lenee Garrett that took place on November 21, 2009.
Las redes de conocimiento en salud permiten la interacción entre profesionales de la salud, pacientes, instituciones sanitarias y otros actores para compartir información a través de las TIC. Estas redes tienen un impacto social al modificar la forma en que las personas acceden al conocimiento sobre salud. Además, permiten la gestión del conocimiento a nivel individual y organizacional mediante la generación, almacenamiento y difusión de información para mejorar la toma de decisiones en salud.
The document summarizes MLCC's experience virtualizing their ERP system using VMware. It discusses the initial skepticism from some teams about virtualizing such critical systems. It then details the agile "PDQ Methodology" used to plan and execute the virtualization project. Several hurdles were overcome, including Oracle licensing issues and internal perceptions. The project was a success, coming in on time and under budget. Virtualizing the ERP system provided significant benefits and cost savings compared to the previous minicomputer infrastructure.
This document is a user guide for the BT-Pusher STANDARD Bluetooth marketing device. It introduces the device's overview, functions, applications, features, package contents, interface specifications, power usage, local and remote management, and installation notes. The BT-Pusher STANDARD is designed to automatically transmit promotional content to nearby Bluetooth devices within a 100 meter range. It can be managed locally via USB flash drive or remotely over a network connection.
Priority Activator Consulting provides a range of strategic consulting services to help businesses achieve optimal performance and growth. These include strategic planning, organizational development, talent management, financial advisory, and data analytics services. The company uses a customized approach for each client involving in-depth analysis, solution development, and implementation support to deliver assured outcomes. It has a team of experienced partners leading services across key areas like strategy, talent, organization development, finance, and research.
1) Antibiotic de-escalation refers to narrowing or reducing the spectrum of antibiotics administered to critically ill patients once culture results are available.
2) Observational studies have found de-escalation therapy to be safely practiced in ICU patients and possibly associated with lower mortality and shorter hospital stays.
3) However, randomized trials have found possible higher risks of reinfection with de-escalation, without effects on mortality. Overall, de-escalation appears to be a well-tolerated strategy but is not widely adopted in practice.
This document outlines the constitution of the Health Research and Social Development Forum (HERD) established in 2061 in Nepal. The constitution defines HERD's mission to conduct research and social programs to address health issues in communities through identifying problems, exploring solutions, and building capacity. It establishes HERD's objectives, governance structure, and types of membership. Key activities include conducting research, health services, social development programs, and disseminating findings to support public health.
The document discusses a smart mobile travel application called TripCase that allows travelers to organize all aspects of their trips in a single itinerary. Key features include accessing the most up-to-date flight details and receiving live flight status updates and notifications. The app also provides turn-by-turn directions between trip events and allows viewing trip details offline. TripCase aims to be the single access point for all trip details and travel tools from one screen.
Etiologia de la celulitis y Predicción clínica de la enfermedad Estreptocócic...Alex Casta?eda-Sabogal
Etiologia de la celulitis. Estudio prospectivo y predicción clínica de la infeccion por Estreptococcus basado en la frecuencia encontrada de las especies de estreptococo
The document calls for saving the oceans but provides no further details in the body. It contains only the heading "SAVE THE OCEANS" followed by a series of blank lines and then concludes with "END".
Inscape makes smart workspaces through 16 approaches:
1. They focus on applications and customized solutions for unique client needs and spaces.
2. Their infrastructure accommodates power, lighting, and more, allowing infinite flexibility through movable walls, doors, and ceilings.
3. They maximize real estate through compact vertical storage and 2,808 paint colors.
1. The document discusses vocabulary related to positive and negative meanings such as respect, offend, appropriate, rude, cultural taboo, and tolerant.
2. It also contains grammar exercises focusing on modal verbs and their uses for obligations, permissions, possibilities and necessities.
3. Questions cover topics like cultures, religions, behaviors and their impact on respecting diversity and avoiding offense.
1) The study examined the occurrence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in severely ill patients receiving colistin according to a pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics dosing approach. 2) Of the 70 patients studied, 31 (44%) developed AKI. 3) Baseline renal impairment and older age were independently associated with increased risk of AKI, while concomitant administration of ascorbic acid was associated with a reduced risk of AKI.
The Critical Mass Halloween bike ride took place on the last Friday of the month in Union Square at 7pm. Cyclists dressed in costumes for Halloween began the ride without any announcements and appeared disorganized, though a saxophonist played jazz music. The police monitored the ride closely but did not intervene directly, though they later began stopping and ticketing isolated cyclists as the group splintered into smaller groups.
Robert Bailey, President and CEO of Abacus International shares his views on why travel agents are here to stay at the TAFI Convention held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 23 October 2009.
Jess James Morrow and Alyson Lenee Garrett were married on November 21, 2009. Their wedding ceremony included traditional vows where they promised to remain married "til death do us part". The short document appears to be recording basic information about a marriage between Jess James Morrow and Alyson Lenee Garrett that took place on November 21, 2009.
Las redes de conocimiento en salud permiten la interacción entre profesionales de la salud, pacientes, instituciones sanitarias y otros actores para compartir información a través de las TIC. Estas redes tienen un impacto social al modificar la forma en que las personas acceden al conocimiento sobre salud. Además, permiten la gestión del conocimiento a nivel individual y organizacional mediante la generación, almacenamiento y difusión de información para mejorar la toma de decisiones en salud.
The document summarizes MLCC's experience virtualizing their ERP system using VMware. It discusses the initial skepticism from some teams about virtualizing such critical systems. It then details the agile "PDQ Methodology" used to plan and execute the virtualization project. Several hurdles were overcome, including Oracle licensing issues and internal perceptions. The project was a success, coming in on time and under budget. Virtualizing the ERP system provided significant benefits and cost savings compared to the previous minicomputer infrastructure.
This document is a user guide for the BT-Pusher STANDARD Bluetooth marketing device. It introduces the device's overview, functions, applications, features, package contents, interface specifications, power usage, local and remote management, and installation notes. The BT-Pusher STANDARD is designed to automatically transmit promotional content to nearby Bluetooth devices within a 100 meter range. It can be managed locally via USB flash drive or remotely over a network connection.
Priority Activator Consulting provides a range of strategic consulting services to help businesses achieve optimal performance and growth. These include strategic planning, organizational development, talent management, financial advisory, and data analytics services. The company uses a customized approach for each client involving in-depth analysis, solution development, and implementation support to deliver assured outcomes. It has a team of experienced partners leading services across key areas like strategy, talent, organization development, finance, and research.
1) Antibiotic de-escalation refers to narrowing or reducing the spectrum of antibiotics administered to critically ill patients once culture results are available.
2) Observational studies have found de-escalation therapy to be safely practiced in ICU patients and possibly associated with lower mortality and shorter hospital stays.
3) However, randomized trials have found possible higher risks of reinfection with de-escalation, without effects on mortality. Overall, de-escalation appears to be a well-tolerated strategy but is not widely adopted in practice.
This document outlines the constitution of the Health Research and Social Development Forum (HERD) established in 2061 in Nepal. The constitution defines HERD's mission to conduct research and social programs to address health issues in communities through identifying problems, exploring solutions, and building capacity. It establishes HERD's objectives, governance structure, and types of membership. Key activities include conducting research, health services, social development programs, and disseminating findings to support public health.
The document discusses a smart mobile travel application called TripCase that allows travelers to organize all aspects of their trips in a single itinerary. Key features include accessing the most up-to-date flight details and receiving live flight status updates and notifications. The app also provides turn-by-turn directions between trip events and allows viewing trip details offline. TripCase aims to be the single access point for all trip details and travel tools from one screen.
Etiologia de la celulitis y Predicción clínica de la enfermedad Estreptocócic...Alex Casta?eda-Sabogal
Etiologia de la celulitis. Estudio prospectivo y predicción clínica de la infeccion por Estreptococcus basado en la frecuencia encontrada de las especies de estreptococo
The document calls for saving the oceans but provides no further details in the body. It contains only the heading "SAVE THE OCEANS" followed by a series of blank lines and then concludes with "END".
Inscape makes smart workspaces through 16 approaches:
1. They focus on applications and customized solutions for unique client needs and spaces.
2. Their infrastructure accommodates power, lighting, and more, allowing infinite flexibility through movable walls, doors, and ceilings.
3. They maximize real estate through compact vertical storage and 2,808 paint colors.
1. The document discusses vocabulary related to positive and negative meanings such as respect, offend, appropriate, rude, cultural taboo, and tolerant.
2. It also contains grammar exercises focusing on modal verbs and their uses for obligations, permissions, possibilities and necessities.
3. Questions cover topics like cultures, religions, behaviors and their impact on respecting diversity and avoiding offense.