Teamintervention od-130411114951-phpapp01Shaubhik ChakrabortyAn effective team has certain key characteristics: it shares leadership roles and accountability; develops a clear purpose and concrete goals; and works interdependently. Team interventions aim to help struggling members by diagnosing issues, accomplishing tasks, strengthening relationships, and improving processes. Common interventions include clarifying goals and roles, building trust, managing conflict, and relating to external stakeholders. A multi-step team intervention process begins by identifying at-risk members and brainstorming interventions to improve team effectiveness.
2011'in En Sosyal AnlarıEmel AydınlıThis document summarizes some of the major social events and trends in Turkey in 2011. Some of the topics discussed include a viral video of a cat called "Kedi Canini", the gaffe by Devlet Bahceli who mispronounced the name of a biscuit, the use of social media to organize support for victims of the Van earthquake, and a popular Twitter user named Erol Köse who became famous for his tweets.
소풍Misook Shin대한민국 창작만화 공모전 우수작입니다.
jpg로만 돌아다녀서, slide file로 만들었습니다 (아웃소싱으로^^)
(만약 저작권 위반이면 바로 내리겠습니다만...위반 아닌 것 같기도 하고...ㅠㅠ)
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Teamintervention od-130411114951-phpapp01Shaubhik ChakrabortyAn effective team has certain key characteristics: it shares leadership roles and accountability; develops a clear purpose and concrete goals; and works interdependently. Team interventions aim to help struggling members by diagnosing issues, accomplishing tasks, strengthening relationships, and improving processes. Common interventions include clarifying goals and roles, building trust, managing conflict, and relating to external stakeholders. A multi-step team intervention process begins by identifying at-risk members and brainstorming interventions to improve team effectiveness.
2011'in En Sosyal AnlarıEmel AydınlıThis document summarizes some of the major social events and trends in Turkey in 2011. Some of the topics discussed include a viral video of a cat called "Kedi Canini", the gaffe by Devlet Bahceli who mispronounced the name of a biscuit, the use of social media to organize support for victims of the Van earthquake, and a popular Twitter user named Erol Köse who became famous for his tweets.
소풍Misook Shin대한민국 창작만화 공모전 우수작입니다.
jpg로만 돌아다녀서, slide file로 만들었습니다 (아웃소싱으로^^)
(만약 저작권 위반이면 바로 내리겠습니다만...위반 아닌 것 같기도 하고...ㅠㅠ)
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