Community PartnershipsTulaneMCHThis document discusses ways to build and sustain community partnerships and peer support programs to increase breastfeeding rates in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi. It identifies community partnerships, social marketing campaigns, and culturally sensitive peer support programs as effective methods for improving low breastfeeding rates. Partnerships can work to normalize breastfeeding and raise awareness through resources and education. Peer support provided by other breastfeeding mothers has been shown to significantly improve breastfeeding initiation and duration, especially for minority groups. Existing programs provide counseling, home visits, support groups, and referrals to complement professional healthcare.
DrogadiccionadrianajohanapradoEl documento habla sobre la drogadicción, incluyendo las causas como la dependencia física y psíquica, los tipos de drogadictos como el consumidor ocasional, dependiente y abusador, las consecuencias del consumo de drogas, y cómo prevenir la drogadicción a través de programas de concientización y educación. El documento concluye instando a las personas a rechazar las drogas.
Web 2,0Jabbot Rogel AguilaLa Web 2.0 incluye herramientas como blogs, webquest y wikis que permiten una mayor interactividad entre usuarios y facilitan la creación y el intercambio de contenido.
Tugas2 biutfanezzaSkripsi ini membahas hubungan antara motivasi kerja dengan kinerja guru di SMPN 104 Jakarta. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi kerja dan kinerja diantaranya pendidikan guru, disiplin, fasilitas sekolah, kebutuhan guru, dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara motivasi kerja dengan kinerja guru.
Jakob Svensson - Monitoring the Political SelfDanube University Krems, Centre for E-GovernanceThe document summarizes a study on a Swedish politician's blogging practices before the 2010 elections. The study analyzed two blogs maintained by the politician, Nina Larsson, to understand how she used them and for what purposes. The study found that Larsson used the blogs both for instrumental purposes like campaigning as well as communicative purposes to engage with citizens. Additionally, the blogs served to amplify Larsson's image and monitor perceptions of her political self by building a supportive community. The study provides insights into how political actors negotiate their public image and role of political parties in that process.
DrogadiccionadrianajohanapradoEl documento habla sobre la drogadicción, incluyendo las causas como la dependencia física y psíquica, los tipos de drogadictos como el consumidor ocasional, dependiente y abusador, las consecuencias del consumo de drogas, y cómo prevenir la drogadicción a través de programas de concientización y educación. El documento concluye instando a las personas a rechazar las drogas.
Web 2,0Jabbot Rogel AguilaLa Web 2.0 incluye herramientas como blogs, webquest y wikis que permiten una mayor interactividad entre usuarios y facilitan la creación y el intercambio de contenido.
Tugas2 biutfanezzaSkripsi ini membahas hubungan antara motivasi kerja dengan kinerja guru di SMPN 104 Jakarta. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi kerja dan kinerja diantaranya pendidikan guru, disiplin, fasilitas sekolah, kebutuhan guru, dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara motivasi kerja dengan kinerja guru.
Jakob Svensson - Monitoring the Political SelfDanube University Krems, Centre for E-GovernanceThe document summarizes a study on a Swedish politician's blogging practices before the 2010 elections. The study analyzed two blogs maintained by the politician, Nina Larsson, to understand how she used them and for what purposes. The study found that Larsson used the blogs both for instrumental purposes like campaigning as well as communicative purposes to engage with citizens. Additionally, the blogs served to amplify Larsson's image and monitor perceptions of her political self by building a supportive community. The study provides insights into how political actors negotiate their public image and role of political parties in that process.
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