3. 知识结构: 从低语义到高语义
社会标签 / 大众分类法社会标签 / 大众分类法
术语 / 概念列表术语 / 概念列表
图片改编自: R. R. Souza, D. Tudhope, and M. B. Almeida,
“Towards a taxonomy of KOS: Dimensions for classifying
Knowledge Organization Systems,” 2012.
4. 本体学习 Ontology learning
? 建立类似分类法的知识
? 从自然语言文本中自动
? 社交网络中产生的新语
图片改编自 from the Figure 1 in Paul Buitelaar, Philipp Cimiano, and Bernardo Magnini:
‘Ontology Learning from Text: An Overview’, 2003
5. 情报学中语义关系的种类
图片改编自: Stock, W. G. (2010). Concepts and semantic relations in information science. Journal of the Association for
Information Science and Technology, 61(10), 1951-1969.
横向组合关系 纵向聚合关系
部分-整体关系 实例
7. 概念抽取: 词型归一化
Dong, H., Wang, W., & Coenen, F. (2017). Deriving Dynamic Knowledge from Academic Social Tagging Data: A
Novel Research Direction. In iConference 2017 Proceedings (pp. 661-666). https://doi.org/10.9776/17313
10. 概念抽取:语义匹配
? 将标签匹配到现有的外部词表中
? 匹配到WordNet: 仅49%的标签可从语义上匹配到WordNet中 (Andrew, Pane &
Zaihrayeu, 2011)
? 匹配到Wikipedia (Joorabchi, English, Mahdi, 2015)
? 匹配到以Dbpedia为主的
Linked Open Data Cloud
(García-Silva et al., 2015)
11. 关系的形成 Relation Learning
H. Dong, W. Wang and H. N. Liang, "Learning Structured Knowledge from Social Tagging Data: A Critical Review of Methods and Techniques," 2015 IEEE
International Conference on Smart City/SocialCom/SustainCom (SmartCity), Chengdu, 2015, pp. 307-314.
12. 从标签中自动建立层级关系的主要方法
? 基于一定规则的方法
? 社会网络分析图中心性的方法 (Heymann, 2006)
? 利用标签对应资源或用户的集合的包含度的方法 (Mika, 2005)
? 基于语义匹配的方法
? 匹配到Dbpedia, WordNet, ConceptNet, Yago, ACM category, MESH…
(Strohmaier et al., 2012; García-Silva et al., 2015)
? 机器学习方法
? 无监督方法: 分层聚类 (Strohmaier et al., 2012; Zhou et al., 2007)
? 有监督方法: 提取特征进行二元分类 (Rêgo et al., 2015)
25. 参考文献
? Dong, H., Wang, W., & Liang, H. N. (2015, December). Learning Structured Knowledge from Social Tagging Data: A Critical Review of Methods and
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? Souza, R. R., Tudhope, D., & Almeida, M. B. (2012). Towards a taxonomy of KOS: Dimensions for classifying Knowledge Organization Systems. Knowledge
organization, 39(3), 179-192. Paul Buitelaar, Philipp Cimiano, and Bernardo Magnini: ‘Ontology Learning from Text: An Overview’, 2003
? Stock, W. G. (2010). Concepts and semantic relations in information science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and
Technology, 61(10), 1951-1969.
? Dong, H., Wang, W., & Coenen, F. (2017). Deriving Dynamic Knowledge from Academic Social Tagging Data: A Novel Research Direction. In iConference
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? Andrews, P., Pane, J., & Zaihrayeu, I. (2011). Semantic disambiguation in folksonomy: a case study. In Advanced language technologies for digital
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? Joorabchi, A., English, M., & Mahdi, A. E. (2015). Automatic mapping of user tags to Wikipedia concepts: The case of a Q&A website – StackOverflow.
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