Integrated Coal Gasification Power Plant Credit (K-80)taxman taxmanThis document is an application for the Kansas Integrated Coal Gasification Power Plant Credit. It contains instructions and worksheets to calculate the tax credit amount for qualified investments in an integrated coal gasification power plant. The credit is 10% of the first $250 million invested and 5% for amounts over $250 million, taken in equal installments over 10 years. The application calculates the total credit allowed and the amount that can be claimed in the current tax year.
mindfulness posterCourtney HoffmannMindfulness and yoga practices paired with breathing techniques can enhance cognition and recall abilities by changing the structure and function of the brain. Specifically, these meditative practices help thicken cortical regions related to attention and sensory processing. They also enhance resilience and the ability to build emotional regulation skills to effectively manage stress, gain self-knowledge, and increase empathy and compassion. Scientific research illustrates the positive effects of mindfulness training on mental health, well-being, learning, disabilities, working memory, benefits, concerns, and academic outcomes.
Achievement Certificate F4Suman KamoraF4 - Corporate and Business Law has been awarded a Certificate of Achievement for achieving a pass mark of 85% or higher in the August 2013 examinations. The certificate remains the property of ACCA and certifies that Suman Kamora passed the relevant exams in August 2013 with an ACCA registration number of 2623444.
Polynomial stationsErik TjerslandThis document contains instructions and examples for students to work on polynomial stations. It includes 4 stations on adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomials, as well as factoring polynomials. The document provides guidance for students and encourages them to use the resources on the final slide to prepare for homework.
Linking wordsdodo mohamadThis document provides a comprehensive list of transition words and conjunctions, also called cohesive devices, organized into different categories to help connect ideas. It includes linking words for agreement, examples, effects, opposition, location, time, and conclusion. Common conjunctions are also listed such as subordinating conjunctions like although, because, before and correlatives like both...and, either...or, whether...or. The complete list aims to be a helpful reference for smoothly connecting words, phrases and ideas.
Biomass gasification for hydrogen productionMd Tanvir AlamBiomass gasification can be used to produce hydrogen fuel through thermal conversion processes. Gasification involves heating biomass with limited oxygen to produce syngas containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other gases. Several pathways exist to convert biomass to hydrogen through gasification. Research has demonstrated hydrogen yields of up to 60% by volume from biomass gasification using fluidized beds and catalysts. Economic analyses show biomass gasification can competitively produce hydrogen compared to natural gas reforming. With environmental and economic benefits, biomass gasification is a promising option for renewable hydrogen production.
Analytics Project - Combined Cycle Power PlantJyothi LakshmiThe document describes a dataset containing measurements collected from a combined cycle power plant over 6 years. The dataset contains 9568 hourly records of 4 ambient variables (temperature, exhaust vacuum, ambient pressure, relative humidity) and the corresponding electrical energy output. The records are split into training and test datasets. Exploratory data analysis finds strong correlations between the energy output and temperature, vacuum, and pressure. A multiple linear regression model will be used to predict the energy output based on the 4 ambient variables.
Suppliers selection in construction supply chain managementvishal kachwahbasics of supply chain and issue in supplier selection in Indian construction industry for material procurement
The Disruption Of InterruptionWe Are Social SingaporeThe document discusses how social media is disrupting brand communications. It argues that social listening can provide insights into what audiences want and help brands understand audiences better. It advocates focusing on communication effectiveness over media efficiency by targeting the right people, contexts and times. The document also suggests ideating experiences that add value for audiences rather than just advertisements, and that social media will disrupt the entire marketing mix, not just advertising.
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Part 1Anurak AtthasitIntroduction to Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant. Describing the advantage and design limit of the CCGT. Overview of Brayton Cycle and Rankine Cycle - showing some basic thermodynamic to explain some background of CCGT.
2017 third party logistics studyDennis WereldsmaThe 2017 21st Annual Third-Party Logistics Study shows that shippers and their third-party logistics providers continue to move away from primarily transactional relationships and toward meaningful partnerships. Since the study began 21 years ago, researchers have seen the continued improvement in the strategic nature of relationships between shippers and third-party logistics providers.
This year’s survey suggests 3PLs and their customers continue to improve the quality of their relationships. Both parties—91% of 3PL users and 97% of 3PL providers—reported that their relationships are successful and that their work is yielding positive results.
Achievement Certificate F4Suman KamoraF4 - Corporate and Business Law has been awarded a Certificate of Achievement for achieving a pass mark of 85% or higher in the August 2013 examinations. The certificate remains the property of ACCA and certifies that Suman Kamora passed the relevant exams in August 2013 with an ACCA registration number of 2623444.
Polynomial stationsErik TjerslandThis document contains instructions and examples for students to work on polynomial stations. It includes 4 stations on adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomials, as well as factoring polynomials. The document provides guidance for students and encourages them to use the resources on the final slide to prepare for homework.
Linking wordsdodo mohamadThis document provides a comprehensive list of transition words and conjunctions, also called cohesive devices, organized into different categories to help connect ideas. It includes linking words for agreement, examples, effects, opposition, location, time, and conclusion. Common conjunctions are also listed such as subordinating conjunctions like although, because, before and correlatives like both...and, either...or, whether...or. The complete list aims to be a helpful reference for smoothly connecting words, phrases and ideas.
Biomass gasification for hydrogen productionMd Tanvir AlamBiomass gasification can be used to produce hydrogen fuel through thermal conversion processes. Gasification involves heating biomass with limited oxygen to produce syngas containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other gases. Several pathways exist to convert biomass to hydrogen through gasification. Research has demonstrated hydrogen yields of up to 60% by volume from biomass gasification using fluidized beds and catalysts. Economic analyses show biomass gasification can competitively produce hydrogen compared to natural gas reforming. With environmental and economic benefits, biomass gasification is a promising option for renewable hydrogen production.
Analytics Project - Combined Cycle Power PlantJyothi LakshmiThe document describes a dataset containing measurements collected from a combined cycle power plant over 6 years. The dataset contains 9568 hourly records of 4 ambient variables (temperature, exhaust vacuum, ambient pressure, relative humidity) and the corresponding electrical energy output. The records are split into training and test datasets. Exploratory data analysis finds strong correlations between the energy output and temperature, vacuum, and pressure. A multiple linear regression model will be used to predict the energy output based on the 4 ambient variables.
Suppliers selection in construction supply chain managementvishal kachwahbasics of supply chain and issue in supplier selection in Indian construction industry for material procurement
The Disruption Of InterruptionWe Are Social SingaporeThe document discusses how social media is disrupting brand communications. It argues that social listening can provide insights into what audiences want and help brands understand audiences better. It advocates focusing on communication effectiveness over media efficiency by targeting the right people, contexts and times. The document also suggests ideating experiences that add value for audiences rather than just advertisements, and that social media will disrupt the entire marketing mix, not just advertising.
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Part 1Anurak AtthasitIntroduction to Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant. Describing the advantage and design limit of the CCGT. Overview of Brayton Cycle and Rankine Cycle - showing some basic thermodynamic to explain some background of CCGT.
2017 third party logistics studyDennis WereldsmaThe 2017 21st Annual Third-Party Logistics Study shows that shippers and their third-party logistics providers continue to move away from primarily transactional relationships and toward meaningful partnerships. Since the study began 21 years ago, researchers have seen the continued improvement in the strategic nature of relationships between shippers and third-party logistics providers.
This year’s survey suggests 3PLs and their customers continue to improve the quality of their relationships. Both parties—91% of 3PL users and 97% of 3PL providers—reported that their relationships are successful and that their work is yielding positive results.
2. За Марс
Марс е четвртата планета од Сонцето.
.Таа е наречена црвена планета. Таа е двојно
помала од Земјата,и е седма планета според
Марс е бог на војната. Планетата веројатно го
добила името заради својата црвена боја, а
понекогаш се нарекува и црвената планета.
3. Првото вселенско летало кое го посетило е
Mariner 4 во 1965, по што следела уште серија
други меѓу кои и Mars 2, првата сонда која
слетала на Марс.
Други поуспешни мисии на Марс се двете
летала Viking од 1976, како и Mars Pathfinder од
Орбитата на Марс е значително елиптична.
Додека просечната температура е 218 К (-55°С),
температурата на површината се движи од 140
К (-133°С) на половите во зима, до 300 К (27 °С)
преку ден во текот на летото.
5. Како на Меркур и Месечината, на Марс денес
најверојатно нема активни тектонски плочи. Без
движења на плочите, вулкански активните точки
под површината остануваат на исто место во однос
на површината.
Ова, заедно со слабата гравитација се причионата за
огромните вулкани и висорамнината Tharsis.
Денес нема докази за моменталната вулканска
активност. Но сепак има нови испитувања од Mars
Global Surveyor според кои Марс можеби имал
тектонска активност во скоро минато, што
споредбата со Земјата ја прави уште поинтересна.