Paraules d'aznarAlfred Pérez de Tudela MolinaEl expresidente Aznar describe en su libro de memorias cómo sobrevivió a un atentado de ETA en el que volaron su coche. Afirma que salió ileso de las llamas y que los médicos no pudieron explicar cómo sobrevivió, considerándolo un milagro. Cuenta que esa noche soñó que Dios le iluminó y le dijo que lo había salvado para que liderara a la humanidad, dejándolo muy impactado por la experiencia.
Encarte final 3 12-06Costi BebidasO documento fornece informações sobre vários vinhos e bebidas alcoólicas de diferentes regiões, incluindo descrições de aroma, sabor e harmonizações.
6910 11 seminar 5 (fall 2014) SVTaylor123This document outlines the agenda for Seminar #5, which includes groups touching base to plan discussions for Seminar #6, peer reviewing Learning Resource Action (LRA) drafts, participating in digital observation and coaching conversations, and looking ahead to future assignments. The agenda involves choice book discussion groups finalizing plans, workshops to provide feedback on LRA drafts using a checklist, and breaking into groups to view 30 or 20 minute digital lesson clips followed by coaching conversations. Participants are asked to submit a preparation form and provide written reflections from the digital session by the following Monday.
Diaposit turismo historico culturalAdriana Madero TeheránEl documento habla sobre el turismo histórico, el cual se enfoca en atraer visitantes a sitios y monumentos históricos. Un itinerario de turismo histórico propone que los turistas se hospeden en un hotel con decoración y estilo colonial para sumergirse en la historia. Luego incluye actividades como cenar con ropa de la época colonial, pasear en coche colonial y en bucanero, e inmersión para conocer la historia desde las profundidades del mar.
Ci 350 lesson 1 use!napier163This document outlines a lesson plan for teaching fifth grade students about the economic and cultural differences between the North and South prior to the Civil War. The teacher will use various methods, including cooperative learning groups, role-playing, online research, maps, videos, blogs and journaling. Students will research life in the North versus South and write blogs from the perspective of a citizen of that time. Their understanding will be evaluated through questioning, participation, and grading of their blog entries.
Design ProcessNiteesh PatelThis document discusses concepts that can guide architectural design. It provides two examples of buildings with guiding concepts - a house in Mexico City designed like a shell, and the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai designed like a boat floating at sea. The document also credits the design of the Burj Al Arab to architects Tom Wright and W.S. Atkins and partners.
Diaposit turismo historico culturalAdriana Madero TeheránEl documento habla sobre el turismo histórico, el cual se enfoca en atraer visitantes a sitios y monumentos históricos. Un itinerario de turismo histórico propone que los turistas se hospeden en un hotel con decoración y estilo colonial para sumergirse en la historia. Luego incluye actividades como cenar con ropa de la época colonial, pasear en coche colonial y en bucanero, e inmersión para conocer la historia desde las profundidades del mar.
Ci 350 lesson 1 use!napier163This document outlines a lesson plan for teaching fifth grade students about the economic and cultural differences between the North and South prior to the Civil War. The teacher will use various methods, including cooperative learning groups, role-playing, online research, maps, videos, blogs and journaling. Students will research life in the North versus South and write blogs from the perspective of a citizen of that time. Their understanding will be evaluated through questioning, participation, and grading of their blog entries.
Design ProcessNiteesh PatelThis document discusses concepts that can guide architectural design. It provides two examples of buildings with guiding concepts - a house in Mexico City designed like a shell, and the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai designed like a boat floating at sea. The document also credits the design of the Burj Al Arab to architects Tom Wright and W.S. Atkins and partners.