El resumen analiza los ingresos de ventas por regiones en el primer trimestre de 2011, mostrando los ingresos de enero, febrero y marzo, as¨ª como el promedio para cada regi¨®n. La regi¨®n Este obtuvo el promedio m¨¢s bajo de S/ 3,016 mientras que la regi¨®n Oeste obtuvo el promedio m¨¢s alto de S/ 7,321. El total de ingresos para el primer trimestre fue de S/ 21,009.67.
This document proposes strategic investments for Kubera Palace in Macau, including Kubera Palace hotel expansion, World Series Speed Baccarat tournament, online gaming platform, and Wynn golf course. It analyzes each opportunity, providing internal and external drivers, required investments, discount rates, NPVs, and ROIs. A finance section evaluates resource requirements and an implementation time table is presented for the Kubera Palace expansion.
Standards are important for both designers and customers. Designers must be aware of all relevant standards for the product and locations it will be used. Standards cover safety, quality, interchangeability and can be mandatory by law or contract. They provide guidelines for areas like performance, dimensions and best practices to facilitate design. Identifying applicable standards is an essential early task for designers.
El resumen analiza los ingresos de ventas por regiones en el primer trimestre de 2011, mostrando los ingresos de enero, febrero y marzo, as¨ª como el promedio para cada regi¨®n. La regi¨®n Este obtuvo el promedio m¨¢s bajo de S/ 3,016 mientras que la regi¨®n Oeste obtuvo el promedio m¨¢s alto de S/ 7,321. El total de ingresos para el primer trimestre fue de S/ 21,009.67.
This document proposes strategic investments for Kubera Palace in Macau, including Kubera Palace hotel expansion, World Series Speed Baccarat tournament, online gaming platform, and Wynn golf course. It analyzes each opportunity, providing internal and external drivers, required investments, discount rates, NPVs, and ROIs. A finance section evaluates resource requirements and an implementation time table is presented for the Kubera Palace expansion.
Standards are important for both designers and customers. Designers must be aware of all relevant standards for the product and locations it will be used. Standards cover safety, quality, interchangeability and can be mandatory by law or contract. They provide guidelines for areas like performance, dimensions and best practices to facilitate design. Identifying applicable standards is an essential early task for designers.
Prof. Mark Hanson's Fat, Fate & Obesity talk to IW Cafe Scientifique sept 2012onthewight
This document discusses childhood obesity and its long-term health consequences. It notes that childhood obesity increases the risks of non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The risks of these diseases are influenced by factors in early life like an individual's birth weight and their mother's diet and lifestyle during pregnancy. The document suggests that interventions focused only on adult lifestyle may be too late, as metabolic and weight control systems are programmed in early development based on environmental influences like nutrition in the womb and early life. A broader, early life approach is needed to address obesity and chronic disease risks.
El documento discute el papel de las ciudades inteligentes y la gesti¨®n del agua. Explica que una ciudad inteligente implica m¨¢s que tecnolog¨ªa e incluye nuevas formas de gesti¨®n municipal y participaci¨®n ciudadana. Tambi¨¦n describe las etapas del desarrollo de las ciudades inteligentes desde un enfoque inicial en la tecnolog¨ªa hasta un ¨¦nfasis actual en los ciudadanos. Finalmente, resume una conferencia sobre la gesti¨®n del agua en grandes ciudades que enfatiz¨® un enfoque territorial, potenciar la inteligencia de la ciudad
The document outlines the initial planning process for designing a CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) program, including:
1. Determining objectives, choosing between linear and branching program types, and selecting materials.
2. Choosing software, typically run on PCs using Toolbook for its interactive tutorial capabilities.
3. Determining tasks to stimulate student-computer interaction and lead to the objectives.
4. Designing the program structure with information, highlighted materials, and exercises.
5. Principles for design and testing include interactivity, usability, appropriate content, effectiveness, and performance.
April 2011, Quito: Presentation about how ICT systems on different levels (ministry, teacher college, school) could be used and implemented in higher education in Ecuador. Presented at an internal workshop at SENESCYT, the ministry of higher education of Ecuador. Presentation is in Spanish...
The document introduces TVI Express, an international direct selling company offering a travel and earn opportunity. It describes TVI's products including free vacations and flights, discounts on travel deals, and a global business opportunity. Becoming a TVI distributor for $250 provides these travel benefits as well as tools to build a business and earn thousands of dollars weekly by sharing the opportunity with others.
This document summarizes key concepts from a lecture on digital modulation and coding detection theory. It defines the Q-function and shows how it can be used to calculate error probabilities for digital modulation. It then derives upper and lower bounds on error probability (Pe) in terms of the minimum distance (dmin) between constellation points. Finally, it discusses how repeaters can be used to boost signal strength, and shows how the error probability is affected depending on whether the repeaters are regenerative or analog.