Kinetika gasSarwantoSarwanto1Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang tujuan dan materi pelatihan mengenai konsep kinetik gas dan hukum termodinamika untuk memecahkan masalah sehari-hari. Materi pelatihan meliputi pengertian gas ideal dan sejati, hukum Boyle, Charles, Gay-Lussac, dan persamaan yang menggabungkan ketiganya. Juga dibahas teori kinetik gas, usaha gas, prinsip ekuipartisi, dan hukum-hukum termodinamika beserta penerapannya
Kata pengantarsaripahyanisiregarRingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan atas selesainya tugas makalah ini dan berterima kasih kepada dosen pembimbing. Penulis menyadari kekurangan dalam tugas ini dan meminta maaf, serta mengharapkan kritik dan saran untuk perbaikan.
STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN AFEKTIF.docxEvelinaKristianiSima1Strategi pembelajaran afektif, selanjutnya disingkat (SPA) berhubungan dengan nilai (value) perserta didik dengan sikap-sikapnya dalam belajar.
Cara upload format nilai raportAiah FachrieTo upload student report card grades, open the Google Chrome browser and enter the web address for the student data and report card grade server for elementary and middle school. Log in with your username/school code, password, and security code. If login is successful, the school homepage will appear. Click "School" to ensure you are logged into your own school, then click "Upload" and "Add" to browse for the grade file to upload. Drag and drop the file, then click "Upload" in the top right corner to complete the process.
Rancangan penelitian (research design)Krisna Indah Puspitasari1. Rangkuman dokumen menjelaskan beberapa konsep penting dalam merancang penelitian seperti pengertian rancangan penelitian, unsur-unsur rancangan penelitian, jenis-jenis penelitian seperti deskriptif, eksplanasi, prediktif, dan eksperimen.
2. Jenis-jenis rancangan penelitian eksperimen dijelaskan seperti satu kelompok pretest-posttest, rancangan ulang dengan kelompok kontrol, dan
Kitab faidhul khobir (usul tafsir)Himpunan Kitab Turath PDFDokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya mempromosikan keragaman dan inklusi di tempat kerja. Ia menyarankan bahwa perusahaan harus merekrut, mempromosikan, dan mempertahankan pegawai dari berbagai latar belakang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari berbagai perspektif dan ide-ide.
Laporan observasi manajemen sekolah di mts nurul ulum mranggen demakAziz ZindaniMakalah ini membahas tentang manajemen komponen-komponen sekolah yang meliputi manajemen kurikulum, peserta didik, personel, anggaran, husemas, dan layanan khusus. Komponen-komponen tersebut saling berkaitan dan dipengaruhi untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah.
Memahami hakikat ilmu dan ilmu sosialM fazrulRingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemahaman hakikat ilmu dan ilmu sosial, termasuk pengertian, ciri-ciri, dan metode ilmu serta kebenaran ilmu.
2. Ilmu didefinisikan sebagai pengetahuan yang disusun secara sistematis melalui metode tertentu dan dapat diverifikasi, sedangkan ilmu sosial membahas proses-proses sosial manusia.
3. Ada empat dimens
Hasil tes UKG sebagai cermin dari kualitas pendidikan guru di IndonesiaVina SerevinaUji Kompetensi Guru di Indonesia masih menunjukkan hasil yang rendah. Rata-rata nilai UKG nasional periode 2012-2014 adalah 47,8. Pemerintah meluncurkan program Sim Guru Pembelajar untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru, namun pelaksanaannya di daerah terpencil masih menemui hambatan akses internet.
Kode etik -bimbingan-dan-konseling-di-sekolahKandidat guru BK ProfesionalDokumen tersebut membahas tentang bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah, termasuk pengertian, posisi, dan tujuan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah serta kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh guru pembimbing (konselor) sekolah."
Karakteristik dan Pengorganisasian Tulisan AkademikRelawan Jurnal IndonesiaKarakteristik dan Pengorganisasian Tulisan Akademik
Kukuh Andri Aka
AP EAMCET 2013 Engineering Previous Question PaperEneutronThe document repeatedly lists the URL over 50 times. It provides no other text, content, or context. The document appears to solely consist of the repetitive listing of a single website URL 50 times or more.
AP EAMCET 2013 Engineering Question PaperEneutronThe document repeatedly lists the URL over 50 times. It provides no other text, content, or context. The document appears to solely consist of the repetitive listing of the same URL on each line.
STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN AFEKTIF.docxEvelinaKristianiSima1Strategi pembelajaran afektif, selanjutnya disingkat (SPA) berhubungan dengan nilai (value) perserta didik dengan sikap-sikapnya dalam belajar.
Cara upload format nilai raportAiah FachrieTo upload student report card grades, open the Google Chrome browser and enter the web address for the student data and report card grade server for elementary and middle school. Log in with your username/school code, password, and security code. If login is successful, the school homepage will appear. Click "School" to ensure you are logged into your own school, then click "Upload" and "Add" to browse for the grade file to upload. Drag and drop the file, then click "Upload" in the top right corner to complete the process.
Rancangan penelitian (research design)Krisna Indah Puspitasari1. Rangkuman dokumen menjelaskan beberapa konsep penting dalam merancang penelitian seperti pengertian rancangan penelitian, unsur-unsur rancangan penelitian, jenis-jenis penelitian seperti deskriptif, eksplanasi, prediktif, dan eksperimen.
2. Jenis-jenis rancangan penelitian eksperimen dijelaskan seperti satu kelompok pretest-posttest, rancangan ulang dengan kelompok kontrol, dan
Kitab faidhul khobir (usul tafsir)Himpunan Kitab Turath PDFDokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya mempromosikan keragaman dan inklusi di tempat kerja. Ia menyarankan bahwa perusahaan harus merekrut, mempromosikan, dan mempertahankan pegawai dari berbagai latar belakang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari berbagai perspektif dan ide-ide.
Laporan observasi manajemen sekolah di mts nurul ulum mranggen demakAziz ZindaniMakalah ini membahas tentang manajemen komponen-komponen sekolah yang meliputi manajemen kurikulum, peserta didik, personel, anggaran, husemas, dan layanan khusus. Komponen-komponen tersebut saling berkaitan dan dipengaruhi untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah.
Memahami hakikat ilmu dan ilmu sosialM fazrulRingkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemahaman hakikat ilmu dan ilmu sosial, termasuk pengertian, ciri-ciri, dan metode ilmu serta kebenaran ilmu.
2. Ilmu didefinisikan sebagai pengetahuan yang disusun secara sistematis melalui metode tertentu dan dapat diverifikasi, sedangkan ilmu sosial membahas proses-proses sosial manusia.
3. Ada empat dimens
Hasil tes UKG sebagai cermin dari kualitas pendidikan guru di IndonesiaVina SerevinaUji Kompetensi Guru di Indonesia masih menunjukkan hasil yang rendah. Rata-rata nilai UKG nasional periode 2012-2014 adalah 47,8. Pemerintah meluncurkan program Sim Guru Pembelajar untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru, namun pelaksanaannya di daerah terpencil masih menemui hambatan akses internet.
Kode etik -bimbingan-dan-konseling-di-sekolahKandidat guru BK ProfesionalDokumen tersebut membahas tentang bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah, termasuk pengertian, posisi, dan tujuan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah serta kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh guru pembimbing (konselor) sekolah."
Karakteristik dan Pengorganisasian Tulisan AkademikRelawan Jurnal IndonesiaKarakteristik dan Pengorganisasian Tulisan Akademik
Kukuh Andri Aka
AP EAMCET 2013 Engineering Previous Question PaperEneutronThe document repeatedly lists the URL over 50 times. It provides no other text, content, or context. The document appears to solely consist of the repetitive listing of a single website URL 50 times or more.
AP EAMCET 2013 Engineering Question PaperEneutronThe document repeatedly lists the URL over 50 times. It provides no other text, content, or context. The document appears to solely consist of the repetitive listing of the same URL on each line.
arihant-physics-class-12-term-1GurjeetSinghDhillon1The document repeatedly lists the website over 100 times without any other text or context. It can be summarized that the document solely contains the repeated listing of the same website URL numerous times.
জাফর ইকবাল @ সফদব আলীHredoy MeshaThe document repeatedly lists the URL over 100 times without any other text or context. It can be summarized as a document solely containing the repeated listing of a single URL listed over 100 times.
Durgeshnandin i []ItmonaThe document repeatedly lists the URL over 100 times without any other text or context. It can be summarized as a document that solely contains repetitions of the URL listed multiple times.
Who stole me sale - من سرق مبيعاتيAhmed FaresThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other text, images, or meaningful content. The document essentially repeats the same URL over 200 times without any other context or information.
100 amImran Ahmed FarooqThe document contains a long list of repeated URLs for the blog, with no other visible content. It can be summarized as a blog listing many repeated URLs for a single blog site.
Guftagu ka funAdeel RazaThe document repeatedly lists the URL over 100 times without any other context or information. It can be summarized that the document solely contains a listing of the same URL address numerous times.
Bkvalve pipe fitting 2014BKVALVE (Zhejiang Bkvalve Co., Ltd)BKVALVE company specializes in the production of ball valves, butterfly valves, check valves, globe valves and other valves. In the field of valves, company has a rich design and production experience. All products pass through special processing equipment and meets international standards of reliability and safety. The company already has fifteen years of experience, provides customers with design solutions in various areas such as oil, chemical, gas and other fields of industry. One priority advantage of the company bkvalve is the extension of the partnership not only with China, but also with foreign countries.
Address: Dongou industrial park, Wenzhou, Zhejiang
طوق الياسمين . واسينى الاعرجMemo AliThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other text, images, or meaningful content. The document essentially consists of a URL endlessly repeated with no other context or explanation.
الملكة مارجو BahrezBooks - كتب The document contains a single URL - - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other text, images, or meaningful content. The document essentially promotes or references the given URL through extensive repetition without elaboration.
Smart 2-in-1 locksmith tool user manual obdii365OBD365understanding how the Smart 2 in 1 tools interact with the locks when picking and decoding
AppscresasstmtalupuruThe document repeatedly lists the website across multiple lines. It provides no other notable information besides this single website address.
Appscresasst (1)mtalupuruThe document repeatedly lists the website over multiple lines. It provides no other notable information aside from promoting this single website address.
100 نصيحة للنومالسوق الشاملThe document contains over 500 repetitions of the URL It provides no other text or context. In summary, it is a list consisting solely of repeating the same URL over 500 times.
Birch Street Uptown Lounge PresentationbirchstreetuptownloungeThe document contains the URL repeated multiple times without any other text or context. It provides no other essential information beyond the website address.
التفاوض الاحترافيAida AlRammahThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 500 times. It provides no other meaningful information in 3 sentences or less.
Baro sirkrasikulindia The document discusses different types of worship. It begins by praising Avj−vn& ZvÕAvjv for guiding believers to live righteous lives and establishing harmony among various groups through teachings of tolerance and compassion. The author notes that while some see worship strictly as rituals, Avj−vn& ZvÕAvjv's explanations make it clear that true worship involves obeying God's commands and showing devotion to God through one's actions. The document emphasizes treating writings on various religious figures with respect and impartiality when discussing their teachings. It encourages providing constructive feedback and welcoming wisdom from all in order to improve the work.
হিস্ট্ররী বাবরীrasikulindia The document contains information about Islamic teachings and practices. It includes several website URLs and sections on various topics related to Islam such as beliefs, practices, and prohibitions. The writing contains Arabic words and passages from the Quran.
ফিরকা নাজিয়াrasikulindia The document is a notice from an organization providing information about their contact details and address. It mentions the organization's address, phone numbers, and website. It then provides a brief description welcoming people and wishing them success and prosperity.
Legal Differences and Implications Untitled document.pdfzoe lucyAnalyzes how different cryptocurrencies are classified under securities law and the legal implications for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).
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GRAB Market Expansion of Online Transportation Businesses in IndonesiaAJHSSR JournalABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the impact of market expansion carried out by Grab, an online
transportation service provider company from Singapore, on the online transportation business in Indonesia. The
research method used in preparing this thesis is a descriptive method, with data collection techniques in the form
of literature reviews sourced from various literature such as books, journals, articles, official internet sites, news
portals, and reports related to this research. The results of this research show that the market expansion activities
carried out by Grab in Indonesia have had an impact, namely the enactment of the latest regulations and laws
regarding online transportation business operations in Indonesia. Apart from that, the presence of Grab in
Indonesia also revives competition in the online transportation business in Indonesia in the initial process of its
development, several experts believed the science of International Relations covered all relations between
countries, was very dynamic and developed in accordance with the conditions of the natural environment and the
conditions of the human social environment. In Schwarzenbeger's opinion, International Relations is the subject
of sociology which studies international society. In this way, the science of International Relations in a general
sense does not only cover politics, but also includes other elements such as social, economic, cultural, defense
and security, tourism, and cultural exchange. (Perwita & Yani, 2005). The dynamic scope of International
Relations science and the increasing development of the times have finally given rise to other elements of
International Relation’s science. One of them is the element of international trade which is part of the economic
element of the science of International Relations. Barro (2003) explains that economic growth is closely related
to the openness of a country's economy, where international trade will have a positive and significant impact on
economic growth. Therefore, almost every country has carried out international trade activities. The driving
factors why countries carry out activities are differences in natural resources, differences in production factors,
different economic conditions, not all countries can produce certain goods, the existence of a profit motive in
trade, and competition between nations.
Keywords: GRAB, Online Transportation, Business Service, E-commerce, Indonesia
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Amplifying Black Voices: The Power of Social Media Listening & Inclusive Mark...Jasper ColinAs Black History Month 2025 wraps up, social media has only scratched the surface of how different generations engage with Black culture, history, and representation.
Boost Your Local Rankings with a Comprehensive Local SEO AuditOutreach Digital MarketingA comprehensive Local SEO Audit evaluates your online presence to identify strengths and weaknesses, ensuring your business is easily discoverable by local customers. Key elements include auditing your Google Business Profile, checking NAP consistency, optimizing on-page SEO for local pages, conducting local keyword research, performing a technical SEO audit, assessing content relevance, reviewing social media engagement, analyzing local traffic metrics, auditing local citations, and evaluating backlinks for local authority.
Carnival Across The Globe: Social Media InsightsUNICEPTAUNICEPTA analyzed the public discourse on social media throughout the year regarding various Carnival festivities across the globe. Which carnival generates the most engagement on social media? Which countries are in the focus of the public?
Carnival captivates millions worldwide, but which festivities spark the most engagement on social media? UNICEPTA analyzed global public discourse throughout the year to uncover which Carnival celebrations generate the highest buzz online. From Rio to Cologne, from Mardi Gras to Barranquilla - our data-driven insights reveal which countries dominate the conversation and how regional traditions shape engagement. Discover the key trends, cultural significance, and social media impact of the world’s most celebrated Carnivals.
The Relationship Between Stressful Environment and Academic Performance Among...AJHSSR JournalABSTRACT : This study aimed to deduce the academic performance of the University of Mindanao Criminology
students and its relationship with stressful environments and mediated by their psychological well-being. The
stratified simple random sampling technique selected 300 Criminology students as respondents. The study utilized
an adapted questionnaire to gather the needed data. The study used Mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation,
Medgraph using Sobel z-test, and path analysis to analyze the collected data. The study disclosed that the
Criminology students' psychological well-being and academic performance are high. On the other hand, the
stressful environment they experienced was rated moderately. A significant correlation was observed between the
stressful environment and the academic performance of Criminology. Furthermore, there is a significant
correlation between the stressful environment and the psychological well-being of Criminology students and the
psychological well-being and academic performance of the Criminology students. The mediation test revealed
that psychological well-being fully mediated the relationship between the stressful environment the Criminology
students experience and their academic performance.
KEYWORDS - stressful environment, academic performance, psychological wellbeing, mediation.